Daily Archives: May 13, 2024

2024-05-13: News Headlines

Mnar Adley, MintPress News. (2024-05-13). Documentary — Automated Apartheid: Walking Through Hebron Smart City. popularresistance.org A silent sentinel watches over every corner in the bustling streets of Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, where the ancient echoes of history collide with the modern hum of daily life. This sentinel is not a person but a network of surveillance technology known ominously as the "Hebron Smart City." Designed by Israeli authorities, this system blankets the city in a web of cameras, sensors and even automated weapons, tracking every movement of its Palestinian residents. | "Palestinians in Hebron are the most surveilled people on the planet," explains journalist and activist Mnar Adley, highlighting the omn…

UC Alumni 4 Palestine (2024-05-13). UC Alumni Open Letter Sign On, No Donations Until Divestment. indybay.org As alumni of the University of California (UC), we demand that the UC Regents call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, fully divest from weapons manufacturers and other targets of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and immediately increase and formalize protections for current students, staff and faculty who are Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and those who are vocally condemning the genocide and calling for a ceasefire.

WSWS (2024-05-13). On behalf of Biden administration, UAW bureaucracy and DSA struggle to contain anti-war sentiment. wsws.org In recent weeks, the Democratic Party has come to rely increasingly on the UAW bureaucracy and Democratic Socialists of America to protect Joe Biden, insulate his re-election campaign from growing hostility to the genocide in Gaza, and keep weapons flowing both to Israel and to Ukraine in the US-NATO war against Russia.

albawaba (2024-05-13). Senator Lindsey Graham called for dropping nuclear bombs on Gaza on TV. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) compared Israel's Gaza war to the US's atomic bombing of Japan. Graham advised Israel to end the Gaza war with severe methods, including nuclear weapons.Graham told NBC's Kristin Welker on Meet the Press that Israel might cause civilian fatalities in Gaza because of the U.S.'s 1940s actions against Japan. He said the U.S. concluded the war with Japan by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, notwithstanding civilian deaths.Graham's demand that Israel obtain the armaments needed to finish the war quickly, disregarding civilian losses, shocked many. He suggested that the U.S. help…

Ben Norton (2024-05-13). US Senator Lindsey Graham says Israel should nuke Gaza. geopoliticaleconomy.com US Senator Lindsey Graham insisted in a TV interview that Israel should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza, where more than 2 million Palestinian civilians, including 1 million children, are trapped under what Israel's defense minister called a "complete siege".

Staff (2024-05-13). Torture, executions, and live burials: UN experts on Gaza mass graves. defenddemocracy.press The UN experts are urging the occupation to end its aggression against Gaza, demanding that the states who arm it end the export of weapons "immediately". May 6, 2024 UN experts have once again lambasted the ongoing and systematic aggression against Palestinians in Gaza, expressing they are horrified at details surrounding mass graves that have …

Angela (2024-05-13). Monday 5/20: Virtual Community Hour: The Missing Peace. indybay.org Zoom | www.codepink.org/missingp520

Angela (2024-05-13). Wednesday 5/22: Virtual Meeting: Local Peace Economy. indybay.org Zoom | www.codepink.org/lpe522

WSWS (2024-05-13). The struggle for socialism against British imperialism and the Labour Party. wsws.org This is the text of the speech delivered by Thomas Scripps, the assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), to the 2024 International May Day Online Rally.

newleftreview (2024-05-13). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. newleftreview.org Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

presstv.ir (2024-05-13). Iran: Israel's occupation, nuclear weapons main obstacles to West Asia security. presstv.ir The Iranian foreign minister says the establishment of full peace and security in the West Asia hinges on disarmament of Israel and end to its occupation of Palestine.

presstv.ir (2024-05-13). Tensions high as recession-weary Argentines march to president's residence. presstv.ir Riot police were deployed against a protest march seeking to head to the president's residence of Olivos.

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