Daily Archives: August 11, 2024

2024-08-11: News Headlines

Jenny Ufer, Resilience. (2024-08-11). Towards A Degrowth Border Perspective. popularresistance.org What do we do with our borders? The right-wing shift in the European political climate in recent years has meant a higher degree of securitisation. At the same time, some are calling for border controls to be reduced or even abolished. Perhaps the answer lies in a change of perspective; a new outlook free from the shackles of capitalism and inspired by degrowth. | Recent national and European elections have marked a shift to the right in European politics. While the far-right Rassemblement National (National Rally, RN) failed to win a majority in France's parliamentary election, it will still be the most represen…

Ashley Smith, Michael Roberts (2024-08-11). The Persistence of Global Capitalism's Long Depression. cadtm.org

newleftreview (2024-08-11). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. newleftreview.org A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

Angela (2024-08-11). Friday 8/16: San Jose: Peace Vigil – Ceasefire Now! No Weapons for Israel or Ukraine! indybay.org in front of MLK Library | 4th and San Fernando | San Jose, CA…

newarab (2024-08-11). US to lift ban on weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, sources say. newarab.com

Consortium News. (2024-08-11). Consortium News Condemns FBI Raid On CN Columnist's Home. popularresistance.org Consortium News condemns in the strongest terms the F.B.I. raid on the home of CN columnist Scott Ritter. | Federal agents removed Ritter's electronic equipment and numerous boxes of paper files from his Albany, N.Y. area home Thursday on suspicion that the former U.N. weapons inspector is violating the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act. | In a video posted to his Substack page, Ritter said that normally in alleged FARA violation cases the authorities send a letter to the subject of the inquiry informing them of the investigation. They do not send numerous F.B.I. agents to the door with a warrant to search and…

ICRC (2024-08-11). Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: 2024 session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2026 Review Conference. icrc.org

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