Monthly Archives: August 2021

2021-08-25: News Headlines

_____ (2021-08-25). CODEPINK Urges PBS To Stop Censoring The Truth About China. CODEPINK's letter, with nearly 4,000 signatures, calls on PBS to stop censoring Peter Getzels' and Dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn's documentary film Voices from the Frontlines: China's War on Poverty. The letter addresses how PBS is depriving its viewers of opportunities for learning about collective harmony and equality by censoring this documentary and its insight into China's life-saving policies, which took 100 million citizens out of poverty, at a time when poverty, food insecurity, and houselessness are all at record levels in the United States.

Staff (2021-08-25). Medea Benjamin: Afghanistan War Is "Cash Cow" for Pentagon. Biden Must End "Delusional" China Rivalry. We look at the situation in Afghanistan, and pressure on Biden to stay longer, with CodePink co-founder Medea Benjamin, who for years has called for an end to the longest war in U.S. history. "We didn't want it to end like this, and there should have been better planning in terms of getting people out of the country, but we were very clear we never wanted the U.S. to go in to begin with," says Benjamin. She also warns the end of the War in Afghanistan will encourage the Biden administration to pour more money and resources into a rivalry with China. "It is a delusional idea that we should be focusing on China as…

_____ (2021-08-24). The Dirty Dozen Central Banks Are Still Fuelling Climate Chaos as the World Burns. Media outlets are proving once again that Afghan women's rights are only of interest to them when they can be used to prop up imperialism and the military industrial complex.

Staff (2021-08-24). Don't Just "Close" Prisons — Demolish Them and Reinvest Their Funding. As the movement to defund the police and prison has continued to gain steam, more are embracing a key decarceration strategy: closing down prisons and jails. Struggles for prison closures have always been an important organizing tactic for those of us working against the prison-industrial complex. Unfortunately, some state governments have attempted to co-opt the rhetoric of prison closure without truly putting it into practice. | California Gov. Gavin Newsom's Legislative Analyst's Office has announced…

_____ (2021-08-24). America's Merchants of Death: Then and Now. Few defense giants these days come anywhere close to that 100-times ratio. At Raytheon, for instance, the chief exec last year pulled down 193 times the pay of the company's most typical worker — and that relatively "modest" gap, by U.S. corporate standards, came only after the Raytheon CEO took a temporary Covid-time pay haircut!

Anonymous103 (2021-08-24). QUAD Exercises To Focus On How To Destroy Sea Cables Worth Trillions To Global Economy. Illustrative ImageThe white paper urged QUAD members to "challenge China's growth" in maritime cable networks. | Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst | On Monday, a report by a Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) task force suggested that during the annual Malabar training off the U.S.-controlled island complex of Guam in the Pacific Ocean, "attacks on submarines cables as part of naval exercises" should be carried out. Fiber optic undersea cables are the backbone of…

Anonymous103 (2021-08-24). Israeli Air Strikes Hit Hamas Facilities In Gaza. Click to see full-size image | The Israel Defense Forces carried out airstrikes on targets in the Gaza Strip late at night on August 23. The attack was a response to the launching of arson balloons that set off fires in Israeli border region. | According to the IDF report, the strikes hit a Hamas weapons factory in the southern town of Khan Younis, the entrance to a terror tunnel in Jabaliya and an underground rocket launcher that was located near a school in the Shejaiya region. | No casualties were reported, but the strik…

jz 2021-08-26 00:27 | 20:27 EST | 7 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 0

2021-08-24: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2021-08-24). Israeli Air Strikes Hit Hamas Facilities In Gaza. Click to see full-size image | The Israel Defense Forces carried out airstrikes on targets in the Gaza Strip late at night on August 23. The attack was a response to the launching of arson balloons that set off fires in Israeli border region. | According to the IDF report, the strikes hit a Hamas weapons factory in the southern town of Khan Younis, the entrance to a terror tunnel in Jabaliya and an underground rocket launcher that was located near a school in the Shejaiya region. | No casualties were reported, but the strik…

_____ (2021-08-23). Despite Trillions Spent, the US Military Hasn't Won a Real War Since 1945. Putting a price on emissions and sending the proceeds to the public is a sound environmental and economic strategy.

jz 2021-08-25 02:47 | 22:47 EST | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0