2020-01-20: News Headlines

Aaron Maté (2020-01-19). Ex-UN weapons inspector: Biden's Iraq war vote excuse a 'bald-faced lie'. thegrayzone.com Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter dismantles Joe Biden's explanation for his Iraq war vote and recounts Biden's long record…

Staff (2020-01-19). Today's US-Iran Crisis Is Rooted in the Decision to Invade Iraq. truthout.org The ramifications of the illegal, unnecessary and predictably tragic U.S. decision to invade Iraq are still with us. This includes the ongoing crisis with Iran, which brought us perilously close to all-out war in early January, resulted in the tragic downing of a civilian airliner and remains in a hair-trigger situation. | Those of us who opposed the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq raised questions regarding the Bush administration's false alarmist claims about Iraqi weapons, weapons programs and weapons system…

RT (2020-01-18). 'I thought it was a terrorist attack': California teachers sue Delta after plane showers school children with jet fuel. rt.com Four southern California teachers have filed a lawsuit against Delta Airlines after a Boeing 777 jettisoned its fuel over several schools near Los Angeles, drenching staff and scores of children with the volatile liquid. | Filed on Friday by attorney Gloria Allred, the suit alleges that the crew of Delta Flight 89 was negligent in dumping the fuel when and where it did, arguing the toxic substance led teachers and students to become "sick, dizzy and nauseated," producing "a lasting and severe irritation and a lasting and noxious taste and smell." | "A Delta Airlines pilot flying at a relatively low altitude an…

Tom Anderson (2020-01-18). A British woman explains why she intended to cut the Gaza fence. thecanary.co This week Julia Lister, a British Palestine solidarity activist, was arrested with a group who were on their way to the Israeli fence separating the Palestinians of Gaza from Israel. | Gaza is surrounded by a fence on three sides. Israeli snipers shoot at any Palestinian who dares to go near it. Israeli drones and F-16s patrol the skies and military…

Stephen Lendman (2020-01-18). Nuclear Weapons: Trump Regime Pressured E3 Countries (UK, France, Germany) to Trigger JCPOA Dispute Mechanism. globalresearch.ca Post-WW II, Washington transformed Western European countries into virtual US colonies — their presence status. | Judge them by their actions. Time and again, they subordinate their sovereign rights to US interests, even when harming their own. | It shows by imposing …

Eds. (2020-01-17). The climate-migration-industrial complex. mronline.org Thirty years ago there were fifteen border walls around the world. Now there are seventy walls and over one billion national and international migrants. International migrants alone may even double in the next forty years due to global warming. | Source

RT (2020-01-16). 'Negative': Audio suggests Delta flight crew told controls it WOULDN'T NEED to dump fuel before dousing school kids outside LA. rt.com The crew of a Boeing 777 that showered schools outside Los Angeles with jet fuel on Tuesday apparently told controllers they were not going to release the toxic liquid right before they did so, newly released audio suggests. | The plot has thickened in the highly unusual mishap, which saw Delta Airlines Flight 89 dump thousands of gallons of volatile jet fuel on unsuspecting students and staff in five elementary schools and one high school outside Los Angeles on Tuesday. | An audio recording of communications between the LAX airport control tower and the pilots of the Delta flight reveals that air traffic cont…

RT (2020-01-15). Toxic chemicals stole 160 million IQ points from American kids and it's costing the US trillions of dollars – study. rt.com Shocking new research indicates that not only do pesticides and flame retardants cause unprecedented levels of irreversible childhood brain damage, but the knock-on effects have cost the US economy trillions of dollars. | The latest research from New York University indicates that polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were the greatest contributor to IQ loss and intellectual disability among American children, resulting in a total of 162 million IQ points lost and over 738,000 cases of intellectual disability. | Many children were likely exposed in utero — though many household objects are known to conta…

Whitney Webb (2020-01-14). How an Israeli Spy-Linked Tech Firm Gained Access to the US Gov't's Most Classified Networks. mintpressnews.com Through its main investors, SoftBank and Lockheed Martin, Cybereason not only has ties to the Trump administration but has its software running on some of the U.S. government's most classified and secretive networks.

Staff (2020-01-13). Democratic Debate: Will Progressives Highlight the Cost of War? therealnews.com Senators Sanders and Warren could have their best opportunity yet to argue that if the U.S. has trillions to pay for war abroad, it can invest in healthcare, education, and infrastructure at home.

Aaron Maté (2020-01-13). Ex-Bush official: OPCW's Syria cover-up recalls Iraq war lies. thegrayzone.com Former Bush administration official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson says that reports of US pressure on the OPCW's Syria chemical weapons investigation…

Ryan Cristián (2020-01-11). Pompeo Admits No "Imminent Threat," Boeing Emails Reveal 737 Issues & 60 Afghans Killed By US Drone. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/10/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

ANSWER (2020-01-01). Sat. Jan. 4 National Day of Action U.S. Troops Out of Iraq! liberationnews.org Initiators for this call include the ANSWER Coalition, CODEPINK, Popular Resistance, World Beyond War and many other anti-war and peace organizations.

Ryan Cristián (2019-12-27). Israel Bombs Gaza For Xmas, Israel Threatens To Attack All Helping Iran & Saudis Bomb Yemen Market. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/26/19). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth …

Lawrence Wittner (2019-12-22). Americans Are Ready for a Different Approach to Nuclear Weapons. zcomm.org Although today's public protests against nuclear weapons can't compare to the major antinuclear upheavals of past decades, there are clear indications that most Americans reject the Trump administration's nuclear weapons policies. Since entering office in 2017, the Trump administration has withdrawn the United States from the nuclear agreement with Iran, scrapped the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Read more…

Jon Rainwater (2019-11-07). Take Action — Some actual, SANE legislation. peaceaction.org Trump has plans to spend nearly $2 TRILLION over the next 30 years on unneeded and unnecessary nuclear weapons and delivery systems. This makes no sense. This is insane. That's nearly $100 million wasted every day for thirty years on weapons we are supposed to be getting rid of. To put that amount in perspective, …