Daily Archives: September 5, 2023

2023-09-05: News Headlines

Richard D. Wolff (2023-09-04). Twenty-first century socialism: what it will become and why. nationofchange.org Together these goals comprise an effective, attractive new vision to define and motivate a socialism for the 21st century.

Dr. Harriet Fraad Richard D. Wolff (2023-09-04). Twenty-First Century Socialism: What It Will Become and Why. counterpunch.org The real left is not the caricature crafted by the U.S. right. Alongside parallel right-wing political formations abroad, that caricature tries hard to revive and recycle Cold War demonizations no matter how far-fetched. Nor is the real left what Democratic Party leaders and their foreign counterparts try hard to dismiss as tiny and politically irrelevant (except when electoral campaigns flirt with "progressive" proposals to get votes). The real left in the United States and beyond are the millions who at least vaguely understand that the whole system (including its mainstream right and left) is the core problem.

Carlos L. Garrido (2023-09-05). Death, the Crisis of Meaning, and Capitalism. orinocotribune.com By Carlos L. Garrido — Sep 3, 2023 | The Moving finger writes; and, having writ, | Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit | Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, | Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. | — The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám | Death as the nexus for the possibility of meaning in human life | In This Life, the philosopher Martin Hà§gglund argues that: | To attain a peaceful state of eternity you must be liberated from the risk of losing what you love. Were such liberation possible, however, nothing would matter to you. You literally would not care. There would be n…

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2023-09-05). Our Collective Trauma Is The Road To Tyranny. popularresistance.org Corporate capitalism, defined by the cult of the self and the ruthless exploitation of the natural world and all forms of life for profit, thrives on the fostering of chronic psychological and physical disorders. The diseases and pathologies of despair — alienation, high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, depression, morbid obesity, mass shootings (now almost two per day on average), domestic and sexual violence, drug overdoses (over 100,000 per year) and suicide (49,000 deaths in 2022) — are the consequences of a deeply traumatized society. | The core traits of psychopaths — superficial charm,…

Frank Cappello (2023-09-05). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Grapes Of Wrath (w/ Harvey Kaye). levernews.com

Editor (2023-09-04). Burning out of control: Capitalism's climate catastrophe. mronline.org Canada's unprecedented wildfires drive home the harsh realities of climate change, in all their enormity. We are fighting an incorrigibly destructive social and economic system, but we are also, at the same time, engaged in a struggle for survival.

Andrea Brower (2023-09-05). Imperialism and capitalism set Hawaii ablaze. peoplesworld.org Over 100 people (likely many more) were burned alive and many are still missing on Maui, in one of the most deadly and destructive wildfires in history. The dire crisis continues as hospitals are overwhelmed with burn patients, residents inhale highly toxic air, the community reals with trauma, and basic necessities fail to get to those most in …

Editor (2023-09-04). Canadian Workers, the Social-Ecological Crisis and Alternatives. socialistproject.ca As workers, we are today confronted with the challenge of defending what we have and making gains in the face of an ever-expanding and relentless employer offensive. The employers' drive to increase productivity and profits — central to capitalism everywhere — demands that we accept job loss and insecurity, concessions, new forms of speedup, and expanded management control in the workplace. More of us are forced to work in precarious forms of employment, making ourselves 'flexible' without access to unemployment and other social benefits or hope of a decent pension. Our economic insecurity makes it…

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-09-05). Saturday 9/9: Labor on the Move: Prospects and Challenges. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94705…

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-09-04). Saturday 9/9: Labor on the Move: Prospects and Challenges. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94705…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-04). Venezuela to hold National Congress on Climate Crisis. plenglish.com The Minister for Ecosocialism, Josué Lorca, invited researchers from the Ecological Community, Popular Power, Communal Councils and Social Movements to participate in the meeting, whose sessions will alternate between this capital and the states of Mérida and Falcón, Venezolana de Televisión reported. | The authority called on all Venezuelans to join the purpose of the event to "build strategies for the preservation of Mother Earth", as a continuity to the agreements of the previous Congress on the subject in May 2022. | The first National Congress on Climate Crisis assumed strategies to stop such process and tr…

Aaron J. Leonard (2023-09-04). "Rich Men North of Richmond" Is a Populist Anthem Lost in Its Own Grievance. truthout.org The current focus of the U.S.'s never-ending culture war comes in the form of the song, "Rich Men North of Richmond," by Oliver Anthony, aka Christopher Anthony Lunsford, a former factory worker, who has been open about his battles with alcoholism and depression. Riding a wave of viral attention, "Rich Men" has now spent two weeks at the number 1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 Charts. |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-05). Consumer Health: Teens and depression — a back-to-school concern. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org With many teens heading back to school, peer pressure and academic expectations are once again a reality. These added pressures can cause ups and downs during what can be an already tumultuous time of life. For some teens, though, the lows are more than just temporary feelings. They're symptoms of depression. Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Teen depression is a…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-04). Consumer Health: Teens and depression — a back-to-school concern. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org With many teens heading back to school, peer pressure and academic expectations are once again a reality. These added pressures can cause ups and downs during what can be an already tumultuous time of life. For some teens, though, the lows are more than just temporary feelings. They're symptoms of depression. Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Teen depression is a…

teleSUR (2023-09-05). Russia Destroys Drones in Kaluga and Moscow Regions. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Russian Defense Ministry said that its air defense forces have destroyed Ukrainian drones in the Kaluga and Moscow regions. | RELATED: | "Today at night, air defense forces destroyed drones in the Kaluga Region and in the Istra district that were trying to commit an attack on Moscow," Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said, adding that there was no damage or casualties on the crash site. | Russia has reported a series…

Dean Baker (2023-09-05). A Slightly Scary, But Overall Positive Jobs Report. counterpunch.org The August jobs report gave a somewhat mixed picture. The unemployment rate rose from 3.5 percent in July to 3.8 percent in August. This large of a jump would ordinarily be serious grounds for concern, but it was driven by an extraordinary 736,000 one-month rise in the size of the labor force. Employment in the

Staff (2023-09-04). Dr. King's Dream vs the Capitalist Nightmare, 60 Years Later. youtube.com 60 years ago 250,000 joined the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and heard Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Today, Black wages are still 25% lower than white wages, unemployment rates are double, and de facto segregation persists. What can be done? #breakthroughnews…

Uniting for Peace (2023-09-05). UfP Annual Conference — Are We Already in World War III? indybay.org UfP Annual Conference — Are We Already in World War III? | Thursday, 19 October, 2023, 18: 00 — 20: 00 (UK Time) | Are we already in World War III? | Can a Roadmap for Peace Change Culture of War to Culture of Peace | Chair — Rita Payne, President Emeritus, Commonwealth Journalists Association | Speakers: | Alfred de Zayas, Lawyer, Writer, Historian and an Expert in the Field of Human Rights and International Law (Switzerland) | Medea Benjamin, Political Activist, Co-Founder of CodePink, Author, War in Ukraine (USA) | Tony Robinson, Editor, Pressenza — An International News Agency and Author…

Uniting for Peace (2023-09-04). UfP Annual Conference — Are We Already in World War III? indybay.org UfP Annual Conference — Are We Already in World War III? | Thursday, 19 October, 2023, 18: 00 — 20: 00 (UK Time) | Are we already in World War III? | Can a Roadmap for Peace Change Culture of War to Culture of Peace | Chair — Rita Payne, President Emeritus, Commonwealth Journalists Association | Speakers: | Alfred de Zayas, Lawyer, Writer, Historian and an Expert in the Field of Human Rights and International Law (Switzerland) | Medea Benjamin, Political Activist, Co-Founder of CodePink, Author, War in Ukraine (USA) | Tony Robinson, Editor, Pressenza — An International News Agency and Author…

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-09-05). Rumanía niega caída de drones rusos en su territorio. telesurtv.net El ente castrense señaló a través de un comunicado que "niega categóricamente los informes en el espacio público".

Editor (2023-09-04). NYC Police Plan to Use Drones to Surveil Labor Day Parties. scheerpost.com By Zane McNeill / PopularResistance Civil Liberties Groups Believe Police Use Of Surveillance Drones Is "Poised To Explode." The New York City Police Department (NYPD) is planning to use surveillance drones to patrol large gatherings, including private parties and barbecues, this Labor Day weekend. "If a caller states there's a large crowd, a large party …

WSWS (2023-09-04). NYPD marks Labor Day by sending drones to monitor backyard parties. wsws.org The dystopian actions by the New York Police Department are ultimately aimed at preparing for confrontations with the working class.

teleSUR, SH (2023-09-04). Rusia destruye cuatro lanchas de Ucrania en la costa de Crimea. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Defensa indicó que el domingo destruyó drones ucranianos sobre el mar Negro cerca de Crimea y sobre el territorio de la región de Kursk.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-09-04). Rumanía niega caída de drones rusos en su territorio. telesurtv.net El ente castrense señaló a través de un comunicado que "niega categóricamente los informes en el espacio público".

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-09-05). Russian air defense shoots down a drone over Crimea. plenglish.com "We have foiled another attempt by Kiev to conduct a terrorist attack with a drone against objects on Russian territory. | According to the statement, four incidents with drones were recorded. | As measures, Moscow's airports temporarily suspended their operations, "all restrictions have already been lifted," it added. | The Ukrainian army regularly attacks Russian regions with the help of drones. The main strike falls in the border areas and central Russia.

Pete McGinnis (2023-09-04). Docs Offer Glimpse Inside "Censorship Industrial Complex" globalresearch.ca

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-04). South Africa Says Inquiry Found No Evidence of Arms Shipment to Russia. news.antiwar.com On Sunday, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said an independent inquiry found no evidence that a Russian cargo ship that docked in South Africa last year was loaded with weapons despite US claims. The Russian ship, the Lady R, docked at a naval base near Capetown in December 2022, angering the US because the vessel …

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2023-09-04). On the Future of Manufactured Pandemics: Origins of COVID-19, the U.S. Military's Bioweapons Program, Global Vaccine Resistance. globalresearch.ca

Lawrence Wittner (2023-09-05). From the Partial Test Ban Treaty to a Nuclear Weapons-Free World. counterpunch.org This September is the 60th anniversary of U.S. and Soviet ratification of the world's first significant nuclear arms control agreement, the Partial Test Ban Treaty. Thus, it's an appropriate time to examine that treaty, as well as to consider what might be done to end the danger of nuclear annihilation. Although the use, in 1945,

Scott Ritter (2023-09-04). Scott Ritter: GAME OVER for Ukraine as Russia Defeats the Neocon Agenda. thealtworld.com Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter discusses what he learned traveling to Russia and how reality on the ground completely contradicts the neocons' narrative of Russia's weakness, spelling doom for their agenda in Ukraine.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-04). Pakistan blames US for complex border situation. plenglish.com Islamabad, Sep 4 (Prensa Latina) Pakistan blamed the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for the violence on its borders as a result of the weapons left in Afghanistan.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-04). Syria and Russia reject Western pressure and blackmail in OPCW. plenglish.com Damascus, Sep 4 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Foreign Minister, Faisal Al-Mekdad, and the Russian delegate to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Alexander Shulgin, repudiated the pressure and blackmail of the West in that structure against independent countries.

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