Daily Archives: October 6, 2023

2023-10-06: News Headlines

Speak Out Socialists (2023-10-06). Saturday 10/21: Capitalism and the Climate Crisis: Everything to Lose and a World to Win. indybay.org 2727 Event Space, 2727 California Street, Berkeley, CA 94703 | CAN'T JOIN IN-PERSON? JOIN THE EVENT VIA ZOOM | TINYURL.COM/OCTOBER-TH-2023…

Brasil de Fato (2023-10-06). Bolivia's ruling party confirms Evo Morales' candidacy and Luis Arce's ouster. peoplesdispatch.org The split in Bolivia's ruling political party has become official. President Luis Arce and vice-president David Choquehuanca are no longer part of the MAS (Movement towards Socialism) party, which ratified the decision, informally announced on the 24, to present former president Evo Morales (2006-2019) as its candidate in the 2025 elections. | The MAS held its tenth congress from October 3-4 in the town of Lauca àë, a coca growing region in the center of the country. On that occasion, the party decreed the "self-expulsion" of Arce and Choquehuanca, for not attending the meeting, and of 20 other deputies alig…

Suds, Snacks, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-10-06). Saturday 10/7: Fighting the Information Behemoth: Why We Need Alternative Media. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705…

Suds, Snacks, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-10-05). Saturday 10/7: Fighting the Information Behemoth: Why We Need Alternative Media. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705…

Dania Albaba, Mohammed Zaher Sahloul (2023-10-07). Correspondence] A plea for psychiatric and humanitarian support in northwest Syria. thelancet.com The Syrian conflict has taken a devastating toll on the mental health of its civilian population, resulting in high levels of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The traumatic events experienced by people in Syria (eg, bombings, shootings, chemical weapon attacks, attacks on crucial infrastructure, terrorism, and forced displacement) have all contributed to these problems. Furthermore, the fragmentation of health-care infrastructure, the exodus of health-care providers, ongoing crises, reduced international aid, and the shortage of mental health professionals all worsen the psychologic…

Dana Sanchez (2023-10-06). Top JP Morgan Strategist Kolanovic: 20% Stock Market Plunge, Recession Coming To America. moguldom.com Analysts have been predicting and then revising predictions that the U.S. is about to enter a recession, if not already in one, since the Federal Reserve began hiking interest rates in March 2022. Reuters polls of economists showed the risk of a recession rising from 25 percent in April 2022, the month after the first …

presstv.ir (2023-10-06). Germany's economy headed for recession amid support for Ukraine. presstv.ir Latest figures from federal statistics agency Destatis show German exports fell more than expected in August.

Staff (2023-10-05). "A Day in the Life of Abed Salama": How the Death of Abed's 5-Year-Old Son Sheds Light on Life Under Israeli Apartheid. democracynow.org We spend the hour with Nathan Thrall and Abed Salama, the author and subject of a remarkable new book detailing the many bureaucratic barriers and indignities that make the lives of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation even more difficult. A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy focuses on the 2012 death of Salama's son, 5-year-old Milad, who was killed in a fiery bus crash during a school field trip to a theme park. What followed was a desperate daylong search by Salama and his family to locate Milad's body across different cities and hospitals, encountering numerous…

WSWS (2023-10-05). Chemical spill kills five after tanker truck crash in southern Illinois. wsws.org A tanker truck carrying thousands of gallons of anhydrous ammonia crashed and spilled its contents while traveling on US Highway 40 in southern Illinois, killing 5 and forcing the evacuation of 500.

Dan Lieberman (2023-10-05). The Contradictions of Ronald Reagan's America. dissidentvoice.org As the memory of President Ronald Reagan's administration recedes, estimation of his deeds grows, and for good reason. A cursory look at his end-of-office stats impresses the casual observer — 67% increase in GDP, from $3 trillion in 1981 to $5 trillion in 1988, net job addition of about 18 million, reduction in the unemployment …

presstv.ir (2023-10-06). Iran conducts first drone on drone combat operation. presstv.ir Iranian drones engage in the first aerial combat mission involving another drone.

presstv.ir (2023-10-05). Iran's kamikaze, combat drones destroy all targets during drill. presstv.ir The spokesman of the Iranian Army's joint exercise says homegrown kamikaze and combat drones have successfully hit all their targets during the maneuver.

presstv.ir (2023-10-05). IRCG chief: Iran's AI-powered drones capable of targeting far-off enemy vessels. presstv.ir The chief commander of the IRGC says Iran's AI-powered drones can hit enemy vessels sailing thousands of miles away.

presstv.ir (2023-10-05). Iran conducts first drone on drone combat operation. presstv.ir Iranian drones engage in the first aerial combat mission involving another drone.

William D. Hartung, TomDispatch. (2023-10-05). AI Goes To War. popularresistance.org On August 28th, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks chose the occasion of a three-day conference organized by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), the arms industry's biggest trade group, to announce the "Replicator Initiative." Among other things, it would involve producing "swarms of drones" that could hit thousands of targets in China on short notice. Call it the full-scale launching of techno-war. | Her speech to the assembled arms makers was yet another sign that the military-industrial complex (MIC) President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about more than 60 years ago is still alive, a…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-10-06). Condenan ataque con drones contra academia militar en Siria. telesurtv.net Gobierno sirio decreta tres días de luto público y oficial, a partir de este 6 de octubre, periodo durante el cual las banderas ondearán a media asta en todo el país.

presstv.ir (2023-10-06). Only 2% of Saudis back normalization with Israel: Survey. presstv.ir A survey says only two percent of young Saudi Arabians back normalization of ties with the Israeli regime, as the US is pushing for an agreement between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-10-06). The Great Taking: Have the global elite devised an elaborate plan to take everything we own? expose-news.com In June 2023, hedge fund manager David Rogers Webb published a book titled 'The Great Taking'. The book, one commentator said, describes a legal framework for the seizure of trillions of dollars …

Erin 'Properganda Specialist' Kelly (2023-10-06). Nuclear Weapons were used on Iraq in a "Parade of Horribles" indybay.org I summarize the events after the war in Iraq. Did you know we left Iraq in a condition that will cause the highest level of birth rates in human history for the next 1 million generations? Yes, One million.

greenleft.org.au (2023-10-06). Killing by algorithm: Australia lacks adequate ethical restraints. greenleft.org.au

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-10-06). And So It Begins… The Great Unravelling. libya360.wordpress.com Finian Cunningham Thousands protest against the delivery of weapons to Ukraine, and in support of peace negotiations, in Berlin, Germany, February, 2023. Photograph: Christian Mang/Reuters The "Collective West" led by the chief imperialist power, the United States, is careening and buckling, the wayward collapse evident with each passing day. For what it's worth, the transatlantic…

Kyle Anzalone (2023-10-06). A Desperate White House Is Scrambling To Find Money for Arming Ukraine. news.antiwar.com POLITICO reported on Thursday that President Joe Biden was contemplating using State Department funds to ship weapons to Ukraine. Washington and Kyiv are beginning to panic as Congress did not pass Biden's proposed $24 billion aid package to Ukraine in September. After Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Congress provided the White House with several pools …

Erin 'Properganda Specialist' Kelly (2023-10-05). Nuclear Weapons were used on Iraq in a "Parade of Horribles" indybay.org I summarize the events after the war in Iraq. Did you know we left Iraq in a condition that will cause the highest level of birth rates in human history for the next 1 million generations? Yes, One million.

greenleft.org.au (2023-10-05). Killing by algorithm: Australia lacks adequate ethical restraints. greenleft.org.au

infobrics (2023-10-05). Pashinyan doubles down on his suicidal tilt toward increasingly impotent West. infobrics.org French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna stated that "Armenia needs to be able to defend itself", although it's highly questionable how much France cares, given that the fledgling economy of the South Caucasus country will hardly ever be able to afford French or any other Western arms shipments, especially not enough of such weapons to match Azerbaijan.

infobrics (2023-10-05). German city residents protest construction of weapons factory to equip Kiev. infobrics.org Germany's economy is set to hit a slump in 2023.

Steven Sahiounie (2023-10-05). US Weapons to Ukraine Are Sold Out of the Back Door to Terrorists. globalresearch.ca

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