Monthly Archives: March 2024

2024-03-04: News Headlines

_____ (2024-03-04). (Franàßais) Le Rà¥le de la Vision dans l'Histoire. Nous entrons dans une ère de contradictions économiques et politiques qui mèneront à un changement révolutionnaire. Le capitalisme, sous son couvert de démocratie bourgeoise, s'effondre. Cela est déjà évident avec le rejet des candidats politiques traditionnels de l'establishment.

_____ (2024-03-04). The Role of Vision in History. We are entering an era of economic and political contradictions that will lead to revolutionary change. Capitalism, clothed in its cover of bourgeois democracy, is crumbling. This is already evident with the rejection of traditional establishment political candidates.

EDWIN (2024-03-04). Free State focuses on job creation. Free State focuses on job creation | Free State Premier Mxolisi Dukwana says the province is hard at work to lessen the burden of unemployment. | In his State of the Province Address on Friday, Dukwana said unemployment fell from 38.5% in the third quarter of 2023 to 37% in the fourth quarter. | "Our Expanded Public Works Programme and the Presidential Employment Stimulus is a demonstration of our efforts to ignite economic growth," he said. | Dukwana said since 2019, the province has created 282 907 work opportunities against a five-year target of 260 000 work opportunities through the Expanded Public Works Prog… (2024-03-04). Protest calls on UQ to cut ties with Boeing.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-03-04). Defensa rusa derriba casi 180 drones de Ucrania esta jornada. Según el Ministerio de defensa ruso, durante la última jornada las pérdidas de Kiev en todos los frentes de Ucrania ascendieron a 1.025 soldados.

WSWS (2024-03-04). Indian security forces shoot one farmer dead as protest nears three-week mark. The Modi government has declared war on the farmers by mobilizing tens of thousands of police and paramilitary forces; erecting multilayer barricades with massive concrete blocks and barbed wire; disrupting internet and mobile services; and attacking them with tear gas canisters from drones.

Angela (2024-03-04). Friday 3/8: San Jose: Peace Vigil – Call for Ceasefire Not More Weapons for Ukraine or Israel! in front of MLK Library | 4th and San Fernando | San Jose, CA…

Ghada Ageel (2024-03-04). President Biden, why do you support genocide in Gaza? Since I last wrote to you, Mr President, I have lost another 184 members of my extended family in Gaza. The Palestinians are among the most educated nations in the entire Middle East. They are a very curious people. Their most burning question they all have today is, "why"? Why do the Palestinian people have to endure genocide at the hands of your ally, carried out with your weapons and money, while you refuse to call for a ceasefire? Can you tell us why, Mr President?>

Sonali Kolhatkar (2024-03-04). Tell the Truth About Israel's Crimes Against Humanity. Israeli forces killed more than a hundred Palestinians and wounded more than 700 on February 29, 2024 during a distribution of food aid in Gaza city, pushing the Palestinian death toll to 30,000 since October 7, 2023. The food aid massacre was straightforward in its deadliness as armed Israeli forces aimed weapons at desperate, hungry Palestinian civilians and killed

Binoy Kampmark (2024-03-04). Mistakes, Misfiring and Trident: Britain's Flawed Nuclear Deterrence. Nuclear weapons are considered the strategic silverware of nation states. Occasionally, they are given a cleaning and polishing. From time to time, they go missing, fail to work, and suffer misplacement. Of late, the UK Royal Navy has not been doing so well in that department, given its seminal role in upholding the doctrine of …

Mustafa Abu Sneineh (2024-03-04). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 150: Israel is 'engineering famine' in Gaza. Amnesty International says Israel is "engineering famine" in Gaza. Organization head Agnes Callamard adds, "all states that cut UNRWA funding, sold weapons and supported Israel bear responsibility too."

Business Insider (2024-03-04). Indians are being tricked into fighting for Russia with promises of work in Dubai. One victim travelled from his home in northern India in the hopes of working for a consultancy in UAE. Instead, the 31-year-old science graduate was shipped off to a military base in Russia and given weapons training.

2024-03-04 15:32:04 | 15:32 EST | tr | 14 | 0 | 1 | 12 | 0 

2024-03-02: News Headlines

DARIN (2024-03-02). BERKELEY LEAP YEAR Save the Park. We toured with the Brass Liberatin Orchestra and sussed capitalism and oligarchy…

Scott Ferguson (2024-03-02). The Alternative w/ Nick Romeo. Scott Ferguson and Billy Saas speak with New Yorker writer Nick Romeo about his exciting new book, The Alternative: How to Build a Just Economy, released in January 2024 with Public Affairs. Romeo's The Alternative rebukes Margaret Thatcher's infamous axiom that "there is no alternative" to neoliberal capitalism. In doing so, the book inventories the most promising experiments in radical economic democracy underway across the world today.

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2024-03-02). Saturday 3/2: Fighting the Recall of Pamela Price. The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94705…

Ana Perdigón (2024-03-02). Venezuela Will Take Legal and Diplomatic Measures Against US Government's Destruction of Venezuelan Plane. Venezuela will take all legal, diplomatic and political measures against the destruction of the Boeing 747-300 aircraft belonging to EMTRASUR, perpetrated by the government of the United States which had also hijacked the plane in complicity with Argentina. | Through an official statement issued on Thursday, February 29, the Venezuelan authorities expressed their "strongest protest and condemnation" before the international community against this blatant violation of international law by the US. | (2024-03-02). Protest calls on UQ to cut ties with Boeing. (2024-03-02). HANDS OFF RAFAH: NY RallyAs Israel and the US threaten Rafah with invasion, the time is NOW to mobilize. No amount of repression and intimidation will stop us. Join us and make this the biggest march for Palestine NYC has seen yet! | | WHEN: March 2, 2024 at 1:00PM (EST) | | WHERE: Washington Square, New York City

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-02). Rusia intercepta drones ucranianos en Nizhny Novgorod y Belgorod. Asimismo insistieron que los sistemas de defensa antiaérea interceptaron un dron en el espacio aéreo de la región de Belgorod.

newarab (2024-03-02). Colombia halts Israel arms purchases after Gaza massacre. Israel is one of the main providers of weapons to the South American country's security forces, which are engaged in a decades-long conflict with leftist guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries and drug cartels. | Petro made his announcement on Thu…

Redacción Madrid (2024-03-02). BBVA, Santander, Sabadell, and CaixaBank continue to finance the nuclear weapons industry. A new report shows that the number of banks financing the industry has fallen since a treaty banning it was passed, but the four Spanish banks are still on the list. | By Yago àÅlvarez Barba/El Salto diario | Since the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) entered into force in 2021, the number of financial institutions financing companies that produce nuclear weapons has decreased. According to the latest Untenable Investments report by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and the Dutch organization PAX, as part of the Dont Bank on the Bomb campaign, between January 202…

Jake Johnson (2024-03-02). Just 2 US Lawmakers Sign International Statement Demanding Israel Arms Embargo. More than 200 lawmakers from 13 countries issued a joint statement Friday expressing opposition to their nations' weapons exports to Israel and pledging to do everything in their power to halt the flow of arms that are being used to massacre Palestinians in Gaza. "We, the undersigned parliamentarians, declare our commitment to end our nations' arms sales to the state of Israel… |

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-03-02). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

2024-03-02 20:29:00 | 20:29 EST | tr | 13 | 0 | 1 | 11 | 0