(2023-10-15). Is It Fascism Yet? counterpunch.org Image by Alexander Grey. | "Is fascism merely a dictatorial force in the service of capitalism? That may not be all it is, but that certainly is an important part of fascism's raison d'etre, the function Hitler himself kept referring to when he talked about saving the industrialists and bankers from Bolshevism." | — Michael Parenti, The question of fascism in the US of A is both tedious and necessary because of the ways in which the term has been weaponized in recent years.
(2023-10-15). Class Leaders and Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism. socialistproject.ca We are living in the most dangerous time for the human species since our early origins. The massive numbers of wildfires destroying large swaths of Canada and elsewhere this summer are one sign among many that we are mere years away from irreversible environmental degradation. The Ukraine War reminds us that we are within a few minutes of nuclear winter. We are witnessing historic highs in the inequitable concentration of wealth and lows in popular confidence in elected governments. The capitalist system is driven by the obsessive need to turn every conceivable material good and service into profitable commodi…
(2023-10-15). Moving from rhetoric to action to build socialism. liberationnews.org Dilemmas of Humanity will address the obstacles and possibilities of the peoples in their struggle for a more just world far removed from the oppressive capitalist system…
(2023-10-15). Moving from rhetoric to action to build socialism. peoplesdispatch.org The organization of the working class internationally, the right of people to health and housing, food sovereignty and the rights of immigrants were at the center of the discussion on Sunday October 15 of the III International Conference Dilemmas of Humanity taking place in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. | On the second day of the meeting, attended by around 500 delegates from more than 70 countries, the presentations were once again centered around the main dilemmas facing humanity today due to the prevailing capitalist system and the advance of imperialism in every corner of the planet. | The day began…
(2023-10-15). Pasar de la retórica a la acción para construir el socialismo. peoplesdispatch.org En el segundo dia de la III Conferencia Internacional Dilemas de la Humanidad, líderes discutieron los retos y las tareas principales para organizar la clase trabajadora…
(2023-10-15). "Socialism is not just a possibility, it is the only possibility": left leaders gather in Johannesburg. peoplesdispatch.org The III International Dilemmas of Humanity will run from October 14 to 18 in Constitution Hill in Johannesburg…
(2023-10-15). "Socialism is not just a possibility, it is the only possibility": left leaders gather in Johannesburg. liberationnews.org Around 500 movement leaders, trade unionists, and members of left parties from more than 70 countries are partaking in the conference…
(2023-10-15). She Exposed One Of The World's Biggest Banks; They Ruined Her Life. popularresistance.org Warning signs of the instability of the global financial system abounded in the months leading up to the 2008 Lehman Brothers crash. Among these early signs were the astounding revelations about UBS, the world's largest private bank, by Stephanie Gibaud, who was employee at the bank's French division. Gibaud refused instructions given to her and other employees to delete all their company files. In doing so, she helped reveal a vast web of corruption and fraud linking UBS to a shadowy tax evasion scheme. More than 15 years later, Gibaud has endured harassment, professional ostracization, lawsuits, and threats.
(2023-10-16). As the UAW prepares to suppress US auto strike, GM and Mercedes-Benz announce new round of layoffs in Brazil. wsws.org Just as in the US, unions in Brazil have suppressed the struggles of the working class, collaborating with companies and the capitalist state in increasing unemployment and slashing workers' living standards.
(2023-10-16). Tuesday 10/17: Codepink Congress: Call to Action for Gaza. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…
(2023-10-15). Tuesday 10/17: Codepink Congress: Call to Action for Gaza. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…
(2023-10-15). Ukraine Mobilizes Women, Elderly Amid Failed Counteroffensive. popularresistance.org The month of October 2023 marks four months since the beginning of a Ukrainian counteroffensive. The counteroffensive was widely publicized in the West at its beginning. U.S. and British generals pinned high hopes on it, stepping up their weapons supply and training of the Ukraine Armed Forces. But after four months, the counteroffensive has yielded no results. Ukrainian forces are stuck before the Russian defense lines with no way to break through. Huge losses during Ukraine's failed counteroffensive are behind the first attempts to formally mobilize women for military service. Of note is that Ukrainian authorit…
(2023-10-15). Weapons Contractors Don't Want You To Know Why They're Celebrating. rumble.com