2023-04-12: News Headlines

Fight Back (2023-04-12). Great progress: FRSO fund drive nets $25,000 so far. fightbacknews.org In the two weeks since the announcement of Freedom Road Socialist Organization's $130,000 Spring Fundraising Drive, more than $25,000 has come in. More contributions are coming in every day. | FRSO Political Secretary Mick Kelly states, "We are off to a great start. FRSO is experiencing a period of unprecedented growth. We need to expand our capacity. This means we will be expanding our national office and bringing on more full-time staff. We will have more publications. And we will continue to send out organizers to build new districts of FRSO." | Kelly continued, "The decline of monopoly capitalism is accelerat…

Ian Angus (2023-04-11). The Fishing Revolution and the Origins of Capitalism. globalresearch.ca

The Lever (2023-04-11). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Chinatown (w/ Julia Rock). levernews.com

Liberation Staff (2023-04-11). Solidarity with the Socialist Party of Zambia: Drop the charges against Dr. Fred M'membe! liberationnews.org The Party for Socialism and Liberation strongly condemns the brutal attack on April 8 against a public meeting organized by the Socialist Party of Zambia, and the subsequent arrest of party president Dr. Fred M'membe on false charges.

WSWS (2023-04-12). Trace compounds of vinyl chloride found in East Palestine, Ohio residents after derailment and chemical spill. wsws.org Last week, a truck carrying 40,000 pounds of contaminated soil from the East Palestine derailment site overturned, with the driver suffering injuries in the crash.

WSWS (2023-04-12). Australian central bank applies "painful squeeze" to working-class households. wsws.org A Reserve Bank of Australia report demonstrates the class war character of its interest rate hikes, which are particularly targeting low-income households in order to slash their spending, drive up unemployment and suppress wages further.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-04-12). Universities and the AUKUS Military-Industrial Complex. globalresearch.ca

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-11). Progress in Saudi-Houthi Yemen Peace Talks in Sanaa. news.antiwar.com Progress has been reported in the Oman-brokered Saudi-Houthi peace talks that are ongoing in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, as a ceasefire agreement is expected to be reached soon. The Saudis envoy to Yemen, Mohammed bin Saeed al-Jaber, is leading the delegation in Sanaa. He arrived in the city on Saturday, as did Omani officials …

Alice Slater, Peace, Planet News. (2023-04-12). The Toxic Legacy Of The Nuclear Age. popularresistance.org The world is awash in radioactive waste. We simply haven't a clue where to put it. The best we have come up with in the United States is a harebrained scheme to ship the lethal carcinogenic garbage from nuclear weapons and civilian nuclear power plants, by rail and by truck, from the four corners of the continent, and bury it in a hole in the ground in Nevada at Yucca Mountain. Citizens groups, like the proverbial boy with his finger in the dike, have been holding off the onslaught of this devastating disposal solution, preventing the legislation from passing in the Congress. Deadly plutonium remains toxic for 25…

Dave DeCamp (2023-04-11). Leak Suggests Zelensky Would Use Long-Range US Weapons to Hit Russian Territory. news.antiwar.com

Huda Ammori (2023-04-11). Why we're laying siege to an Israeli weapons plant. electronicintifada.net Palestine Action is determined to kick Elbit Systems out of Britain.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-04-11). Chile Pushes Authoritarian Police Law. orinocotribune.com Chile's neoliberal government is close to securing a new law that expands the right of security forces to use firearms against the population. The The law expands the definition of "privileged legitimate defense" to justify the use of deadly weapons by uniformed officers and plainclothes police ag…

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