(2025-01-16). PDF of January 16 print issue. workers.org Download the PDF LA fires showDisaster response in U.S. collapsed Dr. King's legacy & recent strikes Philly Chinatown wins arena battle Capitalism's housing crisis On the picket line Global warming inferno Musk boosts bigots worldwide Galápagos — Pentagon base? Editorials: Real solidarity with Los Angeles Trump puts profits first Tear . . . |
(2025-01-16). The Power of Place in Understanding—and Reframing—Digital Capitalism. counterpunch.org The Internet, digital technologies, and the informational ecosystems they create are too often understood in abstract, immaterial, and (particularly) aspatial terms. While this mythology is not as prevalent as it once was, terms like "the cloud," "cyberspace," and even "ethernet" underscore a sense that our digital communications, interactions, and exchanges take place "somewhere else" —somewhere
(2025-01-16). Los Angeles fires destroy the archive of 20th century composer Arnold Schoenberg. wsws.org The disasters produced by capitalism are threatening all of human culture.
(2025-01-16). Eyewitness video shows moment of plane crash in Kazakhstan. presstv.ir A passenger plane flying from Azerbaijan to Russia crashed near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan.
(2025-01-16). Unemployment a reality for millions of people, ILO warns. plenglish.com United Nations, Jan 16 (Prensa Latina) Some 402 million people remain unemployed in the world despite wanting to work, and the participation of the active population in the labor market is tending to decrease, the International Labor Organization (ILO) revealed today.
(2025-01-16). 'Russians in Kherson train on civilians': Deadly drones stalk south Ukraine. aljazeera.com Residents and officials accuse Russians of 'human safaris' with fatal effects in a city they once occupied.
(2025-01-15). Eyewitness video shows moment of plane crash in Kazakhstan. presstv.ir A passenger plane flying from Azerbaijan to Russia crashed near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan.
(2025-01-15). Yemen's Winged Missiles, Drones Strike US Aircraft Carrier in Red Sea. english.almanar.com.lb The missile force and the UAVs air force of the Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of Allah Almighty, carried out a joint military operation targeting the American aircraft carrier "USS Harry S. Truman" and a number of its warships in the northern Red Sea with a number of winged missiles and drones, according to …
(2025-01-15). They All Are Lord of the Flies Children at Heart. dissidentvoice.org forty hard years of lobotomizing, dumbdowning, infantilizing, and deploying this multilayered PSYOPS of direct and covert operations have been brought to us, partially, by the Edward Bernays of the World … now we are here: Fear and Loathing in Our Delusional and Self-Incriminating Selves! (Haeder, May 28, 2023) Trillions for Ukraine. Christ, this is 2019, …
(2025-01-15). North Korea Has Survived 75 Years of Barbaric Imperial Attack Under the Stewardship of the Much Maligned Kim Dynasty. covertactionmagazine.com Development of nuclear weapons has enabled North Korea to avoid the fate of Libya, Syria and Iraq Over the last 75 years, North Korea has been invaded and bombed back to the stone age by the United States, subjected to unprecedented economic warfare, vilified in the international media and had its population targeted in a …
(2025-01-15). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. globalresearch.ca US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.