Daily Archives: October 29, 2023

2023-10-29: News Headlines

Larry Patriquin (2023-10-29). How 'Cannibal Capitalism' is devouring the planet. canadiandimension.com Smoke from wildfires in Canada engulfs New York City, June 2023. Photo by Anthony Quintano/ | Cannibal Capitalism: How our System is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet — and What We Can Do About It: | Nancy Fraser | Verso, 2023 | The world is a mess. In her latest book,

WSWS (2023-10-28). ECB keeps rates on hold as euro area moves towards recession. wsws.org In her opening press conference remarks ECB president Christine Lagarde said the euro area economy remained "weak."

Chicago Alba Solidarity, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-10-29). Medea Benjamin Reveals Details Of Visit To Venezuela's Diplomat Alex Saab. popularresistance.org Activist and founder of the CODEPINK women's group, Medea Benjamin, stated that the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, kidnapped by the United States, "has a commitment to himself, to his dignity, to his honor and his major commitment is with the Venezuelan people." | Benjamin, who had the opportunity to visit the special envoy in the Miami federal prison recently, commented on her impressions during the most recent webinar of Hands Off Venezuela, organized by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign of the Fire This Time Movement of Canada. | Medea Benjamin highlighted that Saab remains "firm, with his head held high."

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-10-29). Fasting for Gaza Ceasefire at Nancy Pelosi's doorstep. indybay.org CODEPINK and World Beyond War are sponsors of a fast for a ceasefire in Gaza, for the love of the children of Gaza. We are asking Nancy Pelosi to call for a cease fire and de-escalation, per 80% of Democrat voters and HR 786. We are asking Biden to support a ceasefire and to stop spending our $ on weapons for the Israeli military to use against civilians in Palestine.

Staff (2023-10-28). CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin Reveals Details of Visit to Venezuela's Diplomat Alex Saab. orinocotribune.com Activist and founder of the CODEPINK women's group, Medea Benjamin, stated that the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, kidnapped by the United States, "has a commitment to himself, to his dignity, to his honor and his major commitment is with the Venezuelan people." | Benjamin, who had the opportunity to visit the special envoy in the Miami federal prison recently, commented on her impressions during the most recent webinar of Hands Off Venezuela, organized by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign of the Fire This Time Movement of Canada. | Medea Benjamin highlighted that Saab remains "firm, with his head held high," and…

Toby Blomé (2023-10-28). SF CODEPINK Meets Nancy Pelosi: CEASEFIRE NOW! indybay.org "The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe; and I am beginning to suspect that whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality." James Baldwin…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-10-28). New drone attacks against US bases in Syria. plenglish.com In two separate statements, the group claimed responsibility for an attack with two drones against U.S. forces concentrated in the Tanef area, in eastern Syria near the Iraqi and Jordanian borders. | The statement added that the drones hit their targets, without confirming yet if there were casualties or material damages in the referred base. | Another attack targeted U.S. military residences at the base established in the Al-Omar oil field in the north of the eastern province of Deir Ezzor. | Missile and drone bombings against U.S. targets in Syria increased notably since the start of the Israeli war against th…

Martin Hacthoun (2023-10-29). Russia shoots down 36 Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea and Crimea. plenglish.com Moscow, Oct 29 (Prensa Latina) The Russian anti-aircraft defense destroyed a total of 36 Ukrainian drones of the airplane type over the Black Sea and the northwest of Crimea, the Ministry of Defense of Russia reported today.

Palestine Action. (2023-10-29). Palestine Action Strikes Three Israel-Supplying Weapons Factories. popularresistance.org This morning, three simultaneous actions have targeted weapons factories across Britain, to prevent the production of weaponry destined for use by Israel in their ongoing massacre of the Palestinian people. While Israel's Instro Precision in Kent has been met with a 100-person-strong blockade, a lock-on and a rooftop occupation disrupted Leicester's UAV Tactical Systems and Howmet Fastening Systems. | At the Instro Precision factory in Sandwich, over 100 people have descended on the site, to blockade the two entrances to the Discovery Park business area. The site, which has faced protests for years and has previo…

UCSC Right Livelihood (2023-10-29). Tuesday 11/14: Paul Walker: Using International Law for the Abolition of Chemical Weapons. indybay.org Virtual Event: ucsc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvc-yppzkiHtW4Rbrh_c23atYvZf3at4fY

WSWS (2023-10-28). Indian workers and youth outraged over Israel's genocidal war on Palestinians. wsws.org "It is essential to stop the provision of weapons to Israel with the help of dock workers in America and Israel, airport workers of Israel and other countries that helps Israel providing the destroying weapons."

UCSC Right Livelihood (2023-10-28). Tuesday 11/14: Paul Walker: Using International Law for the Abolition of Chemical Weapons. indybay.org Virtual Event: ucsc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvc-yppzkiHtW4Rbrh_c23atYvZf3at4fY

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