(2023-11-20). Anarco-capitalismo: Si el Estado no planifica el futuro, los grupos financieros lo harán. globalizacion.ca David Ricardo (1722-1823) fue uno de los padres de la economía política, con dos grandes méritos. El primero: fundamentar la teoría valor-trabajo, esto es, la economía es el trabajo de transformación de los elementos que nos brinda la naturaleza para…
(2023-11-20). Lloyd Austin Visits Ukraine, Announces $100 Million Arms Package. news.antiwar.com Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made an unannounced visit to Kyiv on Monday, where he announced a new $100 million weapons package for Ukraine and insisted the US would provide long-term support for the war against Russia despite growing signs to the contrary. "I announced today another $100 million drawdown using Presidential Drawdown Authority to …
(2023-11-20). US Military Supplies Weapons to Israel Using the UK Base on Cyprus. libya360.wordpress.com Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis Flight path of a US Air Force C-295 military transport aircraft that flew from RAF Akrotiri to Tel Aviv on Wednesday. (Screengrab: RadarBox) The US is moving arms to Israel from around Europe using Britain's vast air base on Cyprus, but the Ministry of Defence refuses to tell Declassified what…