2025-01-20: News Headlines

Richard D. Wolff (2025-01-20). United States in 2025: Social Problems Denied via Rhetorics of Refusal. counterpunch.org Societies survive and grow when they successfully navigate their contradictions. Eventually, however, accumulating contradictions overwhelm existing means of navigating them. Then social problems arise that persist or worsen inside such societies because they are unsuccessfully navigated or go unattended. Sometimes, the dominant conscious reaction to such social problems is denial, a refusal to see them. Denial of internal social problems displaces navigating the contradictions that cause them. The resulting social decline, like the set of internal contradictions it reflects, is denied and ignored. Instead, narra…

Richard D. Wolff (2025-01-20). United States in 2025: Social problems denied via rhetorics of refusal. nationofchange.org The gross inequality of wealth and income in the United States and the global exposure of billionaires' power over government.

Maya Schenwar (2025-01-20). A Call to Media Organizations: Don't Back Down in the Face of Trump's Threats. truthout.org As Donald Trump is inaugurated a second time, independent media organizations are faced with urgent mandates: Tell the truth more loudly than ever before. Do that work even as our standard modes of distribution (such as social media platforms) are being manipulated and curtailed by forces of fascist repression and ruthless capitalism. Do that work even as journalism and journalists face targeted… |

presstv.ir (2025-01-20). Eyewitness video shows moment of plane crash in Kazakhstan. presstv.ir A passenger plane flying from Azerbaijan to Russia crashed near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan.

Robert Hunziker (2025-01-20). Risks of Ecosystem Crash-Landings. pressenza.com Biomes as well as individual ecosystems throughout the globe are experiencing considerable stress. As a researcher/writer since 2010 of more than 400 scientific-based articles, I am aware of what science says about the status of the planet's ecosystems. Since reading hundreds of peer-reviewed papers, it's not a pretty picture. Yet this is not obvious to the general public inasmuch as damaged ecosystems in large part due to excessive levels of greenhouse gases like CO2 initially show up where almost nobody lives, for example: (1) Antarctica (2) tropical rainforest (3) the oceans (4) Arctic permafrost, covering 25%…

The Onion Staff (2025-01-20). SATIRE: Pete Hegseth Crashes Golf Cart Into Inauguration Stage. theonion.com WASHINGTON—Cackling wildly as he pulled himself from the smoldering wreckage while those around him watched in horror, Defense Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth reportedly crashed a golf cart into the stage at the presidential inauguration Monday. "Ooooh shiiiiit, what the ____ was that?" said the bewildered former Fox News host, who, after stumbling out of the vehicle …

The Onion Staff (2025-01-20). SATIRE: Revelations From Pope Francis's New Memoir. theonion.com Pope Francis has published his memoir, Hope, making him the first pope to publish an autobiography. Here are the biggest revelations from the new release: Became interested in Catholicism after getting possessed by the devil as a child Began career as an executive assistant to the angel Gabriel Crashed the popemobile into a 7-Eleven the …

Dean Baker (2025-01-20). Full Employment: One Last Time for the Road. counterpunch.org I've already given my Biden economy retrospective, but I want to come back and double down on the main point there, because I think it is incredibly important and largely overlooked. The one thing that Biden's economic performance should clearly establish is the importance of running a full employment economy. There is no better way

presstv.ir (2025-01-20). Russia shoots down 31 Ukrainian drones targeting industrial sites. presstv.ir Russia says it shot down 31 Ukrainian drones targeting industrial sites.

Amba Guerguerian, Adrita Talukder, The Indypendent. (2025-01-20). NYU Imposes One-Year Suspensions On 11 Students. popularresistance.org On Dec. 11, over a dozen NYU students and faculty dropped flyers and hung banners throughout the Bobst Library while 13 people sat in on the administrative floor of thelibrary. The actionists were demanding a meeting with administrators, who had, in the spring during the Gaza solidarity encampment movement at NYU, promised students to disclose the university's endowment, including all its investments in weapons manufacturers and ties to Israel and companies that profit off its occupation of Palestine. | The direct action was organized by student group Shut It Down NYU…

Oded Yaron (2025-01-20). Netherlands restricts F-35 parts to Israel, but buys Israeli weapons systems. haaretz.com The Netherlands has signed a huge contract with Israeli arms maker Elbit, despite a Dutch court decision barring F-35 parts to Israel over the Gaza War. The deal was closed despite strong criticism by the Dutch parliament…

presstv.ir (2025-01-19). Eyewitness video shows moment of plane crash in Kazakhstan. presstv.ir A passenger plane flying from Azerbaijan to Russia crashed near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan.

znetwork.org (2025-01-19). Dr. Martin Luther King's Prophetic Warning, Denouncing the Merchants of Death Over the past three years, a collective of volunteer researchers, lawyers, and commentators created The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, dedicated to holding accountable four weapon manufacturing corporations based in the U.S. Their tribunal amassed copious evidence to prove that Boeing, Lockheed Martin, RTX (formerly Raytheon) and General Atomics (a company which manufactures weaponized drones) are guilty of committing war crimes.

Codepink (2025-01-19). Can the Internet Wage Peace? Amidst a Push for War, Chinese and American Citizens Connect Online. pressenza.com With the Tiktok ban just days away, American youth have started flooding the Chinese social media app The app "Xiaohongshu" directly translates to 'Little Red Book," but it has been dubbed RedNote in the United States. Many are quick to think of Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong's famous Little Red Book, though app officials say it isn't a direct reference. Still, th…

Staff (2025-01-19). Trump modelo 2025. cubadebate.cu Con estos antecedentes, poco bueno se puede esperar del dúo Rubio-Claver Carone, nacidos y criados en ese ambiente mafioso. Se sabe que Rubio hace años que sueña con una reedición de la invasión a Playa Girón y que Trump se entusiasma con la idea de combatir al narcotráfico en México bombardeando con drones sus enclaves territoriales, especialmente en Sinaloa. Pero el mundo ha cambiado y mucho desde la primera presidencia de Trump y hoy el multipolarismo es una pétrea realidad.

The Canary (2025-01-19). People rally at the Old Bailey in support of the Palestine Action Filton 18. thecanary.co Some of the Palestine Action activists from the so-called Filton 18 appeared at the Old Bailey on Friday 17 January over an action at a weapons factory that supplies genocidal Israel. Of course, they entered not guilty to the charges the state was brining against them — and they also received huge support from crowds […] | By

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