2024-05-23: News Headlines

Kevin Young, Portside. (2024-05-23). The Threat Of Democracy On Campus At The University Of Massachusetts. popularresistance.org Before arriving at UMass Amherst last fall, Chancellor Javier Reyes was already notorious for his cavalier approach to critics. But few foresaw what he did on May 7. | Earlier that day, organizers from a coalition of campus solidarity groups had erected tents on a small section of the lawn by W.E.B. Du Bois Library. Like virtually all the recent encampments in this country, there was no hint of violence from the campers. | It was the latest tactic in a seven-month campaign to end UMass's complicity with the US-Israeli war on Gaza. The organizers had four demands: that UMass disclose its financial ties to weapons…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-05-23). Iran's President Raisi Joined BRICS, Pushed For Multipolar World. popularresistance.org Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash on May 19, left behind a legacy of working to build a more multipolar world. | Under Raisi, Iran joined BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Global South-led institutions that he noted could challenge US unilateralism and hegemony. | The late Iranian leader advocated a "Look East" strategy, strengthening relations with China, Russia, and other countries in Asia. | Raisi represented a more nationalist wing of the political class in Tehran, which sees the futility of trying to win Western approval, and instead recognizes that Iran's politica…

Medea Benjamin (2024-05-23). The U.S. Weapons That Are Destroying Gaza. progressive.org Biden's pause on sending arms to Israel must be seen in the context of the destruction those weapons have already caused.

Jared Loper (2024-05-23). The Problem of Policing: A Primer, Part II. indybay.org How slave patrols shaped modern policing and sparked the prison-industrial complex.

Spectator (2024-05-23). Pride and Palestine. indybay.org The 41st Pride Parade in Long Beach was generally a joyous occasion. But naturally, amid the party atmosphere was serious subjects like AIDS prevention/treatment, parents supporting their LGBTQ offspring, Planned Parenthood, and sobriety. There was also sponsorship by local businesses such as Hamburger Mary's as well as corporations including Disneyland, Walmart, Boeing, Gelson's, and major banks. But attention was also drawn by to Palestine (apparently by unaffiliated activists). See video at very bottom of article/pix.

Pranjal Pandey (2024-05-23). Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Dies in Helicopter Crash, Leaving Behind a Polarizing Legacy. counterpunch.org Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian President, and the country's foreign minister were tragically found deceased on May 20, 2024, shortly after their helicopter crashed in foggy conditions. In response, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei swiftly appointed a relatively unknown vice president as the interim leader. According to Iran's Constitution, the First Vice President assumes the presidency

Pete Tucker (2024-05-23). How Wine Mogul David Trone Crashed and Burned His Senate Bid. counterpunch.org In the closing weeks of Maryland's Democratic Senate primary, wine mogul David Trone was lighting both his money and campaign on fire. The race came down to which he'd burn through first. As his early lead gave way in the homestretch before the May 14 election, Trone's desperation began to show. In a May 1 interview with

geo.tv (2024-05-23). Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi laid to rest after dying in helicopter crash. geo.tv Hundreds of thousands march in his home town Mashhad to bid farewell to Raisi ahead of his burial…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-05-23). Iranians paid last respects to President Raisi and his companions (+Photos). plenglish.com Tehran, May 23 (Prensa Latina) A huge crowd attended the funeral procession in Birjand, eastern Iran, on Thursday to pay last respects to President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash on May 19.

WSWS (2024-05-23). Members of Congress demand White House authorize Ukrainian strikes inside Russia. wsws.org On Tuesday, a bipartisan group of members of the House of Representatives called on the White House to formally authorize Ukraine to use US-provided weapons to strike inside Russian territory, a move that Russian officials had previously warned would trigger war between Russia and NATO.

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Woman Killed in Drone Strike on Russia's Belgorod Region. themoscowtimes.com Russia's Defense Ministry said air defense systems shot down 35 Ukrainian missiles and three drones over the Belgorod region overnight.

John Wojcik (2024-05-23). Danger of world war grows by the day over Ukraine. peoplesworld.org Almost by the day, the news about the war in Ukraine and the threat of world war grows worse. The latest reports on Thursday suggest that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other key officials in the Biden administration are pushing to allow the firing of U.S.-supplied weapons into Russian territory by Ukraine. Those reports …

Federico Fuentes (2024-05-23). Ukrainian unionists: Oligarchs, not Europe's poor, should pay for weapons and aid to Ukraine. greenleft.org.au Ukrainian trade unionists in the industrial city of Kryvyi Rih have issued an important appeal for solidarity in the lead up to June 6—9 European Union (EU) elections, reminding Europe's politicians that workers always bear the greatest burden of war, reports Federico Fuentes.

unitedEditor (2024-05-23). What Türkiye should learn from the helicopter crash in Iran. uwidata.com Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, along with other officials, passed away in the helicopter crash in northwestern Iran on 19th May. UWI author, historian and political scientist Mehmet Perinàßek shared his evaluation on the incident in a broader regional and international perspective. Could you give your overall view on the helicopter …

newleftreview (2024-05-23). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. newleftreview.org Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-23). Student encampment forces Uni of Melbourne to disclose weapons ties. greenleft.org.au

The Independent (2024-05-23). Museveni sends condolences over death of Iranian president. independent.co.ug KAMPALA, Uganda | Xinhua | Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has sent a message of condolences to the government and people of Iran following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi and several others in a helicopter crash on Sunday. In a statement issued late Wednesday, Museveni said he could see a patriot in Raisi who died …

aljazeera (2024-05-23). Thousands march in Iran to mourn Raisi on final day of funeral rites. aljazeera.com President Ebrahim Raisi died on Sunday in a helicopter crash near the Azerbaijan border.

Human Rights Watch (2024-05-23). Yemen: Houthi Landmines Claim Lives, Livelihoods. hrw.org (Beirut) — Landmines laid by Houthi forces and others in Yemen continue to kill and cause serious injuries to civilians in areas where active hostilities have ceased and are preventing farmers from accessing their land, Human Rights Watch said today. Yemeni law and the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty prohibit any use of antipersonnel landmines under any circumstances."Houthi forces flouted the landmine ban for years and Yemeni civilians are paying the price as these weapons kill and wound indiscriminately," said Niku Jafarnia, Yemen and Bahrain researcher at Human Rights Watch. "There is an urgent need to step up clea…

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Israel uses US weapons to kill 'children without restraint': Rights group. presstv.ir A rights group says Israel is using US weapons to kill Palestinian "children without restraint."

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Iran's Khorasan Razavi Province bids farewell to martyred President Raeisi. presstv.ir Thousands of people in Iran's Khorasan Razavi Province bid farewell to President Raeisi and two of his companions.

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Ayatollah Khamenei leads prayers as millions gather for Raeisi funeral. presstv.ir Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei leads prayers over the bodies of President Ebrahim Raeisi and his companions in Tehran as millions of people gathered to hold funeral procession.

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Ayatollah Khamenei leads prayers as millions gather for Raeisi funeral. presstv.ir Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei leads prayers over the bodies of President Ebrahim Raeisi and his companions in Tehran as millions of people gathered to hold funeral procession.

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Iranian Air Force chief visits families of crew martyred in crash. presstv.ir The Iranian commander said the martyrs were a beacon of inspiration.

presstv.ir (2024-05-23). Iran's South Khorasan Province bids farewell to martyred Raeisi. presstv.ir Thousands of people in Iran's South Khorasan Province bid farewell to President Raeisi and two of his companions.

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