Monthly Archives: October 2023

2023-10-31: News Headlines

Frank Cappello (2023-10-31). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Bee Movie (w/ CJ Koepp).

WSWS (2023-10-30). Capitalism, German nationalism and fake populist demagogy—the program of Sahra Wagenknecht's new party. The new party is intended to prevent resistance to social decline, poverty, war and oppression from challenging the capitalist social order and uniting with the struggles of the international working class.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-10-30). Colonial Connections: An Intro to the Relations of Colonialism, Capitalism, Fascism and Zionism. If the title wasn't long enough, wait till you hear how much information I packed into this one episode! This is my best attempt to try to put onto the table, all of the different historical connections and points of origin between colonial and imperial powers from Britain to the United States to Nazi Germany and to the state of Israel. Through discussing the means by which colonialism came to be, Europe, founded itself and created an institution of white supremacy, and how capitalism/imperialism was able to time and time again, assert its domination over the world through occupation, genocide, slavery, wage labo…

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-10-30). 'I'm in solidarity with Palestine!' Hundreds rally in Baltimore to demand end of Israel's Occupation. Over 200 demonstrators gathered in front of City Hall in Baltimore on Friday, October 20, and subsequently marched through the streets of downtown Baltimore, to protest Israel's retaliatory bombing of Gaza after the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attacks, and to call for an end to Israel's 75-year occupation of Palestine. The rally and march, billed with the title "We Won't Back Down: All Out for Palestine!," was cosponsored by The Party for Socialism & Liberation (PSL), Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Baltimore, Baltimore Student Union, Runners 4 Justice, Friends of Latin America, and Baltimore BLOC. | TRNN was on the gr…

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). Progressive Coups Against Empire. By: Yohan Smalls. This article was Co-published with the Hampton Institute. Western leftists often explain socialism as an extension of democratic values. Across professional spheres, this belief is propagated by some of the most popular figures in our movement. For instance, the acclaimed academic Noam Chomsky described socialism as "an extension of democracy into the social sphere." Jacobin, the largest socialist publication in the United States, has published writers who explain the S …

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-10-30). Fasting for Gaza Ceasefire at Nancy Pelosi's doorstep. CODEPINK and World Beyond War are sponsors of a fast for a ceasefire in Gaza, for the love of the children of Gaza. We are asking Nancy Pelosi to call for a cease fire and de-escalation, per 80% of Democrat voters and HR 786. We are asking Biden to support a ceasefire and to stop spending our $ on weapons for the Israeli military to use against civilians in Palestine.

teleSUR (2023-10-31). US Peace Activists Arrested at a Hearing With Antony Blinken. On Tuesday, CODEPINK activists peacefully disrupted the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken while he made a presentation before the Senate Appropriations Committee and demanded him to halt Washington's support for Israeli war crimes. | RELATED: | "How can you send more weapons to Israel while it mercilessly bombs Palestinians, including a child every 10 minutes, and levels hospitals, schools, residences," sa… (2023-10-31). Yemen's Houthis 'launch missiles, drones' at Israel. Operation was third targeting Israel and there will be more, Houthi military says… (2023-10-31). Rockets, drones target two US military bases in Syria, Iraq. US military bases come under rocket and drone attacks in Syria's eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr, and neighboring Iraq.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-30). Black Sea Fleet vessels destroy two Ukrainian naval drones. Moscow, Oct 30 (Prensa Latina) Two unmanned Ukrainian boats were destroyed by fire from the Black Sea Fleet vessels near Sevastopol Bay, the Russian Ministry of Defense informed on Monday.

Molly Gott (2023-10-30). "A Textbook Case of Genocide Unfolding in Front of our Eyes." The Military Industrial Complex and the "Corporate Enablers" of Israel's War on Gaza.

Al Jazeera. (2023-10-30). Hundreds Arrested At Grand Central Station Sit-in Demanding A Ceasefire. Hundreds of protesters have been arrested after a "sit-in" on the main concourse of New York's Grand Central Station, one of the city's major transport hubs, demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. | The protesters, wearing black T-shirts reading 'Ceasefire now' and 'Not in our name', unfurled banners calling for freedom for Palestinians and an end to the bombardment of Gaza. | "No more weapons. No more war. Ceasefire is what we're fighting for," they chanted, punching the air. | Banners were hung from the concourse's sweeping staircase, and across the departures board. | "Mourn the dead, and fight like h…

Editor (2023-10-31). Half a million march for Gaza in London as peace demos take a stand across Britain. The protesters spoke with one voice—"Ceasefire now!"—directing their message at the Tory government which licenced the sale of weapons from Britain now being used by Israel in the accelerating massacre.

Molly Gott (2023-10-30). "A Textbook Case of Genocide Unfolding in Front of our Eyes." The Military Industrial Complex and the "Corporate Enablers" of Israel's War on Gaza.

Al Jazeera. (2023-10-30). Hundreds Arrested At Grand Central Station Sit-in Demanding A Ceasefire. Hundreds of protesters have been arrested after a "sit-in" on the main concourse of New York's Grand Central Station, one of the city's major transport hubs, demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. | The protesters, wearing black T-shirts reading 'Ceasefire now' and 'Not in our name', unfurled banners calling for freedom for Palestinians and an end to the bombardment of Gaza. | "No more weapons. No more war. Ceasefire is what we're fighting for," they chanted, punching the air. | Banners were hung from the concourse's sweeping staircase, and across the departures board. | "Mourn the dead, and fight like h…

Editor (2023-10-31). Half a million march for Gaza in London as peace demos take a stand across Britain. The protesters spoke with one voice—"Ceasefire now!"—directing their message at the Tory government which licenced the sale of weapons from Britain now being used by Israel in the accelerating massacre.

2023-10-31 14:57:42 | 14:57 EST | tr | 20 | 0 | 10 | 7 | 0 

2023-10-30: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-10-30). Capitalism, German nationalism and fake populist demagogy—the program of Sahra Wagenknecht's new party. The new party is intended to prevent resistance to social decline, poverty, war and oppression from challenging the capitalist social order and uniting with the struggles of the international working class.

_____ (2023-10-30). Why Capitalism Cannot Finally Repress Socialism. In fact, the capitalism-versus-socialism contest does not really resume because it never really stopped. As changing social conditions changed socialism—a process that took time—it sometimes seemed to wishful thinkers that the systems struggle had ended with capitalism's victory.

Sam Gindin (2023-10-29). Bidenomics and the Left. "There's something happening here | But what it is ain't exactly clear." | — "For What It's Worth," Buffalo Springfield. | The Other Crisis: | The go-to crises of the socialist left have been "American declinism" and "inter-imperial rivalry." These crises have not only been predicted by the left but often wished for, the left seeing them as doing much of the heavy lifting it cannot do on its own. This is both bad analysis and worse politics. It overstates declinism, wrongly projects the (very real) tensions between the US and China into a contest over who will lead global capitalism, and assumes…

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-10-30). 'I'm in solidarity with Palestine!' Hundreds rally in Baltimore to demand end of Israel's Occupation. Over 200 demonstrators gathered in front of City Hall in Baltimore on Friday, October 20, and subsequently marched through the streets of downtown Baltimore, to protest Israel's retaliatory bombing of Gaza after the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attacks, and to call for an end to Israel's 75-year occupation of Palestine. The rally and march, billed with the title "We Won't Back Down: All Out for Palestine!," was cosponsored by The Party for Socialism & Liberation (PSL), Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Baltimore, Baltimore Student Union, Runners 4 Justice, Friends of Latin America, and Baltimore BLOC. | TRNN was on the gr…

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). Progressive Coups Against Empire. By: Yohan Smalls. This article was Co-published with the Hampton Institute. Western leftists often explain socialism as an extension of democratic values. Across professional spheres, this belief is propagated by some of the most popular figures in our movement. For instance, the acclaimed academic Noam Chomsky described socialism as "an extension of democracy into the social sphere." Jacobin, the largest socialist publication in the United States, has published writers who explain the S …

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-10-30). El Salvador threatened by 19-E tropical depression. San Salvador, Oct 30 (Prensa Latina) El Salvador dawned today under orange alert, which may turn red in the next few hours, when tropical depression 19-E approaches its coasts, according to authorities.

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-10-30). Fasting for Gaza Ceasefire at Nancy Pelosi's doorstep. CODEPINK and World Beyond War are sponsors of a fast for a ceasefire in Gaza, for the love of the children of Gaza. We are asking Nancy Pelosi to call for a cease fire and de-escalation, per 80% of Democrat voters and HR 786. We are asking Biden to support a ceasefire and to stop spending our $ on weapons for the Israeli military to use against civilians in Palestine.

Chicago Alba Solidarity, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-10-29). Medea Benjamin Reveals Details Of Visit To Venezuela's Diplomat Alex Saab. Activist and founder of the CODEPINK women's group, Medea Benjamin, stated that the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, kidnapped by the United States, "has a commitment to himself, to his dignity, to his honor and his major commitment is with the Venezuelan people." | Benjamin, who had the opportunity to visit the special envoy in the Miami federal prison recently, commented on her impressions during the most recent webinar of Hands Off Venezuela, organized by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign of the Fire This Time Movement of Canada. | Medea Benjamin highlighted that Saab remains "firm, with his head held high."

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-10-29). Fasting for Gaza Ceasefire at Nancy Pelosi's doorstep. CODEPINK and World Beyond War are sponsors of a fast for a ceasefire in Gaza, for the love of the children of Gaza. We are asking Nancy Pelosi to call for a cease fire and de-escalation, per 80% of Democrat voters and HR 786. We are asking Biden to support a ceasefire and to stop spending our $ on weapons for the Israeli military to use against civilians in Palestine.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-30). Black Sea Fleet vessels destroy two Ukrainian naval drones. Moscow, Oct 30 (Prensa Latina) Two unmanned Ukrainian boats were destroyed by fire from the Black Sea Fleet vessels near Sevastopol Bay, the Russian Ministry of Defense informed on Monday.

Martin Hacthoun (2023-10-29). Russia shoots down 36 Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea and Crimea. Moscow, Oct 29 (Prensa Latina) The Russian anti-aircraft defense destroyed a total of 36 Ukrainian drones of the airplane type over the Black Sea and the northwest of Crimea, the Ministry of Defense of Russia reported today.

Molly Gott (2023-10-30). "A Textbook Case of Genocide Unfolding in Front of our Eyes." The Military Industrial Complex and the "Corporate Enablers" of Israel's War on Gaza.

Al Jazeera. (2023-10-30). Hundreds Arrested At Grand Central Station Sit-in Demanding A Ceasefire. Hundreds of protesters have been arrested after a "sit-in" on the main concourse of New York's Grand Central Station, one of the city's major transport hubs, demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. | The protesters, wearing black T-shirts reading 'Ceasefire now' and 'Not in our name', unfurled banners calling for freedom for Palestinians and an end to the bombardment of Gaza. | "No more weapons. No more war. Ceasefire is what we're fighting for," they chanted, punching the air. | Banners were hung from the concourse's sweeping staircase, and across the departures board. | "Mourn the dead, and fight like h…

Palestine Action. (2023-10-29). Palestine Action Strikes Three Israel-Supplying Weapons Factories. This morning, three simultaneous actions have targeted weapons factories across Britain, to prevent the production of weaponry destined for use by Israel in their ongoing massacre of the Palestinian people. While Israel's Instro Precision in Kent has been met with a 100-person-strong blockade, a lock-on and a rooftop occupation disrupted Leicester's UAV Tactical Systems and Howmet Fastening Systems. | At the Instro Precision factory in Sandwich, over 100 people have descended on the site, to blockade the two entrances to the Discovery Park business area. The site, which has faced protests for years and has previo…

UCSC Right Livelihood (2023-10-29). Tuesday 11/14: Paul Walker: Using International Law for the Abolition of Chemical Weapons. Virtual Event:

UCSC Right Livelihood (2023-10-30). Tuesday 11/14: Paul Walker: Using International Law for the Abolition of Chemical Weapons. Virtual Event:

Scott Ritter (2023-10-29). Scott Ritter: Ukraine Must SURRENDER as NATO Out of Options ft. Andrei Martyanov & Garland Nixon. Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter is joined by Andrei Martyanov and Garland Nixon on the show to break down why Western media is in panic over Ukraine's dwindling NATO support.

2023-10-30 22:38:54 | 22:38 EST | tr | 19 | 0 | 7 | 10 | 0