2024-05-16: News Headlines

Caitlyn Clark, Labor Notes. (2024-05-16). Unions Support Student Protestors Against Administrators And Police. popularresistance.org As campus protests—and violent police repression—continue to roll across the country, some unions are getting involved. | More than 2,700 protesters have been arrested on 64 college campuses since the initial arrests at Columbia University in New York on April 18. Encampments have appeared at 184 campuses worldwide. The protesting students are calling for full disclosure of their universities' finances and divestment from all financial ties to weapons manufacturers and Israel's war on Gaza. | Unionized academic workers are demanding decision-making power over their work and what it's used for. For ins…

Sara Flounders, Workers' World. (2024-05-16). Divest Now! A Revolutionary Demand. popularresistance.org Why have student encampments for Palestine ignited such an uproar of brutal repression, vicious police attacks, mass arrests, overwhelming condemnation in the corporate media and a new level of reactionary legislation in Congress? | The demand to divest, raised at almost every encampment, exposes the insidious inroads of the military-industrial complex into the heart of almost all higher education institutions in the U.S. today. | This demand to "divest" has revolutionary implications. Divestment is not just a threat to university boards, administrators and their alumni funders. It is a threat to the established…

David Swanson, World Beyond War. (2024-05-16). NATO Spreads Nuclear Weapons, Energy, And Risk. popularresistance.org Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty declares that NATO members will assist another member if attacked by "taking action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force." But the UN Charter does not say anywhere that warmaking is authorized for whoever jumps in on the appropriate side. | The North Atlantic Treaty's authors may have been aware that they were on dubious legal ground because they went on twice to claim otherwise, first adding the words "Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated w…

Peter Hudis, Kevin B. Anderson, Heather Brown, Lyndon Porter, Fernando Baleia (2024-05-16). From the genocide in Palestine and Ukraine to the fascist threat: Working toward a revolutionary, Marxist-Humanist response. links.org.au Today's global capitalism is sinking into unimaginable levels of barbarism. Nowhere is this barbarism more glaring than in Israel's genocide in Gaza…

Joachim Hagopian (2024-05-16). Biden Rewards Bibi's Genocide with $1 Billion More in Weapons. "There's Nowhere to Go". 300,000 Palestinians Fleeing Rafah. globalresearch.ca

Binoy Kampmark (2024-05-16). Dodging the Issue: The Biden Administration Report on Israel's Use of US Weapons. counterpunch.org It truly is pushing the envelope of lunacy to assume that this latest revelation was revelatory. US weapons, the wonks in Washington find, are being used by the Israeli Defense Forces to kill their opponents, many of them Palestinians, and most of them civilians. These are detailed in a report ordered by the White House pursuant to National Security Memorandum

Kate Yoder (2024-05-16). The American Climate Corps will get people into green jobs. Can it help their mental health too? grist.org In the depths of the Great Depression in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Plus News (2024-05-16). EAC Countries Trained on Chemical Weapons and Risk Response. plusnews.ug East African Community countries are building their capacity and preparedness to respond to chemical attacks and disasters. With support from the United Kingdom, the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is now training core personnel in the bloc to first build awareness and understanding of the problem within the region, following which member states …

newleftreview (2024-05-16). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. newleftreview.org Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

John Wojcik, Mark Gruenberg, Ben Chacko (2024-05-16). U.S. rejects China's proposal to ban first use of nuclear weapons. peoplesworld.org The U.S. has dismissed Chinese calls for a no-first-use treaty between nuclear weapons states, saying it has questions about China's "sincerity." The outright dismissal of China's proposal followed a major speech in which Biden announced radical tariffs of up to 100 percent, on steel imports from China. That speech follows months of U.S. military buildup …

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-05-16). Israeli media on Hezbollah drone strike on Ilaniya Base: Infiltration of the explosive-laden drones into the Israeli depths is a serious failure. english.almanar.com.lb

newarab (2024-05-16). Jordan 'foils arms plot as caught in Iran-Israel shadow war'. newarab.com The weapons were sent by Iranian-backed militias in Syria to a cell of the Musli…

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Biden poised to send more arms to Israel as Rafah situation worsens. presstv.ir The US administration informed Congress it intends to transfer $1 billion in weapons to Israel.

presstv.ir (2024-05-16). Pro-Palestine activists protest against UK arms shipments to Israel. presstv.ir They say the British weapons industry has been cashing in on Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza.

hindustantimes (2024-05-16). Hezbollah Revenge: Drone Swarm Pounds Military Base Deep Inside Israel, IDF Retaliates In Baalbek. hindustantimes.com Hezbollah carried out its second deepest strike into Israel's territory this year with a swarm of drones. Hezbollah said that the drone strike was revenge for Israel's recent assassinations. On May 15, Hezbollah launched a swarm of drones which damaged part of a surveillance system used by the Israeli Air Force at military base west of Tiberias. Israel hit back with Lebanese media claiming that IDF launched largest-ever airstrikes on Lebanon's Baalbek region. Watch for more details. INTERNATIONAL NEWS…

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