2023-11-30: News Headlines

Community of Squatted Prosfygika (2023-11-30). Solidarity for the Community of Squatted Prosfygika in Athens (Greece). indybay.org Dear Comrades, | There is urgent financial support needed for the Community of Squatted Prosfygika in Alexandras Avenue in Athens. The current situation has been bad and will change for the worst. Imperialist wars, fascist regimes and global capitalism are growing stronger in different territories, millions of people on the move get trapped and killed by the Greek and European Border regime, exploitation of landscapes and natural resources are pushing the climate catastrophe. These forces are the same that oppress and criminalize everyone and everything that we are struggling for. This situation leads to the need…

Paul Street (2023-11-29). We Can Do This But Not Under Capitalism. counterpunch.org Liberals want us to believe something that is simply false: that there are meaningful solutions to the leading existential problem of our time under the reigning capitalist-imperialist order. Recall how they responded to Joe Biden's 2022 corporate climate bill — the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. The legislation was hailed by Democrats and the establishment "green"

WSWS (2023-11-29). A Tribute to Helen Halyard (November 24, 1950—November 28, 2023). wsws.org The unexpected and sudden death of Helen Halyard at the age of 73 deprives the working class in the United States and throughout the world of a courageous and selfless fighter for socialism.

WSWS (2023-11-29). A Tribute to Helen Halyard (November 24, 1950-November 28, 2023). wsws.org The unexpected and sudden death of Helen Halyard at the age of 73 deprives the working class in the United States and throughout the world of a courageous and selfless fighter for socialism.

geo.tv (2023-11-29). US military Osprey aircraft with 8 on board crashes off Japan killing one. geo.tv US military's Osprey aircraft crashed into the sea in western Japan, confirmed a Japan Coast Guard spokesperson…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-11-30). Unemployment rate continues upward trend in Chile. plenglish.com The institution pointed out in a press release that in the Metropolitan Region, where the capital is, the unemployment rate is even higher and reached 9.8 percent. | As usual, women are the most affected by the lack of jobs, with a nationwide indicator of 9.1 percent compared to men (8.7 percent). | According to INE, the growth of Chile's working age population remains above the capacity to create new jobs. | The economic sectors with the highest employment during the analyzed quarter were health care, public administration and commerce. | Informal employment fell slightly to 27.0 percent, with a 0.2-percent dro…

Angela (2023-11-30). Thursday 11/30: November Codepink Community Call. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-11-29). Thursday 11/30: November Codepink Community Call. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Codepink (2023-11-30). Kurt Campbell: A China Warmonger in Diplomat Clothes. pressenza.com President Joe Biden has tapped Kurt Campbell, his administration's National Security Council Asia coordinator, for Deputy Secretary of State. If the Senate confirms Campbell, he'll be the latest in a line of American officials who are supposed to serve as diplomats, but instead wage war backed by arms dealers and fossil fuel companies. | By Cale Holmes and Melissa Garriga | The concerns about President Biden's cabinet being filled with individuals with ties to the military-industrial complex, such as Lloyd Austin and Antony Blinken, are further emphasized by the inclusion of Kurt Campbell. Campbell's background r…

presstv.ir (2023-11-30). North Korea beefs up weapons, troops on border after military pact suspended. presstv.ir North Korea has deployed soldiers and heavy weapons at guard posts near the border with South Korea.

presstv.ir (2023-11-30). Pro-Palestine protest in London targets subsidiary of Israeli weapons company Elbit. presstv.ir Pro-Palestinian protesters have gathered outside the office of the real estate consulting company "Fisher German" in London, demanding the closure of this company due to its ties with the Israeli weapons company "Elbit Systems."

Brenda Norrell (2023-11-30). U.S. War Crimes Result in Hate Crimes. indybay.org While the United States continues to provide weapons for war crimes and genocide in Palestine, hate crimes toward Palestinians increased in the United States. Three Palestinians were shot last night in Vermont. This comes after a former US State Department was arrested for a racist rant and charged with a hate crime, after verbally assaulting a food vendor in New York City.

Brenda Norrell (2023-11-29). U.S. War Crimes Result in Hate Crimes. indybay.org While the United States continues to provide weapons for war crimes and genocide in Palestine, hate crimes toward Palestinians increased in the United States. Three Palestinians were shot last night in Vermont. This comes after a former US State Department was arrested for a racist rant and charged with a hate crime, after verbally assaulting a food vendor in New York City.

presstv.ir (2023-11-29). North Korea beefs up weapons, troops on border after military pact suspended. presstv.ir North Korea has deployed soldiers and heavy weapons at guard posts near the border with South Korea.

presstv.ir (2023-11-29). NAM voices concern over Israel's use of prohibited weapons in Gaza. presstv.ir The Non-Aligned Movement expresses deep concern over the use of internationally-banned munitions by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon.

Sharon Zhang (2023-11-29). The US Has Supplied Israel With Over 70,000 Weapons Since 1950, Report Finds. truthout.org Over the past seven decades, as Israeli forces have violently expelled, killed and suppressed Palestinians, the U.S. has provided military support underscoring many of these incursions — to the tune of over 70,000 weapons, new data shows. According to an analysis of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Arms Transfers Database by Axios, the U.S. has transferred a huge cache of… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-11-29). White House Moves to Create "Free-Flowing Pipeline" of Weapons to Israel. truthout.org President Joe Biden is moving to permanently lift nearly all safeguards on weapons transfers to Israel in a request that would essentially create a "free-flowing pipeline" of weapons to the country as it massacres Palestinians at a rate that is nearly unprecedented in modern times. The White House request pertains to a stockpile of weapons that the U.S. holds in Israel that Israel is normally… |

WSWS (2023-11-29). "Slow death": Israel weaponizes disease in the Gaza genocide. wsws.org Israel and its imperialist backers have used the destruction of hospitals, starvation and dehydration as weapons for the mass murder of the population of Gaza.

Pressenza New York (2023-11-30). Groups Call on the U.S. Sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. pressenza.com At a vigil on Thursday, November 30, outside the U.S. Mission to the U.N., the Atlantic Life Community, Nukewatch, NYC War Resisters League, and others will call on the U.S. to be the first nuclear armed state to respond to the global demand for nuclear disarmament and sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. This would push the other 8 nuclear powers to do the same, then all could ratify the Treaty together and implement a warhead disarmament regimen, backing humankind away from 78 years teetering at the edge of the nuclear abyss. | U.S. Sign the Treat Vigil | 12: 30 pm, Thursday, November 30 | The United States Miss…

presstv.ir (2023-11-30). NAM voices concern over Israel's use of prohibited weapons in Gaza. presstv.ir The Non-Aligned Movement expresses deep concern over the use of internationally-banned munitions by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon.

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