2021-03-24: News Headlines

Laurent Ross (2021-03-24). Where do capitalists come from? peoplesworld.org Where do capitalists come from? How did we get from medieval feudalism with its kings and queens, knights and ladies, and poor exploited peasantry to the economic system that now dominates most of today's world: capitalism? Ancient humans barely got by day to day. Everything the typical man and woman did during the day was …

_____ (2021-03-24). Washington's Delusion Of Endless World Dominion. popularresistance.org Empires live and die by their illusions. Visions of empowerment can inspire nations to scale the heights of global hegemony. Similarly, however, illusions of omnipotence can send fading empires crashing into oblivion. So it was with Great Britain in the 1950s and so it may be with the United States today. | By 1956, Britain had exploited its global empire shamelessly for a decade in an effort to lift its domestic economy out of the rubble of World War II. It was looking forward to doing so for many decades to come. Then an obscure Egyptian army colonel named Gamal Abdel Nasser seized the Suez Canal and Britain's…

Todd Miller (2021-03-24). The Greater the Disaster, the Greater the Profits. zcomm.org The Border-Industrial Complex in…

Staff (2021-03-24). How the NRA's Radical Anti-Gun-Control Ideology Became GOP Dogma & Still Warps Debate. democracynow.org The massacre in a Boulder grocery store came just after a Colorado judge ruled in favor of the National Rifle Association's challenge to the city's ban on assault weapons, which was passed in 2018 after this type of weapon was used in the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. Despite increasingly regular mass shootings, the NRA has pushed for expanded gun rights since the 1970s and insisted that more guns, not fewer, would prevent gun deaths. "The NRA's ideology is something that they've convinced the overwhelming majority of elected officials in the GOP, especially on the national level, to believe," says investig…