(2023-10-10). Labor education starts in schoolÔøº. nationofchange.org Giving K-12 students the language, information, and tools they need to protect themselves from workplace exploitation is a critical tool to reversing the nation's capitalism-fueled inequality.
(2023-10-09). Saturday 10/21: Capitalism and the Climate Crisis: Everything to Lose and a World to Win. indybay.org 2727 Event Space, 2727 California Street, Berkeley, CA 94703 | CAN'T JOIN IN-PERSON? JOIN THE EVENT VIA ZOOM | TINYURL.COM/OCTOBER-TH-2023…
(2023-10-09). Pro-Trump election deniers vie for speakership of US House. wsws.org With no clear solution to the impasse in the House of Representatives at hand, Washington's political breakdown is eroding confidence within ruling classes around the world in US imperialism's ability to crush a growing insurgency of the oppressed masses in the Middle East as well as an emerging mass movement of workers in the centers of world capitalism, including the US.
(2023-10-10). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: 9 to 5 (w/ Patricia Resnick). levernews.com On this week's Movies vs. Capitalism, hosts Rivka Rivera and Frank Cappello are joined by Patricia Resnick, screenwriter of the iconic 1980 dark comedy 9 to 5, for a deep-dive conversation about the radical pro-labor film.üéßLISTEN NOW by selecting your podcast player of choice: |
(2023-10-09). Bolivia's Ruling Party Confirms Evo Morales' Candidacy. popularresistance.org The split in Bolivia's ruling political party has become official. President Luis Arce and vice-president David Choquehuanca are no longer part of the MAS (Movement towards Socialism) party, which ratified the decision, informally announced on the 24, to present former president Evo Morales (2006-2019) as its candidate in the 2025 elections. | The MAS held its tenth congress from October 3-4 in the town of Lauca àë, a coca growing region in the center of the country. On that occasion, the party decreed the "self-expulsion" of Arce and Choquehuanca, for not attending the meeting, and of 20 other deputies alig…
(2023-10-09). Peace Comes with Justice, not War. dissidentvoice.org CODEPINK strongly opposes Secretary Lloyd J. Austin's just-announced plan to send troops to the Eastern Mediterranean — including U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and defense munitions. Escalating the violence in Palestine is not the path to peace, it's the path to destroying any chance the Palestinians have for peace, justice and freedom from Israeli Apartheid. Our …
(2023-10-09). Lloyd J. Austin's "Call for War in Palestine": Peace Comes with Justice, Not War. Statement by Codepink. globalresearch.ca
(2023-10-09). EE.UU. envía portaaviones y destructores para apoyar a Israel. telesurtv.net Washington también tomará "medidas para aumentar los escuadrones de aviones de combate F-35, F-15, F-16 y A-10 de la Fuerza Aérea en la región".
(2023-10-10). US Scrambles to Get More Arms to Israel, Ukraine. news.antiwar.com As Israel has declared a "complete siege" on Gaza in response to the Hamas attack on southern Israel, the US is scrambling to get more weapons in the hands of the Israelis. According to The Washington Post, the Biden administration is considering combining its request for more spending on the war in Ukraine with new …
(2023-10-10). US Scrambles to Get More Arms to Israel. news.antiwar.com As Israel has declared a "complete siege" on Gaza in response to the Hamas attack on southern Israel, the US is scrambling to get more weapons in the hands of the Israelis. A Pentagon official told POLITICO on Monday that planes carrying new military aid for Israel have "already taken off." The US is sending …
(2023-10-10). A Message to Donald Rumsfeld's Ghost About My Known Knowns. dissidentvoice.org On February 12, 2002 at a Pentagon news conference, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was asked by Jim Miklaszewski, the NBC Pentagon correspondent, if he had any evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was supplying them to terrorists. Rumsfeld delivered a famous non-answer answer and said: Reports that say that something hasn't …
(2023-10-09). The Gaza Ghetto Uprising. counterpunch.org The uprising began on the anniversary of another one, which had become a revolution. The occupying power had had informants throughout the ghetto, but despite their extensive networks of surveillance and control, they were completely blindsided when the uprising began. Those who did rise up did so primarily with ingenuity and homemade weapons, but they
(2023-10-09). Kiev regime's hunger for weapons exacerbated by latest Israel-Gaza conflict. infobrics.org If the fighting in Gaza ends up becoming a stalemate, Israel will need a constant supply of artillery munitions, which isn't a very good prospect for the Neo-Nazi junta forces.
(2023-10-09). Any Antidote To Climate Anxiety Involves Organizing. popularresistance.org I first realized the ameliorative power of organizing when, as a teenager, awareness of the threat of nuclear war gave me overwhelming anxiety. In the 1980s people in the Reagan administration where talking about "fighting and winning" a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. A massive direct action movement rose up in opposition to this in Europe, where the U.S. hoped to station a new generation of "first strike" nuclear weapons, and it eventually rose in the U.S. as well. I threw myself into this movement, marching with 70,000 people in downtown Chicago and over a million in New York City; attending and organizing…
(2023-10-09). Loewenstein: Occupied Palestine 'used as a testing ground' for Israeli weapons, surveillance technology. greenleft.org.au Independent investigative journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author Anthony Loewenstein recently spoke about his latest book, How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, on Green Left Radio. Ruth Heymann reports.
(2023-10-09). Loewenstein: Occupied Palestine 'used as a testing ground' for Israeli weapons, surveillance technology. greenleft.org.au Independent investigative journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author Antony Loewenstein recently spoke about his latest book, How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, on Green Left Radio. Ruth Heymann reports.
(2023-10-09). Kiev regime's hunger for weapons exacerbated by latest Israel-Gaza conflict. infobrics.org If the fighting in Gaza ends up becoming a stalemate, Israel will need a constant supply of artillery munitions, which isn't a very good prospect for the Neo-Nazi junta forces.
(2023-10-09). Any Antidote To Climate Anxiety Involves Organizing. popularresistance.org I first realized the ameliorative power of organizing when, as a teenager, awareness of the threat of nuclear war gave me overwhelming anxiety. In the 1980s people in the Reagan administration where talking about "fighting and winning" a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. A massive direct action movement rose up in opposition to this in Europe, where the U.S. hoped to station a new generation of "first strike" nuclear weapons, and it eventually rose in the U.S. as well. I threw myself into this movement, marching with 70,000 people in downtown Chicago and over a million in New York City; attending and organizing…
(2023-10-09). Loewenstein: Occupied Palestine 'used as a testing ground' for Israeli weapons, surveillance technology. greenleft.org.au Independent investigative journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author Anthony Loewenstein recently spoke about his latest book, How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, on Green Left Radio. Ruth Heymann reports.
(2023-10-09). Loewenstein: Occupied Palestine 'used as a testing ground' for Israeli weapons, surveillance technology. greenleft.org.au Independent investigative journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author Antony Loewenstein recently spoke about his latest book, How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, on Green Left Radio. Ruth Heymann reports.