Daily Archives: July 10, 2024

2024-07-10: News Headlines

Staff (2024-07-10). Soldier killed in Gaza fighting; IDF investigating after Palestinians report at least 29 killed in airstrike. haaretz.com Palestinians report at least 29 killed, dozens wounded in strike on school compound near Gaza's Khan Yunis ‚ñ MDA Medical Services: Two killed from direct rocket hit to vehicles in northern Israel's Golan area ‚ñ IDF says it intercepted two drones which crossed into Israel from Lebanon ‚ñ Syrian army reports Israel attacked Iranian-linked targets in northern Syria, no casualties…

Cynthia Papermaster & Hank Pellissier (2024-07-10). Friday 7/12: CodePink & Mega Mouth Rebels Action for Palestine. indybay.org 456 Montgomery in San Francisco…

Angela (2024-07-10). Thursday 7/18: US Militarization in the Philippines: Abuse of People and Planet Webinar. indybay.org Zoom | www.codepink.org/philippines_webinar

Angela (2024-07-10). Friday 7/26: San Jose: Peace Vigil – Ceasefire Now! No Weapons for Israel or Ukraine! indybay.org in front of MLK Library | 4th and San Fernando | San Jose, CA…

Larry Johnson (2024-07-10). Fate of Biden Hangs Over the NATO Summit Like a Ghost Conjured by Shakespeare. sonar21.com The hot political event this year is the NATO Summit in Washington, DC. All Western world leaders showed up, not to discuss NATO's future, but to see if Joe Biden survives the meetings without dumping a load in his Depends or keeling over dead. Sort of the same reason people attend a car race — i.e., they are waiting for the crash. Nothing like a fiery car wreck to get the adrenaline pumping. | If

ecns.cn (2024-07-10). Tokyo-Manila military pact may be 'turning point'. ecns.cn A newly signed military pact between Tokyo and Manila, which will allow Japanese troops to land and use weapons in the Philippines for the first time since World War II, risks bloc confrontation and regional instability, analysts said.

Ron Ridenour (2024-07-10). Stop the 'Lesser of Two Evils' Syndrome. counterpunch.org Liberals vote Democrat. Conservatives vote Republican. Most progressives vote Democrat. So has it been. That landscape is changing. This election debate revolves around "lesser of evils" as always, but the presidential candidates are more unpopular than ever. What issues matter most? Greater possibility for world war with nuclear weapons. Mother Earth enraged. Racism and inequality. Republican

Dr. Joseph Sansone (2024-07-10). Dr. Francis Boyle Provides Affidavit: COVID 19 mRNA Nanoparticle Injections Are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction. globalresearch.ca

Systemic Disorder (2024-07-10). Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics. indybay.org That humanity can dominate nature "is an illusion." The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. "Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

presstv.ir (2024-07-10). Russia says destroyed multiple Ukrainian warplanes over past 24 hours. presstv.ir The Russian army conducted cluster strikes on Ukrainian military airports with high-precision weapons.

Jeff Farrell (2024-07-10). On the Ground With the 'Darth Vader' Drone Hunter Brigade in Ukraine. bylinetimes.com A purple laser light shines into a night sky that whines. But this is no pyrotechnic show. The whirring noise that sounds like a lawn mower comes from exploding drones that "It's there. I'm following it," a man shouts, his voice urgent. | A Browning M2 machine gun erupts and yellow streaks rip through the air forming a cluster of red dots in the abyss above where .50 calibre bullets tear into an Iranian-made Shahed drone. | Darth Vader brigade…

WSWS (2024-07-10). After the French elections, New Popular Front swings to the right. wsws.org The task is independently mobilizing working class militancy in struggle for demands that give voice to the objectively revolutionary opposition of the masses to capitalism.

aljazeera (2024-07-10). Northern India bus crash kills 18. aljazeera.com Collision in Uttar Pradesh state occurred when the bus heading to New Delhi slammed into a tanker carrying milk.

newleftreview (2024-07-10). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. newleftreview.org A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

aljazeera (2024-07-10). Boeing criminal fraud case: Why has aerospace group made a plea deal? aljazeera.com Under the deal, Boeing will pay a $240m fine for failing to comply with a prior agreement, but judge must approve it.

UMMID (2024-07-10). The Quest for Global Dominance and X Factor. ummid.com All the big powers are engaged in a continuous search for more destructive weapons, including AI weapons, and even exploring the prospects of space warfare. So what is this X Factor in the quest for dominance?

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