Monthly Archives: August 2022

2022-08-21: News Headlines

Gem Romuld (2022-08-21). Anti-nuclear weapons activist: 'Reject the deadly logic of nuclear deterrence'. What happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is why the vast majority of sensible people totally abhor nuclear weapons and want to see every last one decommissioned and dismantled, Gem Romuld told the Sydney Hiroshima Day rally.

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2022-08-21). Sunday 8/21: Stop the Trigger Laws!: March and Rally to Defend Abortion Rights. San José City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street | San José, CA 95113…

WSWS (2022-08-20). US approves further attacks on Crimea, provides $775 million in weapons for Ukrainian offensive. It has become increasingly clear that the attacks on Russian military bases in Crimea are part of a beginning counter-offensive by the Ukrainian military that has been prepared and funded through massive weapons deliveries by the NATO powers, first and foremost by the United States.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-20). Russian Ops in Ukraine Update (Aug. 20, 2022): US Sends Drones, Howitzers but Not Enough. Update on Russian special military operations in Ukraine for August 20, 2022: 1. Russian forces continue incremental advances in the Donbass; 2. Ukraine's Kherson offensive remains stalled; 3. The US is supplying Ukraine with additional HIMARS ammunition but not additional launchers; 4. The US is also sending smaller caliber (105mm) and thus shorter-range howitzers in…

TeleSUR (2022-08-20). Russia: US Pushing Ukraine to False Flag Nuclear Provocation. The embassy of Russia in the United States denounced that Washington, with its "irresponsible" rhetoric, is pushing Ukraine to perpetrate "crimes" that threaten to unleash a catastrophe at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. | RELATED: | "Kiev's military continues to launch systematic attacks against the plant, using multiple rocket launchers, artillery and drones, all with the collusion of Washington, which could c…

Anonymous669 (2022-08-20). Germany To Supply Kiev Forces With Laser-Guided Rockets, Long-Range Artillery Projectiles. On August 19, Germany announced a new military aid package to Ukraine, including guided rockets and long-range artillery projectiles. | Germany opposed providing Ukraine with lethal aid in the past. Nevertheless, after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, Germany rose to became one of the top military backers of Kiev forces. In spite of this, Berlin faced some serious criticism in the last few weeks for not shipping enough weapons to Ukraine. | In a statement, the Germ…

The Lancet (2022-08-20). [Editorial] An age of uncertainty: mental health in young people. Young people face a world with multiple crises and much uncertainty. A person born in 2006 will have gone through the great recession and the subsequent austerity measures, a pandemic with disrupted schooling and social isolation, a cost-of-living crisis, war in Europe, and a world coming to terms with the magnitude of climate change. There have been many tumultuous times in history, but evidence on the mental wellbeing of young people during those periods is scant. How should we think about the mental health of young people during an age of such uncertainty?

Anonymous103 (2022-08-20). Military Situation In Yemen On August 20, 2022 (Map Update). The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 113 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours; | On August 20, Amaliqa forces attacked positions of the Islah Party near Ayaz and Alam base; | Tariq Salam, governor of Aden in Yemen's rescue government announced that Sana'a has achieved a great political victory, which will have repercussions in the entire Yemen scene in the next stages; | On August 18, the UAE drones s…

Ernst Wolff (2022-08-20). Uncovering the Corona Narrative: Was Everything Carefully Planned? Analysis by Ernst Wolff. ‚Å£‚Å£Superb explanation of one big reason the world went corona psychotic. Lecture by Ernst Wolff, renowned German economist and journalist. His focus is the on the global financial and monetary system, especially the role of the IMF, the World Bank, …

Ernst Wolff (2022-08-20). Uncovering the Corona Narrative: Was Everything Carefully Planned? Analysis by Ernst Wolff. ‚Å£‚Å£Superb explanation of one big reason the world went corona psychotic. Lecture by Ernst Wolff, renowned German economist and journalist. His focus is the on the global financial and monetary system, especially the role of the IMF, the World Bank, …

Staff (2022-08-20). Puentes de Amor Prepares New Donation for Cuban Hospitals. Puentes de Amor and other organizations such as Codepink to fight against the iron economic blockade imposed by Washington on Cuban families. | Puentes de Amor collected thousand dollars to deliver a new load of necessary items for those affected by the great fire in fuel depots in the western Cuban province of Matanzas. Aug. 20, 2022.

____ (2022-08-20). 16 killed in massive road accident in Turkey's Gaziantep. TEHRAN, Aug. 20 (MNA) — A crash involving several large vehicles in the southern Turkish region of Gaziantep on Saturday left 16 people killed, Governor Davut Gul said.

F. William Engdahl (2022-08-20). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Ken Bank (2022-08-19). A National Infrastructure Bank could be the answer to both inflation and recession. With the economy in recession and inflation soaring, it's becoming more likely that the country is going to experience a very long and agonizing period of stagflation, with prices continuing to go up while unemployment increases as well, putting millions of Americans out of work with no means of support to pay for very basic, …

1661-11-17 09:55 | 11:55 EST | jz | 16 | 1 | 11 | 2 | 0 

2022-08-20: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2022-08-20). As US Announces New $800M Ukraine Arms Package, Here's The Total List Since War's Start. Originally published by ZeroHedge In a Thursday CNN interview Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Zagorodnyuk described a stalemated battlefield situation with Russia,…

Anonymous103 (2022-08-20). As US Announces New $800M Ukraine Arms Package, Here's The Total List Since War's Start. Originally published by ZeroHedge In a Thursday CNN interview Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Zagorodnyuk described a stalemated battlefield situation with Russia,…

WSWS (2022-08-20). US approves further attacks on Crimea, provides $775 million in weapons for Ukrainian offensive. It has become increasingly clear that the attacks on Russian military bases in Crimea are part of a beginning counter-offensive by the Ukrainian military that has been prepared and funded through massive weapons deliveries by the NATO powers, first and foremost by the United States.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-20). Germany To Supply Kiev Forces With Laser-Guided Rockets, Long-Range Artillery Projectiles. On August 19, Germany announced a new military aid package to Ukraine, including guided rockets and long-range artillery projectiles. | Germany opposed providing Ukraine with lethal aid in the past. Nevertheless, after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, Germany rose to became one of the top military backers of Kiev forces. In spite of this, Berlin faced some serious criticism in the last few weeks for not shipping enough weapons to Ukraine. | In a statement, the Germ…

The Lancet (2022-08-20). [Editorial] An age of uncertainty: mental health in young people. Young people face a world with multiple crises and much uncertainty. A person born in 2006 will have gone through the great recession and the subsequent austerity measures, a pandemic with disrupted schooling and social isolation, a cost-of-living crisis, war in Europe, and a world coming to terms with the magnitude of climate change. There have been many tumultuous times in history, but evidence on the mental wellbeing of young people during those periods is scant. How should we think about the mental health of young people during an age of such uncertainty?

Anonymous103 (2022-08-20). Military Situation In Yemen On August 20, 2022 (Map Update). The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 113 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours; | On August 20, Amaliqa forces attacked positions of the Islah Party near Ayaz and Alam base; | Tariq Salam, governor of Aden in Yemen's rescue government announced that Sana'a has achieved a great political victory, which will have repercussions in the entire Yemen scene in the next stages; | On August 18, the UAE drones s…

Ernst Wolff (2022-08-20). Uncovering the Corona Narrative: Was Everything Carefully Planned? Analysis by Ernst Wolff. ‚Å£‚Å£Superb explanation of one big reason the world went corona psychotic. Lecture by Ernst Wolff, renowned German economist and journalist. His focus is the on the global financial and monetary system, especially the role of the IMF, the World Bank, …

Ernst Wolff (2022-08-20). Uncovering the Corona Narrative: Was Everything Carefully Planned? Analysis by Ernst Wolff. ‚Å£‚Å£Superb explanation of one big reason the world went corona psychotic. Lecture by Ernst Wolff, renowned German economist and journalist. His focus is the on the global financial and monetary system, especially the role of the IMF, the World Bank, …

F. William Engdahl (2022-08-20). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

F. William Engdahl (2022-08-20). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2022-08-20). Sunday 8/21: Stop the Trigger Laws!: March and Rally to Defend Abortion Rights. San José City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street | San José, CA 95113…

____ (2022-08-20). 16 killed in massive road accident in Turkey's Gaziantep. TEHRAN, Aug. 20 (MNA) — A crash involving several large vehicles in the southern Turkish region of Gaziantep on Saturday left 16 people killed, Governor Davut Gul said.

Kyle Anzalone (2022-08-19). Pentagon Announces New $775 Million Weapons Package for Ukraine. On Friday, the Department of Defense told reporters that President Joe Biden approved a new $775 million round of security assistance for Ukraine. While announcing the eighteenth weapons package in the past six months, a senior defense said the US had adopted a tradition of giving Kiev "what they need, when they need it."For the …

Ken Bank (2022-08-19). A National Infrastructure Bank could be the answer to both inflation and recession. With the economy in recession and inflation soaring, it's becoming more likely that the country is going to experience a very long and agonizing period of stagflation, with prices continuing to go up while unemployment increases as well, putting millions of Americans out of work with no means of support to pay for very basic, …

WSWS (2022-08-19). Sri Lankan government detains hundreds fleeing overseas amid economic crisis. Severe shortages of essentials and rising unemployment is compelling more and more Sri Lankans to flee to India and Australia.

Anonymous103 (2022-08-19). Powerful New Evidence that U.S. Is A Dictatorship. Written by Because the U.S. Government flaunts itself as being a democracy instead of a dictatorship and it coups and invades and overthrows and replaces ("regime changes") Governments that it declares to be dictatorships instead of democracies (the "New Cold War" isn't about "capitalism versus communism," but about "democracy versus dictatorship"), a crucial q…

Staff (2022-08-19). France rejects Mali's allegations it sent weapons and intelli. TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (MNA) — France has condemned what it describes as "obviously unfounded accusations" made by Malian foreign minister Abdelaye Diop, in a letter sent to the United Nations Security Council.

Staff (2022-08-19). France rejects Mali allegations it sent weapons to terrorists. TEHRAN, Aug. 19 (MNA) — France has condemned what it describes as "obviously unfounded accusations" made by Malian foreign minister Abdelaye Diop, in a letter sent to the United Nations Security Council.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-08-19). Consumer Health: Teens and depression — a back-to-school concern. With many teens heading back to school, peer pressure and academic expectations are once again a reality. These added pressures can cause ups and downs during what can be an already tumultuous time of life. For some teens, though, the lows are more than just temporary feelings. They're symptoms of depression. Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Teen depression is a…

_____ (2022-08-18). Indigenous-Led Solutions Essential To Reversing Plastic Pollution. Plastic pollution is an international problem, as trillions of pieces of plastic have made their way into the ocean from commercial and household waste, blown from landfills and trash cans into sewers and rivers and out to sea. Marine animals can ingest and become entangled in ocean plastic, leading to sickness, starvation and death. Plastic leaches toxic chemicals and doesn't biodegrade naturally in the environment. | An inordinate amount of plastic waste has been dumped in the Pacific Islands (Te Moananui) in what is referred to as waste colonization or waste colonialism — where a disproportionate amount…

2022-08-21 00:54 | 18:54 EST | tr | 22 | 1 | 7 | 12 | 0