2021-06-15: News Headlines

Staff (2021-06-15). Headlines for June 15, 2021. democracynow.org China Blasts "Cold War Mentality" as Biden Pushes NATO to Declare China a Security Risk, WHO Says G7 Vaccine Pledge Falls Far Short of What's Needed to End Pandemic, COVID-19 Surges in Unvaccinated African Nations; Chile Locks Down Santiago Despite Vaccinations, Brazilian Indigenous Leaders March Against Copa América, Demanding Vaccines, Not Soccer Matches, U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Top 600,000, the Worst Toll in the World, NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner Released from Prison, Sen. Mitch McConnell Suggests Republicans Won't Confirm Biden SCOTUS Nominees After 2022 Election, Boeing to Resume Campaign Contributions to…

Anonymous007 (2021-06-15). Russia To Present A Borey-class Nuclear Submarine At The Army-2021 Forum. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russia's ARMY-2021 exhibition will be held between August 22 and 28th this year. | In the area of responsibility of the troops and forces in the north-east of Russia, the events of the Forum will be the largest for the entire time of the IMTF. Exhibitions of weapons and military equipment are planned to be held in the period from August 22 to 28 at 9 exhibition sites, which will be deployed in 4 localities of the far eastern Federal District in the…

KPFA Saturday Evening News (2021-06-15). Ethiopian Officials Check Aid Convoys to Make Sure They Carry Food, not Weapons. indybay.org I produced this news report for Pacifica/KPFA Radio's Saturday Evening Newscast on June 12, 2021. The attached audio file is 3 minutes and 31 seconds long.

Kamal Iranidoost (2021-06-14). Yemeni army attacks Saudi Abha airport with drones. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 14 (MNA) — The Yemeni army used the Qasef K2 drones to target Abha International Airport in Saudi Arabia, according to the spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces on Monday.

ŸÖÿ±ÿ∂€åŸá ÿ±ÿ≠ŸÖÿߟ܀å (2021-06-14). US military base near Baghdad airport hit by drones: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jun. 14 (MNA) — The US 'Victory' base near Baghdad International Airport was targeted by drones this morning, Iraqi sources reported.

Chris Cole (2021-06-14). British MoD Report: Embrace of "Human Augmentation" to Fully Exploit Drones and A.I. for Warfighting. globalresearch.ca The MoD's internal …

Anonymous007 (2021-06-14). Number Of Nuclear Warheads Went Down, As 'Combat Ready' Nuclear Arsenal Grew In 2021. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The global nuclear arsenal grew in 2021, despite the overall number of nuclear warheads going down, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) The nine nuclear-armed states—the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)—together possessed an estimated 13,080 nuclear weapons at…

Noam Chomsky (2021-06-14). The Elites Are Fighting a Vicious Class War All the Time. zcomm.org Interview on why working-class politics can secure universal health care, climate justice, and an end to nuclear weapons — if we're willing to fight for them…

WSWS (2021-06-14). G7 summit issues threats against China and Russia. wsws.org While spending trillions on their armed forces, the world's wealthiest countries refused to do anything to seriously combat the pandemic, which is claiming millions of lives.

_____ (2021-06-14). What We Know About Bombs Being Dropped In Our Name. popularresistance.org At some point before the summer of 2018, an arms deal from the US to Saudi Arabia was sealed and delivered. A 227kg laser-guided bomb made by Lockheed Martin, one of many thousands, was part of that sale. On August 9th, 2018 one of those Lockheed Martin bombs was dropped on a school bus full of Yemeni children. They were on their way to a field trip when their lives came to a sudden end. Amidst shock and grief, their loved ones would learn that Lockheed Martin was responsible for creating the bomb that murdered their children. | What they might not know is that the United States government (the President and the…

Editor2 (2021-06-14). Pentagon Gives Ukraine New Military Aid Package Worth $150 Million. orinocotribune.com While crying wolf about Iranian vessels allegedly supplying Venezuela with weapons, the US military continues to send weapon packages to Ukraine, exacerbating a conflict in the autonomous regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, and increasing regional tensions. | The United States is providing Ukraine with another $150 million package of military aid which includes counter-artillery radars and counter-unmanned aerial systems, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Friday. | "Today, the [Defense] Department is announcing a new $150 million package as part of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative to help U…

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