2024-05-17: News Headlines

Michael Arria, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-17). Biden Is Sending Israel Another $1 Billion In Weapons. popularresistance.org Congressional aides say that the Biden administration will send Israel another $1 billion in weapons and ammunition. The package includes roughly $700 million for tank ammunition, $500 million for tactical vehicles, and $60 million in mortar rounds. | The move comes amid rising tensions over a potential military invasion of Rafah, a town in Southern Gaza. | The story was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. | This is the first arms shipment The White House has announced since it paused a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel last week. In an interview with CNN Biden admitted that "Civilians have been kill…

Shawn Musgrave, Black Agenda Report. (2024-05-17). Even Biden's Lawyers Urge The White House To Change Course On Gaza. popularresistance.org In a message to Attorney General Merrick Garland and other senior officials this week, federal government attorneys invoked British abolitionist William Wilberforce: "You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know." | The letter , drafted by unnamed legal and policy staff at more than two dozen federal agencies, argues that the U.S. is violating domestic and international law by providing a steady stream of weapons to Israel despite evidence of war crimes in Gaza. Drawing comparisons to the infamous "torture memos," which were drafted by government lawyers to provide cover…

MEE staff (2024-05-17). Hezbollah launches drones at Israel following Thursday assassination. middleeasteye.net Hezbollah launches drones at Israel following Thursday assassination | Israel is expected to present its defence over new hearings ordered by the International Court of Justice | | Smoke rising above the northern Israeli town of Metula following an attack from Lebanon amid cross-border fighting betwe…

Staff (2024-05-17). Israeli army intercepts Hezbollah drones fired from Lebanon. haaretz.com Hezbollah claims responsibility for combat drones launch toward Western Galilee ‚ñ Israel accuses South Africa of false claims in ICJ genocide case ‚ñ Israeli soldier killed in accidental explosion near Gaza ‚ñ IDF announces two Thai hostages killed on Oct. 7; bodies held in Gaza ‚ñ Three Israeli soldiers wounded in drone explosion in Metula, one seriously ‚ñ Hezbollah reports two members killed in southern Lebanon ‚ñ Arab League countries call for international force in Gaza, WB, until two-state solution…

Joel Wendland-Liu (2024-05-17). 'Black Ghost of Empire: The Long Death of Slavery and the Failure of Emancipation'. peoplesworld.org When wealthy, Harvard-trained ultra-right Senator Tom Cotton described racial slavery as a "necessary evil" in 2020, he made two crucial admissions. First, the enslavement and consequent genocide of millions of Africans by Europeans and Euro-Americans between 1492 and the 1880s was a necessary feature for the development of capitalism (and consequent European and U.S. imperialism …

Staff (2024-05-17). Headlines for May 17, 2024. democracynow.org "We Don't Want Ships. We Want Safety": Displaced Gazans Reject U.S. Pier; U.N. Calls for Land Access, Spain Bars Ships with Weapons For Israel; 13 Foreign Ministers Warn Against Israel's Rafah Assault, "Israel's Genocide Has Reached New and Horrific Stage": South Africa Requests Urgent ICJ Intervention, Police Raid and Arrest Students at Gaza Solidarity Encampments at UC Berkeley, DePaul University, WaPo: Billionaires and Execs Urged Eric Adams to Send Police to Columbia's Gaza Encampment, SCOTUS Overrules Challenge to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, NYT: Upsi…

Melvin Goodman (2024-05-17). Friedman, Biden and US Weapons Sales to Israel. counterpunch.org In a long oped on Sunday titled "Biden's Error in Pausing Military Aid," Thomas Friedman buys into Israeli propaganda that describes Iran as an "existential threat," and harshly denigrates President Joe Biden for announcing a pause in U.S. weapons sales to Israel. Friedman is critical of Biden for announcing the pause in the transfer of

aljazeera (2024-05-17). Republicans in US House pass bill pushing Biden to send weapons to Israel. aljazeera.com The act is not expected to become law, but its passage shows the depth of the divide in the US over Israel policy.

Jeffrey St. Clair (2024-05-17). Follow the Missiles. counterpunch.org Since October 7, the Biden administration has approved more than 100 Foreign Military Sales arms transfers to Israel. Two of the shipments used an emergency authority to circumvent Congressional review. The surge of weapons transfers to Israel began in early October and so much material was being shipped that the Pentagon had a difficult time finding enough cargo aircraft to deliver them.

albawaba (2024-05-17). Hezbollah targets two Israeli military-industrial facilities. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- Lebanese Hezbollah fighters announced an air attack using drones targeted industrial facilities belonging to the Israeli Ministry of War. The attack focused on the "Elbit" military industries company and the "David Cohen" factory in "Tel Hai" (north of Kiryat Shmona). The David Cohen factory specializes in producing electronic systems for the Israeli army.According to the Hezbollah Resistance, they successfully targeted spy equipment carried on a crane in Tallet Al-Tayhat with precise weapons, resulting in its destruction.Hezbollah Resistance in Lebanon further announced that they targeted an Israeli en…

Angela (2024-05-17). Tuesday 5/21: South Africa, Palestine & the World Court – Codepink Congress Capitol Calling Party. indybay.org Zoom | www.codepink.org/cpc521

Howie Wolke (2024-05-17). The Wilderness Act at 60: A Brief Overview. counterpunch.org On September 3, 1964, humanity's unrelenting quest to tame, civilize, industrialize, and obliterate wild nature crashed into the Wilderness Act, signed into law by President Johnson on that momentous day. This visionary legislation—written primarily by the late Howard Zahniser of the Wilderness Society—created a federal policy to secure for the American people "an enduring resource

WSWS (2024-05-17). 8 Mexican farmworkers killed in Florida bus crash. wsws.org Contrary to the anti-immigrant policies of DeSantis and the Republican Party, the site of the crash has been overflowing with flowers from people and families visiting to pay their respects to the farmworkers they never met.

WSWS (2024-05-17). UK Labour Party rail policy: A pro-capitalist rescue plan. wsws.org Labour's rail plan is not a programme of "renationalisation" but an effort to save a collapsed privatisation strategy and to safeguard the interests of British capitalism.

ecns.cn (2024-05-17). China rebuffs U.S. accusations on supplying Russia with weapon components: Chinese FM. ecns.cn China has rebuffed U.S. claims accusing the Chinese side of supplying Russia with materials for weapons manufacturing, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Thursday.

Eric Brooks (2024-05-17). Envisioning socialism with American characteristics. cpusa.org This piece is a contribution to the Pre-Convention Discussion for our 32nd National Convention. During Pre-Convention Discussion, all aspects of the party's program, strategy, and tactics are up for consideration and debate. The ideas presented here are those of the author or authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Communist Party USA, its membership, or their elected leadership bodies. — Editors | In envisioning the future of socialism in America, it is crucial to understand it not as a utopian reconstruction of our economy from scratch, but as a pragmatic evolution of existin…

newleftreview (2024-05-17). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. newleftreview.org Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

teleSUR, ahf- SH (2024-05-17). Ataque de Ucrania a Belgorod cobra la vida de mujer y su hijo. telesurtv.net El gobernador de la región, Viacheslav Gladkov detalló que "varios municipios de la región de Belgorod" fueron atacados por drones ucranianos.

newarab (2024-05-17). Hezbollah introduces new weapons and tactics against Israel. newarab.com The Lebanese group The attack wounded three soldiers, one of them seriously, according to the Israeli military. | Hezbollah has regularly fired missiles across the border with Israel over the past seven months, but the one on Thursday appears to have been the first successful missile airstrike it has launched from wit…

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Houthi: Yemen to target any Israel-bound ships within range. presstv.ir Ansarullah leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi has declared that Yemeni forces will target any ship bound for Israeli ports, regardless of whether they pass through the Red Sea.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Spain imposes ban on ships carrying arms for Israel. presstv.ir Spain has decided to ban ships carrying weapons for Israel from docking at its ports, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares says.

presstv.ir (2024-05-17). Envoy: Iran arms for Yemen 'lies' by US aim to justify aggression. presstv.ir Iran's permanent representative to the United Nations has unequivocally dismissed US claims that Iran sends arms to Yemen.

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