Monthly Archives: December 2023

2023-12-26: News Headlines

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-26). Matthew Ehret: Without numerous anti-Semitic fascists, Zionism would not have been possible. Imperial socialism has always been at the heart of 20th-century fascism, writes Matthew Ehret. Without the force of numerous anti-Semitic fascists throughout the last two centuries, Zionism would have never been possible. …

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-26). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

jamanetwork (2023-12-26). Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation and Psychological Distress. To the Editor A recent study examined the effects of atrial fibrillation catheter ablation on mental health. This is a clinically relevant area of research, and the results are certainly interesting, although there is a question, in our opinion, regarding the nature of the observed associations. Treatment for depression is notorious for placebo effects, and it appears such effects may be due to activation of certain neurotransmitting pathways by the "idea" of active treatment. Research has shown that placebo-induced activation of the Œº-opioid system is implicated in the formation of placebo antidepres…

CodePink Hayward (2023-12-26). Thursday 12/28: Hayward: Ceasefire for the Children of Palestine. At 5 Flags location corner of Main Street and D St, near the Kabob restaurant in Hayward… (2023-12-26). Explosions reported in Red Sea shipping lane off Yemen coastExplosions in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen were reported on Tuesday after sightings of unmanned aircraft and missiles in two separate incidents, a British maritime authority said. | | Two unmanned aircraft were observed before two explosions occurred 5 nautical miles from a vessel located 50 nautical miles west of Hodeidah on Yemen's west coast

aljazeera (2023-12-26). Ukraine claims to have destroyed Russian ship in Crimea attack. Air force says Crimea attack destroyed the Novocherkassk, which it said was being used to transport drones.

noemail (2023-12-26). Yemen's Houthis claim responsibility for Red Sea container ship attack. (Adds U.S. central command comment on shooting down Houthi missiles, drones in paragraph 6) DUBAI, Dec 26 (Reuters) -… (2023-12-26). Africa's role in Palestinian liberation. Calling for African support for Palestine against Israel's military-industrial complex. (2023-12-26). Why Houthis Are Lending Helping Hand To Hamas"The aim is to put as much pressure as possible to get Israel to agree to a ceasefire. By getting all the Shia groups to aim at Israeli and American interests, at a basic low-intensity attrition attacks to bring home to the international community that the entire Middle East can get out of hand if the war does not stop," says Talmiz Ahmad an Indian diplomat and scholar. None of the groups – Houthis, Hezbollah, or the militants in Iraq are using the more sophisticated weapons they have in their arsenal, says Ambassador Ahmad. They merely want to give a preview of what can happen if Israel continues the carnage.

Staff (2023-12-26). Australia's military ties to the Israeli Defense Forces. In the midst of Israel's relentless mass destruction and ethnic cleansing of Gaza, it is urgent to know which Australian manufactured weapons, parts and 'defense' systems are being used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Federal and state governments, numerous Australian universities, and Australian companies have direct ties to high-profile weapons manufacturers that are aiding …

Staff (2023-12-26). Will the Russians use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine? Until a few days ago, I regularly dismissed as utterly fanciful and propagandistic in intent all suggestions in Western media that Russia might deploy nuclear weapons in their ongoing war on Ukraine. The notion was put forward by Washington in support of the narrative that Russia was losing the war and could 'go nuclear' to …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-12-26). The Houthis Take on the Empire. Renee Parsons While it is astounding that one small, feisty Arab tribe in the nation of Yemen has shown the mega-world how to creatively stand up to the Hegemon without threatening nuclear weapons, without initiating direct military conflict and yet achieve their goals — what is even more astounding is that the Houthis are not the least…

Toby Blomé (2023-12-26). Thursday 12/28: Stop Travis: No US Weapons for Genocide. Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, CA | Rally, plus: Main Gate, Travis AFB | Air Base Parkway & Parker Rd. | Park and Gather at Commercial Center to left of Air Base Pkway & Parker Rd.

2023-12-26 23:44:43 | 23:44 EST | tr | 15 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 0 

2023-12-25: News Headlines

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-12-25). Charlie Chaplin's Enduring Legacy. Few individuals did more to shape modern cinema than the actor, director, and producer Charlie Chaplin. One of the greatest of all comic mimes, he also pioneered cinematic techniques and storytelling. His films with his iconic role as the beleaguered Little Tramp with baggy trousers, mustache, cane, and bowler hat were not only comic masterpieces, but unflinching looks at poverty, unemployment, capitalism, exploitation, the callousness of authority, the search for meaning and dignity in a hostile world, and the yearning for love and acceptance. | He argued that drama should be derived from the close observation o…

Horacio Rovelli (2023-12-25). Capitalismo salvaje y de la peor especie: El no-régimen de Milei. Tras dos semanas de gobierno, no queda duda de que, por más que el ahora Presidente de la República diga que las medidas que se imponen no son "business friendly" (favorables a los negocios), sino que son market friendly (amigables…

thecommunists (2023-12-25). Joti Brar: The essential lessons of October. The speech above was delivered at our recent meeting celebrating the 106th anniversary of the October Revolution at Bolivar Hall in central London. ***** In this brief speech, Comrade Joti Brar sums up some of the essential lessons of October, highlighting the fact that it changed the world forever by opening a new historical era …

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-25). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

C. Douglas Lummis (2023-12-25). The All-Too-Clever Osprey and Its Latest Crash. On November 29 this year, a CV-22 tiltrotor aircraft belonging to the US Airforce crashed into the sea south of the Japanese island of Kyushu, killing all eight crew members on board. This is the latest in a string of crashes, many of them fatal, extending over decades, which have gained that aircraft the nickname,

CodePink Hayward (2023-12-25). Thursday 12/28: Hayward: Ceasefire for the Children of Palestine. At 5 Flags location corner of Main Street and D St, near the Kabob restaurant in Hayward…

CodePink Hayward (2023-12-25). Thursday 12/28: Ceasefire for the Children of Palestine. At 5 Flags location corner of Main street and D st, near the Kabob restaurant in Hayward…

Ralph Nader (2023-12-25). "Nothing Will Stop Us" The unstoppable Israeli U.S. armed military juggernaut continues its genocidal destruction of Gaza's Palestinians. The onslaught includes blocking the provision of "food, water, medicine, electricity and fuel," openly genocidal orders decreed by Netanyahu and his extreme, blood-thirsty ministers. The stunning atrocities going on day after day is being recorded by U.S. drones over Gaza and

noemail (2023-12-25). Pope Francis blasts the weapons industry as he makes a Christmas appeal for peace in the world. Pope Francis on Monday blasted the weapons industry and its "instruments of death" that fuel wars as he made a Christmas Day appeal for peace in the world and in particular between Israel and the Palestinians. (2023-12-25). Christmas Wishes for "Peace on Earth" Are Empty Without Ceasefire in GazaThe message of Christmas has traditionally involved prayers for goodwill toward all and "peace on Earth," but through their opposition to ceasefire in Gaza, most Western Christians are affirming the opposite values: that violence, weapons and destruction are the only response to real and perceived enemies.

Jonathan Kuttab (2023-12-25). Christmas Wishes for "Peace on Earth" Are Empty Without Ceasefire in Gaza. The message of Christmas has traditionally involved prayers for goodwill toward all and "peace on Earth," but through their opposition to ceasefire in Gaza, most Western Christians are affirming the opposite values: that violence, weapons and destruction are the only response to real and perceived enemies. The U.S. Christian Palestinian communities that I am a part of are truly puzzled at the… |

_____ (2023-12-25). David Krieger (27 Mar 1942 — 7 Dec 2023): A Life of Dedication to the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons. Although David Krieger devoted his professional life to anti-nuclear scholarship and activism, his underlying motivations were for a world anchored in dignity for all, respect for international law, and a robust UN. Remembering my long, close, cherished friendship reinforces my sense of loss resulting from David's death. RIP…

teleSUR (2023-12-25). Pope Francis Rejects Military Spending in His Christmas Message. In the Christmas message delivered from St. Peter's Basilica on Monday, Pope Francis made a passionate plea against weapons manufacturers. | RELATED: | "To say no to war, it is necessary to say no to weapons. Because if man, whose heart is unstable and wounded, finds instruments of death in his hands, sooner or later he will use them. And how can we talk about peace when the production, sale, and trade of weapons a…

Toby Blomé (2023-12-25). Thursday 12/28: Stop Travis: No US Weapons for Genocide. Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, CA | Rally, plus: Main Gate, Travis AFB | Air Base Parkway & Parker Rd. | Park and Gather at Commercial Center to left of Air Base Pkway & Parker Rd.

2023-12-25 23:07:48 | 23:07 EST | tr | 16 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 0