(2023-07-17). The fatal contradictions of China-bashing. mronline.org The fight inside the U.S. pits much of the business community against Biden and his 'neoconservative' foreign-policy advisers.
(2023-07-18). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Dr. Strangelove (w/ Matthew Cunningham-Cook). levernews.com
(2023-07-18). Canciller de Venezuela insta a construir un mundo diferente. telesurtv.net Gil resaltó las alianzas del capitalismo con el fascismo en distintos momentos de la historia, y destacó que en los últimos tiempos, se evidencian en el avance de las derechas.
(2023-07-18). Capitalism's Failed Paradigm. globalresearch.ca
(2023-07-18). "There can be no justice until capitalism is removed from the Earth" peoplesdispatch.org As the 'Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism' conference kicks off in South Africa, peoples' movements and organizations have convened to discuss concrete strategies for a united struggle against the violence of capitalism and imperialism…
(2023-07-18). Video: Capitalism in Crisis. greenleft.org.au
(2023-07-18). Fallece el intelectual alemán Franz Josef Hinkelammert. telesurtv.net Dentro de sus aportes contamos con los realizados en el campo de la teología de la liberación, el humanismo y la crítica teológica al capitalismo, así como sus relecturas del marxismo.
(2023-07-17). Africa's Path To Socialism. popularresistance.org On Monday, July 17, 200 delegates from progressive organizations, political parties, people's movements, and trade unions across the African continent will gather in Bela-Bela, South Africa for the "Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism" conference. | Over the course of four days, delegates will interact and deliberate on the myriad challenges that capitalism poses for working class people today, and importantly, advance concrete proposals of action to build socialism "within our lifetime." The event is being held at a critical juncture. "The world is changing, and it is changing very fas…
(2023-07-17). Three things a socialist government would be doing RIGHT NOW to tackle the heat wave. liberationnews.org If the government and the economy were controlled by the people instead of the billionaires — socialism — then we could immediately get to work on solutions.
(2023-07-17). Charting a Socialist path for Africa. peoplesdispatch.org 200 delegates from political parties and people's movements have gathered for the "Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism" conference. The delegates talk about why this conference is important and the socialist path forward for the challenges faced by the continent…
(2023-07-18). Pilot Incapacitation: Passenger Took Control of Small Plane, 2006 Piper Meridian, After Pilot Collapsed and Crash Landed Near Runway at Martha's Vineyard Airport on July 16, 2023. Both Survived! globalresearch.ca
(2023-07-17). Why I Crashed The White House Garden Party For Narendra Modi. popularresistance.org On June 22, the White House held a "welcoming ceremony" for visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the South Lawn of the White House, where members of the public could register to attend. | I signed up, along with my friends Keya and Apoorva. Our goal was not to welcome Modi, but rather to be a visible presence as dissenting voices. We wore t-shirts with the hand-painted message "Modi=Fascist" under our outer garments and smuggled in printed signs denouncing the Modi government's human rights violations and persecution of religious minorities. | An overwhelming majority of the crowd of more than 1,000 we…
(2023-07-18). CODEPINK's statement on 2023 NATO summit. canadiandimension.com At the NATO Summit in Lithuania, President Biden referred to NATO as "anchors for global security." Yet, decades after NATO was established we still live in a dangerous and polarized time of never-ending wars. NATO has proven it is not an anchor but rather a catalyst for war on behalf of the US empire. | "NATO is a dangerous military alliance that, despite assurances to the contrary, expanded to Russia's border to provoke a confrontation that now finds us mired in a proxy war that could lead to World War III," warns Marcy Winograd, coordinator of CODEPINK Congress and co-chair of the Peace in Ukraine Coali…
(2023-07-18). Ukraine's Intelligence Behind New Sabotage on Crimean Bridge. orinocotribune.com Russia's Foreign Ministry spokesperson reports that the "Kiev terrorist regime is behind the attack on the Crimean Bridge," with Ukrainian media confirming the statements. | Ukraine's domestic security agency and navy were behind Monday's incident at the Crimean Bridge, anonymous sources told AFP. | Suspilne and Ukrainska Pravda, both Ukrainian state broadcasters, also provided little specifics about an operation they alleged involved the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the navy, although Suspilne reported its sources as stating the bridge was struck using underwater drones. | Suspilne quoted a navy spokesp…
(2023-07-18). Russian Forces Repelled One Of Largest Drone Attacks On Crimea. southfront.org The Kyiv regime has carried out a large-scale drone attack on the Russian Republic of Crimea on July 18 morning. The drone attack followed a terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge carried out a day earlier. | Defense facilities of the Russian military was able to repel the mass drone strike on critical infrastructure in the east of Crimea. 17 drones were eliminated by air defenses while the rest was suppressed by EW measures. | An official statement of the Russian Defense Minist…
(2023-07-17). UPDATED: Kiev Killed Two Civilians In Terrorist Attack On Crimean Bridge With Two Naval Drones (Video 18+). southfront.org UPDATE: The Russian National Anti-Terrorist Committee declared that the bridge was attacked by two surface naval drones. A criminal case…
(2023-07-17). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. mintpressnews.com Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex.
(2023-07-17). NATO Fails to Reduce Nuclear Risks at Vilnius Summit. transcend.org 12 Jul 2023 – The leaders of NATO countries, meeting in Vilnius at a time of unprecedented nuclear risk, took no action to reduce nuclear dangers and, on the contrary, issued a communique continuing to support the use of nuclear weapons. The alliance pointed to the risks posed by Russia's nuclear weapons while hailing its own nuclear deterrent and nuclear sharing arrangements. It also criticised the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
(2023-07-17). Biden administration obstructing 'Ukraine aid' audits. infobrics.org Strangely, the troubled Biden administration has been successful in preventing Congress from creating an inspector general's office that would finally provide the much-needed oversight for the massive weapons shipments to the Kiev regime.
(2023-07-17). Western-supplied weapons "all burned" in Ukrainian failed counteroffensive — NYT. infobrics.org 20% of Western arms sent to Ukraine were destroyed by Russian forces during the first weeks of Kiev's "counteroffensive".
(2023-07-17). Ukraine Is Dying For NATO; NATO Will Never Die For Ukraine. popularresistance.org NATO leaders met in Vilnius, Lithuania on July 11 and 12. The major topic of the summit was what to do about Ukraine. Clearing the FOG spoke with Scott Ritter, a former Marine intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, who wrote recently that the NATO meeting was "a theater of the absurd." Ritter explains why Ukraine is not being admitted to NATO and why NATO will require Ukraine to fight to the end. He provides a history of NATO to place current events in context and important insights into the recent failed mutiny by Wagner leader Yevgeny Prighozin. Ritter states that the best the West can do at this point…
(2023-07-17). House votes down amendment to block cluster bomb shipments to Ukraine. mronline.org As U.S. cluster munitions arrived in Ukraine, a bi-partisan vote struck down an effort to stop the internationally banned weapons' transfer. Meanwhile, every House Democrat and a majority of Republicans voted down a measure to strip $300 million of Ukraine aid from the NDAA.