2023-05-17: News Headlines

Joseph Wolff (2023-05-16). On April 25, 1945, U.S. and Russian Soldiers Shook Hands and Made a Pledge For Peace. covertactionmagazine.com There is No Reason it Cannot Happen Again [Below is a speech given by Joseph Wolff, the son of Joseph Polowsky, an American GI from Chicago during World War II who was involved in the famous Elbe River link-up at the end of the war and became a lifelong peace activist, to commemorate the 78th …

midwesternmarx (2023-05-16). The Debt Ceiling Debate Is a Massive Deception Against the Public. By: Richard D. Wolff. midwesternmarx.com ​Future historians will likely look back at the debt ceiling rituals being reenacted these days with a frustrated shaking of their heads. That otherwise reasonable people would be so readily deceived raises the question that will provoke those historians: How could this happen?​The U.S. Congress has imposed successive ceilings on the national debt, each one higher than the last. Ceilings were intended to limit the amount of federal borrowing. But the same U.S. Congress so mana …

Frank Cappello (2023-05-16). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: You've Got Mail (w/ Robin Johnson). levernews.com

Matt Hancock, Low Impact. (2023-05-16). Why Is The Co-Operative Movement So Successful In Emilia Romagna? popularresistance.org In a region of 5 million people, there are 4000 co-operative businesses, that employ 250,000 people — just under a quarter of the entire workforce. The co-op movement in ER goes back to the mid 19th century, with roots in the workers' mutual aid societies, and many of the early ones are still strong today. It wasn't a reaction to capitalism. The co-op movement developed alongside capitalism. | There's an entrepreneurial spirit, but also a propensity to do things together — creating associations, unions, co-ops, credit unions etc. There's joint purchasing and lobbying, collective bargaining etc. There'

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-16). A Fraternal Hand: The American Tradition of Socialist Democracy and Chinese Socialism. libya360.wordpress.com Carlos L. Garrido There is a glaring paradox at the core of the American project. On the one hand, it proclaims its national self-determination with the values of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, right to revolution, and to a government of, by, and for the people. On the other hand, the rights to life, liberty,…

midwesternmarx (2023-05-16). Ideological work in the new era of socialism in China By: Gabriel Martinez. midwesternmarx.com We are pleased to publish this important and well-researched article by Gabriel Martinez on ideological work and struggle in China since the beginning of 'reform and opening up' at the end of the 1970s. Gabriel is a postgraduate student from Brazil, currently finishing his studies in Marxist Philosophy at Beijing Normal University. He has lived in China for the last five years.He notes that the important changes in the country's economic sphere have been accompanied by a …

F. William Engdahl (2023-05-16). Why China Can't Pull the World Out of a New Great Depression. globalresearch.ca

Dennis Broe (2023-05-16). The global crime novel: Worldwide corruption and chiseling. peoplesworld.org In a 1931 Warner Brothers film Blonde Crazy, in the pre-code period when expression was raunchier and more truthful before the era of middle-class censorship, as the Depression reaches its peak, conniving bellhop James Cagney is trying to convince new hotel hire Joan Blondell to go on the road with him and work a hustle …

ecns.cn (2023-05-17). Vehicle plunges into water on Enshi's floating bridge, claiming 5 lives. ecns.cn A multi-purpose vehicle carrying eight passengers crashed through the railing of the popular floating bridge in the scenic spot of Shiziguan in Enshi, Central China's Hubei Province, killing five people. The local government promptly announced the suspension of operations at the site.

Susan Schmidt, Andrew Lowenthal, Tom Wyatt, Techno Fog, others, Racket News. (2023-05-16). The Censorship-Industrial Complex: Top 50 Organizations To Know. popularresistance.org On January 17, 1960, outgoing President and former Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower gave one of the most consequential speeches in American history. Eisenhower for eight years had been a popular president, whose appeal drew upon a reputation as a person of great personal fortitude, who'd guided the United States to victory in an existential fight for survival in World War II. Nonetheless, as he prepared to vacate the Oval Office for handsome young John F. Kennedy, he warned the country it was now at the mercy of a power eve he could not overcome. | Until World War II, America had no permanent arms ma…

teleSUR (2023-05-16). Sudanese Continue to Clash in Khartoum City. telesurenglish.net On Monday, clashes continued between the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), with eastern parts of the capital Khartoum witnessing intense bombardment. | RELATED: | "A large logistical supply of weapons, ammunition and fuel belonging to the rebel militia has been dealt with in a qualitative operation that targeted some areas in Sharq Al-Neel locality and bases around the East Nile Hospital," the Army said. | There were no civilian casualti…

Fight Back (2023-05-16). SDS Denver wins a major victory in the fight for police demilitarization. fightbacknews.org Denver, CO – After a nearly two year campaign, the Denver chapter of Students for a Democratic Society won a significant milestone in their campaign to demilitarize the campus police. After four months of work plagued with delays and obfuscation by campus administrators, SDS fought to successfully get a resolution passed that takes the power from the Auraria Campus Police from being able to obtain military weapons from the 1033 program – a federal program designed to transfer surplus military equipment from the U.S. Department of Defense to local law enforcement. | The resolution states that the Auraria Campus P…

Peter Lazenby (2023-05-16). Peace activists slam plans to pour more weapons into Ukraine war. peoplesworld.org LONDON — Anti-war campaigners slammed today British government plans to pour yet more weapons into the war in Ukraine, warning it would be "disastrous for the people of Europe and the world." Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky to his country mansion at Chequers in Buckinghamshire and promised him hundreds more missiles, …

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, Popular Resistance. (2023-05-16). Activists Blockade US Nuclear Ballistic Missile Sub Base. popularresistance.org Above photo: Protesters holding a banner reading "The Earth is Our Mother Treat Her With Respect" at the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor Main Gate on May 13, 2023. Glen Milner. Silverdale, Washington — Activists blockaded the entrance to the US Navy's west-coast nuclear submarine base, which is home to the largest operational concentration of deployed nuclear weapons, …

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