Monthly Archives: July 2023

2023-07-12: News Headlines

Staff (2023-07-12). Can U.S. Capitalists Really "Decouple" from China? On today's episode Walter Smolarek and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's trip to China for some of the highest-profile talks yet between the Chinese government and the Biden administration. As a fierce struggle over the future of the world economy plays out, the United States has maintained the Trump-era tariffs and is …

Esteban Mercatante (2023-07-12). Decrecionismo y (eco)socialismo. En este artículo presentamos una mirada sobre los planteos decrecionistas como respuesta a los desastres ambientales producidos por el capitalismo, e interrogamos sus propuestas desde una perspectiva ecosocialista revolucionaria. | Los desastres ambientales en múltiples dimensiones que viene produciendo el capitalismo,… (2023-07-12). Ecosocialism 2023 strengthens the fight for a world beyond capitalism.

Ian Angus (2023-07-12). 'Golden Spike': Scientists choose site to mark the start of the Anthropocene. In a major step towards formal recognition of the Anthropocene as a new stage in Earth System history, scientists have identified a small lake near Toronto as the best marker of epochal change, writes Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus.

WSWS (2023-07-12). Statements from France, Turkey and New Zealand oppose censorship of IYSSE by Sydney's Macquarie University. "In its move to suppress the IYSSE, Macquarie University is aligning itself with the most reactionary, pro-war forces, which are determined to stamp out the only organisation on campus that stands against imperialism and capitalism."

WSWS (2023-07-12). "Once in a 1,000 year" rain triggers flash flooding in Vermont and New York's Hudson Valley, killing 1. The latest disasters in the United States are a sharp warning of the worsening effects of climate change, caused by the profit-driven exploitation of the environment under capitalism.

Paul Reynolds (2023-07-12). The Rise and Rise of the Cult of the Ego. All types of people are convinced to buy something to ward off feelings of inner emptiness. A mix of clickbait hyper-capitalism will hoodwink an entire generation.

Vince Quiles, The Real News Network. (2023-07-12). Why Companies Say 'You're Family' While Underpaying You. Karl Marx once observed that "equal rights" under the inequality of capitalism simply means the right of capitalists to exploit workers. Anyone who's attempted to unionize their workplace has discovered the truth of this—as employers frequently stoop to unethical and dishonest measures to prevent workers from building collective power. Felix Allen, a Lowe's union organizer based in New Orleans, speaks with The Real News about his experience organizing his workplace for fair pay. Transcript: Vince Quiles: Hey everyone, Vince here. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up, a couple weeks after we recorded this…

Alex Farr (2023-07-12). Communists clean up capitalism's mess, one mile at a time. SACRAMENTO, Calif.—With climate change bringing soaring heat waves and catastrophic floods on a mass scale around the world, the Sacramento Valley formational club of the Communist Party USA decided to take their efforts to clean up their community local—by adopting a highway. "We give a damn in practical ways, service to beautify our slice of …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-07-11). Capitalism is the Tumor, Solidarity Is Our Medicine. Reflections from Peter Gelderloos on his ongoing crowdfunding campaign and its implications for health-care, capitalism, and solidarity. Support his GoFundMe campaign here. At the end of April I had a seizure and after some scans they found a brain tumor. At the end of June I had an operation in which they took out half…

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-07-12). Intro to Socialism (One of many!). In this episode, I discuss some of the different key characteristics of the process of Socialism, without getting much in depth, and hope to discuss more on this soon…

Dana Sanchez (2023-07-12). Bidenomics? Black Workers Now Account For 90 Percent Of Unemployment Rise. The unemployment rate for Black workers fell to record lows earlier this year but it's on the rise again, with Black workers accounting for 90 percent of the spike in U.S. joblessness since April, while white unemployment fell in June. The unemployment rate for whites fell in June to 3.1 percent, the Labor Department reported …

manager (2023-07-11). The Labor Market for Black Workers Is Good, But Not Quite as Good as Some Claim. The historically low Black unemployment rate and the corresponding relatively high Black employment-to-population ratio or employment rate is welcome news. Overall, this good news about the current economy has not received enough attention. A recent corrective is the Washington Post's article on how the tight labor market has improved the lives of some previously impoverished …

Fight Back (2023-07-12). Emergency rally in Seattle, solidarity with Palestine. Seattle, WA- On July 8, 50 people united to rally and voice their opposition to the U.S-backed Israeli attacks on the people of Jenin, Palestine last Sunday. This gathering took place at Ruby Chow Park directly across from the Boeing Propulsion Engineering Lab, where weapons of war are manufactured. After the rally, the participants marched to Interstate 5 and dropped a banner. | "The military raid on Jenin has been the deadliest and most extensive military operation since the second Intifada over 20 years ago. All the martyrs – past, present and future – of the Palestinian people, and all revolutionary struggles…

Anonymous103 (2023-07-11). Ansar Allah's Powerful Maneuver At Entrances Of Marib Governorate (Video). Originally published on The Ansar Allah movement's fighters and the Republic of Yemen Armed Forces, with the use of helicopters and various drones, held a military exercise under the title "Day of Guardianship" in the Sirwah district located in the west of Marib Governorate. | On Monday (July 10), the Ansar Allah movement…

Rachel Herzing (2023-07-11). Here's How Organizing to Abolish the Prison Industrial Complex Works in Practice. As more activists embrace abolition of the prison industrial complex, here's what this work demands of us in practice. In the early 2000s, I sat in an organizing meeting discussing how to prevent a new prison from being built. After listening to several people talk about ways our coalition could encourage the prison to be sited somewhere else or on a smaller footprint, I wondered aloud if we… |

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-11). Sullivan Says US to Move Forward With $20 Billion F-16 Sale to Turkey. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that the Biden administration will move forward with a $20 billion sale of Lockheed Martin-made F-16 fighter jets to Turkey. Sullivan's comments came a day after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed to back Sweden's NATO bid after over a year of negotiations. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said …

Kit Klarenberg (2023-07-11). British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture. Recent developments raise the prospect that British intelligence agents could finally face justice for their little-known role in the CIA's global torture program. Britain's foreign and domestic intelligence apparatus is facing scrutiny by a tribunal tasked with intelligence oversight. On May 26, London's infamously opaque Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) unanimously issued a landmark ruling which means the complaints of two Saudis brutally tortured at CIA black sites and jailed for years in Guantanamo Bay can finally be heard, at least …

teleSUR (2023-07-12). Air Attacks in Sudan Increase Civil Death. The increase in heavy weapons in the war in Sudan has had an impact, as expected, on the civilian population. The paramilitary group Rapid Support Force (FAR) has increased its weapons power in the last month and has achieved some strategic victories in urban areas. | Related: | To counteract this situation, the Sudanese government has carried out air strikes on these residential areas with heavily armed fighter planes. The paramilitaries have use…

Editor (2023-07-12). Are nuclear weapons next after cluster bombs? So desperate is President Joe Biden to expand the U.S./NATO war against Russia being carried out in Ukraine, that on July 7 he announced plans to send in $800 million worth of cluster bombs. Over 120 countries, including many U.S. allies, have signed agreements to prohibit the production or use . . . |

Movement Rights (2023-07-12). Tuesday 7/11: Banking on a Safe World: Divest from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels w/ Indigenous Leaders. Online event via Zoom…

Movement Rights (2023-07-12). Monday 7/17: Banking on a Safe World: Divesting from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels. Online event via Zoom…

Tri-Valley CAREs, peace partners (2023-07-12). Friday 8/4: Abolish Nuclear Weapons at Lawarence Livermore Lab & Globally – Hiroshima-Nagasaki Vigil. West Gate of Lawarence Livermore Lab | 7000 East Ave | Livermore CA 94550…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-07-12). Syria describes OPCW's work as erroneous. Damascus, Jul 12 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Government, on Wednesday, deemed essential a comprehensive review of the working methods, which it described as erroneous, adopted by the Technical Secretariat of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

Anonymous103 (2023-07-11). Defense Minister Shoigu Recalled Russia Has Cluster Munitions That Are More Effective Than American Ones. Illustrative Image | In response to Washington's decision to supply the Ukrainian military with dangerous cluster munition, Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu recalled that Russian forces also have similar weapons and they will be forced to use them against the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Shoigu noted that similar Russian shells are more effective than those made by the US, but the Russian military refrained from using them because of the threat to civilians. | Cluster munitions consist of s…

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-11). US Intelligence Report Says Iran Is Not Trying to Make Nuclear Weapons. A new US intelligence report has reaffirmed that Iran is not trying to build nuclear weapons despite constant claims made by Israel and Western media outlets to the contrary. "Iran is not currently undertaking the key nuclear weapons-development activities that would be necessary to produce a testable nuclear device," an unclassified summary of a report …

2023-07-12 22:31:41 | 22:31 EST | tr | 28 | 0 | 8 | 18 | 0 

2023-07-11: News Headlines

Richard D. Wolff, Naked Capitalism. (2023-07-11). It's Hard To Engage In China-Bashing Without Tripping On Contradictions. The contradictions of China-bashing in the United States begin with how often it is flat-out untrue. The Wall Street Journal reports that the "Chinese spy" balloon that President Joe Biden shot down with immense patriotic fanfare in February 2023 did not in fact transmit pictures or anything else to China. White House economists have been trying to excuse persistent U.S. inflation saying it is a global problem and inflation is worse elsewhere in the world. China's inflation rate is 0.7 percent year-on-year. Financial media outlets stress how China's GDP growth rate is lower than it used to be. China now estimates…

Anonymous Contributor (2023-07-11). Capitalism is the Tumor, Solidarity Is Our Medicine. Reflections from Peter Gelderloos on his ongoing crowdfunding campaign and its implications for health-care, capitalism, and solidarity. Support his GoFundMe campaign here. At the end of April I had a seizure and after some scans they found a brain tumor. At the end of June I had an operation in which they took out half… (2023-07-11). Ecosocialism 2023 strengthens the fight for a world beyond capitalism.

Paul Reynolds (2023-07-11). The Rise and Rise of the Cult of the Ego. All types of people are convinced to buy something to ward off feelings of inner emptiness. A mix of clickbait hyper-capitalism will hoodwink an entire generation.

The Lever (2023-07-11). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Dude, Where's My Car? (w/ Devon Young).

Rachel Herzing (2023-07-11). Here's How Organizing to Abolish the Prison Industrial Complex Works in Practice. As more activists embrace abolition of the prison industrial complex, here's what this work demands of us in practice. In the early 2000s, I sat in an organizing meeting discussing how to prevent a new prison from being built. After listening to several people talk about ways our coalition could encourage the prison to be sited somewhere else or on a smaller footprint, I wondered aloud if we… |

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-11). Sullivan Says US to Move Forward With $20 Billion F-16 Sale to Turkey. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that the Biden administration will move forward with a $20 billion sale of Lockheed Martin-made F-16 fighter jets to Turkey. Sullivan's comments came a day after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed to back Sweden's NATO bid after over a year of negotiations. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said …

Kit Klarenberg (2023-07-11). British intelligence in the dock for CIA torture. Recent developments raise the prospect that British intelligence agents could finally face justice for their little-known role in the CIA's global torture program. Britain's foreign and domestic intelligence apparatus is facing scrutiny by a tribunal tasked with intelligence oversight. On May 26, London's infamously opaque Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) unanimously issued a landmark ruling which means the complaints of two Saudis brutally tortured at CIA black sites and jailed for years in Guantanamo Bay can finally be heard, at least …

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-11). US Intelligence Report Says Iran Is Not Trying to Make Nuclear Weapons. A new US intelligence report has reaffirmed that Iran is not trying to build nuclear weapons despite constant claims made by Israel and Western media outlets to the contrary. "Iran is not currently undertaking the key nuclear weapons-development activities that would be necessary to produce a testable nuclear device," an unclassified summary of a report …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-07-11). Russia may use similar weapons if US supplies cluster bombs to Kyiv. Moscow, Jul 11 (Prensa Latina) Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday that Moscow would be forced to use "similar" weapons if the United States supplied cluster bombs to Ukraine, Russian news agencies reported.

Anonymous103 (2023-07-11). Defense Minister Shoigu Recalled Russia Has Cluster Munitions That Are More Effective Than American Ones. Illustrative Image | In response to Washington's decision to supply the Ukrainian military with dangerous cluster munition, Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu recalled that Russian forces also have similar weapons and they will be forced to use them against the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Shoigu noted that similar Russian shells are more effective than those made by the US, but the Russian military refrained from using them because of the threat to civilians. | Cluster munitions consist of s…

Movement Rights (2023-07-11). Tuesday 7/11: Banking on a Safe World: Divest from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels w/ Indigenous Leaders. Online event via Zoom…

Movement Rights (2023-07-11). Monday 7/17: Banking on a Safe World: Divesting from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels. Online event via Zoom…

teleSUR (2023-07-11). Outcry Grows Over US Cluster Munitions Delivery to Ukraine. The United States has doubled down on a decision to send controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of a new military aid package, setting off sweeping fears over life risks on civilians for decades to come. | RELATED: | The cluster bombs will be a part of a new US$800 million military assistance package, which also includes armored vehicles and anti-armor weapons, said the Pentagon on Friday. | Though the highly c…

_____ (2023-07-10). Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine, Washington Makes Clear It Will Stop at Nothing. By Andre DAMON | On Friday, the Biden administration said it would send cluster munitions—weapons that scatter unexploded bomblets across a wide area, killing and maiming civilians for decades—to Ukraine. | Facing the failure of Kiev's military offensive, the United States is desperately seeking to use the provision of ever more destructive and indiscriminate weapons to reverse its setbacks on the battlefield. | Critically, the announcement precedes next week's NATO summit in Vilnius, at which the United States and NATO are planning to massively expand their involvement in the war. Driven into a corne…

Amy Goodman (2023-07-10). Cluster Bomb Deliveries to Ukraine Alarm Human Rights and Antiwar Advocates. The Biden administration is drawing outrage after announcing it will send cluster bombs to Ukraine as part of a new weapons package. When deployed, cluster munitions spread smaller "bomblets" across a wide area and regularly kill civilians, either on initial impact or from unexploded segments that go off later. Their use has been banned by 123 countries that signed the Convention on Cluster… |

Chris Walker (2023-07-10). Trump Officials Held Meetings Over Concerns President May Incite Nuclear War. Miles Taylor, a former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official who served during part of Donald Trump's tenure in the White House, has said that the former president's rhetoric around nuclear weapons prompted multiple meetings among administration officials to prepare for the possibility of war. In October 2020, Taylor was revealed to be the author of a New York Times op-ed attributed to… |

Movement Rights (2023-07-11). Monday 7/17: Banking on a Safe World: Divesting from Nuclear Weapons & Fossil Fuels. Online event via Zoom…

teleSUR (2023-07-11). Outcry Grows Over US Cluster Munitions Delivery to Ukraine. The United States has doubled down on a decision to send controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of a new military aid package, setting off sweeping fears over life risks on civilians for decades to come. | RELATED: | The cluster bombs will be a part of a new US$800 million military assistance package, which also includes armored vehicles and anti-armor weapons, said the Pentagon on Friday. | Though the highly c…

_____ (2023-07-10). Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine, Washington Makes Clear It Will Stop at Nothing. By Andre DAMON | On Friday, the Biden administration said it would send cluster munitions—weapons that scatter unexploded bomblets across a wide area, killing and maiming civilians for decades—to Ukraine. | Facing the failure of Kiev's military offensive, the United States is desperately seeking to use the provision of ever more destructive and indiscriminate weapons to reverse its setbacks on the battlefield. | Critically, the announcement precedes next week's NATO summit in Vilnius, at which the United States and NATO are planning to massively expand their involvement in the war. Driven into a corne…

Amy Goodman (2023-07-10). Cluster Bomb Deliveries to Ukraine Alarm Human Rights and Antiwar Advocates. The Biden administration is drawing outrage after announcing it will send cluster bombs to Ukraine as part of a new weapons package. When deployed, cluster munitions spread smaller "bomblets" across a wide area and regularly kill civilians, either on initial impact or from unexploded segments that go off later. Their use has been banned by 123 countries that signed the Convention on Cluster… |

Chris Walker (2023-07-10). Trump Officials Held Meetings Over Concerns President May Incite Nuclear War. Miles Taylor, a former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official who served during part of Donald Trump's tenure in the White House, has said that the former president's rhetoric around nuclear weapons prompted multiple meetings among administration officials to prepare for the possibility of war. In October 2020, Taylor was revealed to be the author of a New York Times op-ed attributed to… |

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