Daily Archives: July 18, 2022

2022-07-18: News Headlines

____ (2022-07-18). 8 killed in Ukraine cargo plane crash. ecns.cn The An-12, a Soviet-built turboprop aircraft operated by the Ukrainian cargo carrier Meridian, crashed late Saturday. All eight bodies were found and are being recovered.

Paul Haeder (2022-07-18). Imagination: Finding the End of the World as Capitalists Know It! dissidentvoice.org It's truly amazing that the capitalists see the end of the world — human species, I suppose — way before they can imagine the end of capitalism. You know, that perfect system of slavery then, slavery now, and even more draconian slavery for the future. That sort is not based on whips, 15 hours a …

Staff (2022-07-17). Ukrainian plane carrying 'dangerous' cargo crashes in Greece. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 17 (MNA) — A cargo plane with eight people on board crashed near the city of Kavala in northern Greece late on Saturday, the fire brigade and state TV said.

_____ (2022-07-17). Energy: The Recession Trigger? popularresistance.org There is confusion among mainstream economists and policy-makers on whether the major economies are heading for a recession, or are already in a recession; or will avoid one altogether. The majority view, at least in the US, is the latter. This optimistic view argues that, while inflation rates are high, they will start to fall over the next year, enabling the Federal Reserve to avoid hiking its policy interest rates too much to the point where it could restrict investment and spending. At the same time, the US unemployment rate is very low and the 'labour market' remains strong. Such a scenario hardly suggests a…

Editor (2022-07-17). Heat waves tied to Big Energy capitalism. mronline.org The population of the world is enduring crises from climate change that, until recently, climatologists thought may only happen decades from now.

Dean Baker (2022-07-17). The Washington Post Says the Economy Is Terrible: Multiple Job Holders Edition. cepr.net In yet another episode in the Washington Post's efforts to tell readers the economy is horrible, in spite of unemployment being near a half century low, the paper told us about the problem of multiple job holders. It headlined a piece on multiple job holders: "Workers are picking up multiple jobs just to pay for …

Fight Back (2022-07-17). Red Theory: The historic emergence of capitalism. fightbacknews.org Despite what bourgeois economists, the priests of property and profit, would have us believe, capitalism isn't the eternal way of things. It had a beginning, and it will have an end. As we begin our discussion of political economy, let's draw upon historical materialism to examine how capitalism arose. | Capitalism didn't arise out of nowhere, and it wasn't born from the minds of Adam Smith or David Ricardo. It emerged historically and materially from the womb of feudalism, and like any mode of production is limited and conditioned by what came before it. There are several phases in its history, from agrarian to…

_____ (2022-07-17). Ghost Stories Of Capitalism: Watching The Shutters Of Austerity Close. popularresistance.org By the end of the 1970s,U.S. capitalism entered its neoliberal phase where austerity and privatization reigned supreme. Federal agencies such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) were reduced to near non-existence. Welfare was eradicated all together in 1996 and tens of thousands of public housing units were demolished or privatized under the Bill Clinton administration. CAP agencies either shut their doors permanently or offered only the services that were supported by a mixture of private philanthropy and meagre government subsidy. It was out of this environment that Tri-CAP formed to addres…

_____ (2022-07-17). Biden The Warmonger Gets Played By The Saudis. popularresistance.org Jeddah, Saudi Arabia — On the second day of his trip to Saudi Arabia, President Joe Biden met with the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)—Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates—along with Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq to discuss security issues, but particularly to push for a united front against Iran. Biden has spent much of his trip to the Middle East reinforcing the regional policies of his predecessor, Donald Trump, rather than implementing the policies on which he campaigned for president. And he is rightly taking heat for his meetings yesterday with S…

Lucia Bisceglia, Pirous Fateh-Moghadam (2022-07-16). [Correspondence] The prohibition of nuclear weapons: a public health priority. thelancet.com The ongoing conflict in Ukraine confirms how wars and armed conflicts are a serious threat to public health and environmental integrity. The crisis has made clear that nuclear war is closer than ever.

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