Daily Archives: December 11, 2022

2022-12-11: News Headlines

Bruce Lerro (2022-12-11). Multiple Economic Fractures in Mordor. dissidentvoice.org Orientation The golden age of left-wing economists In part because the 1960s was still a period of capitalist abundance, there were few socialists in Yankeedom who pointed to the economic contradictions of capitalism as a motivator for the coming revolution. "Western Marxists" ignored the economy, imagining capitalism could go on forever. As first anarcho-communist and …

Denis Pilash (2022-12-10). Video: Ukraine, imperialism and the left. greenleft.org.au Ecosocialism 2022 session on Ukraine, imperialism and the left featuring Denis Pilash and Sam Wainwright.

WSWS (2022-12-10). Humboldt University students in Berlin support call for an international mass movement against war. wsws.org "NATO must stop with its threatening gestures and expansions to the East and stop its provocations. Capitalism is a global problem. There must be no war that takes place merely for the interests of the rulers. Workers must unite against it."

WSWS (2022-12-10). The class logic behind Washington's anti-strike law against railroaders. wsws.org The policy of the Biden administration is determined not one iota by dishonest phrases meant for public consumption, but entirely by the class interests of American capitalism.

Susan Price (2022-12-10). Philippines: Ecosocialism launched. greenleft.org.au Socialist and environmental activists came together to launch a course of educational seminars on ecosocialism in the Philippines' capital, Manila, on November 25, reports Susan Price.

_____ (2022-12-10). Next On The US Supreme Court Chopping Block: Democracy. popularresistance.org On December 7, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments for the case Moore v. Harper, a case which could effectively eliminate the influence of the popular vote in presidential elections. In Moore, a case which the Court, now dominated by a far-right majority, will likely decide before July 2023, it is possible that justices will rule in favor of allowing state legislatures the authority to decide the outcome of presidential elections, regardless of the popular vote. | Peoples Dispatch spoke to Brian Becker, founding member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) and part of the PSL's central…

Hendrik Sybrandy (2022-12-10). Colorado legalizes "magic mushrooms" america.cgtn.com Colorado is now the second U.S. state to legalize "magic mushrooms". A month ago, residents voted to legalize psilocybin mushrooms as a way to treat anxiety, PTSD and depression. Now, the lengthy process of setting up so-called healing centers begins.

Michael Welch (2022-12-10). Is the Pandemic Over? The Worldwide Corona Crisis. Bankruptcies, Unemployment, Famine and Food Insecurity. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2022-12-10). øSe garantizan los derechos humanos en Cuba?: Una mirada desde la sociedad civil. cubadebate.cu "La Revolución, el Socialismo cubano, ha demostrado que es un sistema de todos y para todos; que no es perfecto —porque la perfección no existe-, pero es el sistema más justo al que se puede aspirar. Es un sistema basado en la justicia social, la igualdad, el humanismo, en darle un espacio dentro de nuestra sociedad a todas y todos".

Editor (2022-12-09). The Netherlands: Template for ecomodernism's Brave New World? mronline.org Disaster capitalism and crisis narratives are currently being used to manipulate popular sentiment and push through a set of unpalatable policies that would otherwise lack sufficient political support.

WSWS (2022-12-09). At the behest of world capitalism, Chinese Communist Party opens China to COVID-19. wsws.org The demand for mass infection in China comes not from the Chinese people but from international finance capital.

Dana Sanchez (2022-12-09). Largest Asset Manager BlackRock With $10T Under Management: A Recession Like No Other Will Hit America. moguldom.com A recession unlike any other will tip the world into a period of prolonged and heightened instability where investing approaches that once worked won't work anymore, according to BlackRock, the world's biggest asset manager. As banks aggressively increase the cost of borrowing to tame inflation, there'll be more market turbulence than ever before, BlackRock strategists …

Marwa Osman (2022-12-09). China in Saudi ArabiaMES EP.187. thealtworld.com For the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, to invite the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, to attend three summits with Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf states, and the Arab countries depicts a new direct challenge to the Americans, for whom the Kingdom has never hosted such summits except for US administrations' sake. | Hence, changing the identity of the "guest of honor" sends a message that the Saudis are ready to replace the USA with China as a new ally if the United States continues its policy of abandoning Saudi Arabia. | To discuss this issue with us from Beirut is Motaz Wehawah political commentator. | D…

Brett Wilkins (2022-12-09). House Passes $858 Billion Military Spending Bill. truthout.org Peace advocates on Thursday slammed the House of Representatives' passage of a mammoth $858 billion military spending bill as an early holiday gift for the Pentagon and the weapons corporations who benefit from the United States' ongoing — but largely forgotten — War on Terror. House lawmakers voted 350-80 in favor of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), with 45 Democrats and 35… |

_____ (2022-12-09). Palestine Action Breaks In And Smashes Weapons Factory In Wales. popularresistance.org Activists from Palestine Action have broken in to Teledyne Technologies' weapons plant in Presteigne, Wales. Climbing in through smashed windows, activists began to thoroughly dismantle the factory of the American-owned firm, forcing closure of a site used to supply military hardware to Israel. Activists have taken apart offices, broken computers, and have begun occupation of the roof to ensure that the factory remains inoperable. The group took over the Teledyne factory at 7.30am on Thursday morning, and vow to continue this action for as long as possible to stop the manufacture or shipment of Israel's drone tec…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-09). Israel Warned Lebanon Over Iranian Weapons Shipment To Beirut Airport — Report. southfront.org Israel's first two F-35 stealth fighter jets on their maiden flight as part of the Israeli Air Force on December 13, 2016. (Israel Defense Forces) | Israel is tracking an Iranian attempt to establish a weapons smuggling route to Hezbollah in Lebanon via civilian airline flights to Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport, the Tel Aviv-based Channel 12 reported on December 8. | According to the Hebrew news channel, Iran is using Meraj Airlines, which started flying a direct route between Tehran and Beirut on November…

Staff (2022-12-09). Weapons interoperability and "sovereignty": Polish state bank backs purchase of $4b more in U.S. arms. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish News AgencyDecember 9, 2022 Polish state-owned bank secures funds for arms purchases in US Poland's state-owned Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) has managed to secure USD 4 billion for the purchases of armaments in the US, the prime minister has said. "We should appreciate the success achieved by the BGK CEO, Beata Daszynska-Muzyczka, who successfully …

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-09). Silvia Federici: Elogio del cuerpo que baila. indybay.org Un fragmento de "Ir más allá de la piel. Repensar, rehacer y reivindicar el cuerpo en el capitalismo contemporáneo", nuevo libro de Silvia Federici…

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