Monthly Archives: November 2022

2022-11-17: News Headlines

Alex Bainbridge (2022-11-17). Nilàºfer Koàß: 'Iran uprising gives new hope for oppressed people'. Nilàºfer Koàß from the Kurdish National Congress spoke at the Ecosocialism 2022 conference about the popular uprising in Iran, war in Ukraine and Rojava Revolution. Alex Bainbridge and Susan Price report.

WSWS (2022-11-17). Elon Musk issues ultimatum to Twitter employees: Submit to "extremely hardcore" culture, or face termination. In a rational society, a platform like Twitter would be publicly owned, but under capitalism it has become the plaything of a single billionaire oligarch, and a fascistic buffoon to boot.

WSWS (2022-11-17). Michigan Medicine worker speaks out against capitalism's COVID policy. "This place gave me COVID, but all they talk about is he, him or that I might be gay. I agree with the pandemic being a socially criminal policy, and this happening internationally."

_____ (2022-11-17). The Itaewon tragedy, a possible step towards national unity or a "Sewol" for Yoon Suk-yeol? On October 30, 2022, a deadly stampede in Seoul's Itaewon district tragically killed more than 1 people and left 1 others with various degrees of injuries. The stampede was the worst tragedy in South Korea since the Sewol ferry crash in 2014, which killed 304 people. It should be noted right away that the Itaewon …

Cynthia Papermaster (2022-11-17). Thursday 12/1: CODEPINK Co-Founder Medea Benjamin in conversation with Mickey Huff, Project Censored. Hillside Club, 2286 Cedar St., Berkeley…

INDYRADIO (2022-11-17). Raytheon and Eli Lily Lose Billions on Twitter. Shortly after Elon Musk decided to capitalize on the blue checkmark Twitter has used for "active, notable and authentic" accounts, billions of dollars worth of reputation was lost on Wall Street. Abuse of the "blue checkmark" by imposters brought corporate giants to their knees. You can provide anonymous feedback to Twitter about this debacle, via their help center.

Sara Flounders (2022-11-16). Which way for the antiwar movement? Demand 'Negotiations' or 'Stop the Wars'? As the war in Ukraine grows more protracted and dangerous, its consequences will arouse fear among many and opposition among those making the greatest sacrifices. The economic consequences of recession and growing inflation in the U.S. and the far greater disarray in the EU, caused by imposing sanctions on Russia, . . . |

Sara Flounders (2022-11-16). Which way for the antiwar movement?/ Demand 'Negotiations' or 'Stop the Wars'? As the war in Ukraine grows more protracted and dangerous, its consequences will arouse fear among many and opposition among those making the greatest sacrifices. The economic consequences of recession and growing inflation in the U.S. and the far greater disarray in the EU, caused by imposing sanctions on Russia, . . . |

WSWS (2022-11-16). The COVID-19 pandemic and the fight for socialism. The Socialist Equality Party (UK) Congress resolution explains: "The two alternatives posed before mankind are either unending mass infection, debilitation and death, or the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and implementation of a policy of global elimination, to end all human-to-human transmission of COVID-19."

_____ (2022-11-16). Why Did Eisenhower Fail in 1961? In 1961, in his famous farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned America about the military-industrial complex. He said it potentially posed a grave threat to liberty and democracy, noting that only an alert and knowledgable citizenry could keep its "disastrous rise" in check. In an earlier draft of his speech, Ike had included Congress as part of the complex, but he removed it from the final draft in the interest of parting with Congress on good terms.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-16). Russian Lancet Drones Take Out More Ukrainian Howitzers, Air-Defense Systems & Vehicles (Videos). ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS | The Russian military continues to use Lancet loitering munitions to take out high-value equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with great success. | On November 15 and 16, several videos documenting recent Lancet strikes against the AFU surfaced online. The pinpoint strikes targeted the following equipment: | A Soviet-made MT-T Eney heavy multipurpose transporter-tractor; | A Soviet-made T-72M1 battle tank; | A Soviet-made BM-21 multiple…

Brian Berletic (2022-11-16). Russian Missiles Strike Ukrainian Infrastructure, Ukrainian Missiles Strike Polish Farm. Update on Russian military operations in and around Ukraine for November 16, 2022 | Russia continues its campaign targeting Ukrainian infrastructure with missiles and drones; | A recent barrage consisted of over 90 missiles, significantly degrading Ukraine's power grid; | The West has said since April Russia was running out of missiles, yet large-scale use of missiles continues; | Russia is also now using long-range precision kamikaze drones meaning Russia appears to have a growing number of long-range precision weapons; | During the recent barrage it appears at least 2 Ukrainian air…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-16). VIDEO: Russia drone targets Israel armored vehicle in Ukraine. TEHRAN, Nov. 16 (MNA) — Footage shows the moment when the Russian drones destroyed the Israeli regime's armored vehicles in Ukraine operation.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-16). U.S. Will Have Spent $100B on Ukraine This Year. | Written by On November 15th, U.S. President Joe Biden

C.J. Polychroniou (2022-11-16). Chomsky: Options for Diplomacy Decline as Russia's War on Ukraine Escalates. Russia's war in Ukraine has gone on for nearly nine months, and it has now escalated to highly lethal levels. Putin is targeting Ukraine's energy infrastructure and has repeatedly raised the specter of nuclear weapons. The Ukrainians, on the other hand, continue to believe that they can defeat the Russians on the battlefield and even retake Crimea. Indeed, the war in Ukraine has no endgame in sight. As Noam Chomsky points out in the exclusive interview for Truthout that follows, the escalation of the conflict has pushed diplomatic options even further into the background. | Chomsky is institute professor emeritus…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-16). Russian Ministry of Defense Military Update November 16, 2022. Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of a special military operation in Ukraine ( 11/16/2022 ) On November 15, the Russian armed forces launched a massive strike by high-precision long-range weapons of air and sea based on the military control system of Ukraine and related energy facilities. The…

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2022-11-16). PSL Statement — Workers shouldn't be fooled: Trump is a tool of the ultra-rich. Trump is nothing more than a tool for the millionaires and billionaires to grow even more disgustingly rich while workers' rights are trampled on.

Fight Back (2022-11-16). Denver students bring the fight for demilitarization to campus CEO. Denver, CO – On November 10, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) continued their campaign against the Auraria Campus Police Department's (ACPD) ongoing participation in the Department of Defense's 1033 program, otherwise referred to as the LESO Program. The program provides police departments with military grade weapons and supplies. | Members of SDS Denver and their fellow students had a speakout at the center of campus, where they made their voices heard on the issue of campus militarization and the 1033 program. | A group of over a dozen students marched to Colleen Walker's office, who is the chief…

WSWS (2022-11-16). G20 meets amid mounting economic and geopolitical crisis. Global inflation is at its highest level in 40 years, recession is looming in a growing number of major economies, including the US, interest rates are rising as central banks tighten monetary policy, and a deepening food crisis is pushing millions of people into starvation.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-16). Military Situation In Iraq On November 15, 2022 (Map Update). The IRGC struck positions of PKK and PJAK terrorist groups in the Sidakan region with several missiles and suicide drones; | The IRGC struck positions of PKK and PJAK terrorist groups in the Koysanjaq area with several missiles and suicide drone; | The IRGC struck positions of PKK and PJAK terrorist groups in the south of Sulaymaniyah with several missiles and suicide drones; | At least two members of KDPI terrorist group were killed and 10 others were wounded by the I…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-16). Iran's IRGC Attacks Kurdish Militants In Northern Iraq With Missiles & Drones (Video). On November 14, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) carried out a series of strikes on positions of Iranian Kurdish militant opposition parties in the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq. | The semi-official Fars News Agency said that the IRGC had targeted "terrorist groups" in Kurdistan with missiles and drones. | A base of the Komala Party in Sulaymaniyah was struck with six drones and a base of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (DPIK) near Erbil with four missi…

Jessica Buxbaum (2022-11-16). Israeli Drone Sales Are Fueling Military Occupations Around The World. In addition to selling armed drones to oppressive regimes, widespread reports indicate that Israel has long used the armed unmanned aircraft to carry out strikes in Gaza, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, and Sudan.

_____ (2022-11-16). The UN calls on Israel to destroy its nuclear weapons. The United Nations General Assembly has finally voted on a resolution calling on Israel to destroy its entire nuclear arsenal and allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to visit its nuclear facilities. 152 countries voted "yes", five — Canada, Israel, Micronesia, Palau, and the United States — against, and another 24 countries, …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-16). G20 rejects use of nuke weapons as inadmissible: declaration. TEHRAN, Nov. 16 (MNA) — The leaders of the G20 rejected the use or the threat of using nuclear weapons as inadmissible in their declaration following the summit in Indonesia's Bali on Wednesday.

Infobrics (2022-11-16). Stopping support to Kiev the best way to respond to recent attack in Poland. The most effective way to resolve the crisis generated by the bombing in Poland is to stop sending of money and weapons to Kiev.

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-15). Ukraine Plans to Create 'Israel-Like' Arms Industry to Produce NATO-Caliber Weapons.

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2022-11-15). "Congressional Amendment Opens Floodgates for War Profiteers and a Major Ground War on Russia" Senators Inhofe and Reed from the Senate Armed Services Committee Photo credit: AP If the powerful leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senators Jack Reed (D) and Jim Inhofe (R), have their way, Congress will soon invoke wartime emergency powers to build up even greater stockpiles of Pentagon weapons. The amendment is supposedly designed …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-15). US Looking to Send Weapons From Its Own Military Stockpiles to Taiwan. The Washington Post reported Sunday that Congress drafted a plan with input from the White House to authorize $1 billion in military aid for Taiwan annually under the presidential drawdown authority, which allows the US to ship weapons directly from Pentagon stockpiles. The US has employed this authority to arm Ukraine, and the bulk of …

Alexander Rubinstein (2022-11-15). Blowback: Italian police bust Azov-tied Nazi cell planning terror attacks. The arrest of Italian neo-Nazis affiliated with the Ukrainian Azov Battalion highlights the terrifying potential for blowback from the Ukraine proxy war Italian police announced a series of raids against the neo-Nazi Order of Hagal organization. Accused of stockpiling weapons and planning terror attacks, the group has established operational ties to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion. Five members of an Italian neo-Nazi organization known as the "Order of Hagal" were arrested on November 15th while an additional member remains wanted by …

Staff (2022-11-15). EU has delivered $8 billion in arms for Ukraine war, 45% of U.S. total. Azeri Press AgencyNovember 14, 2022 Europeans have delivered weapons and equipment worth 8 bln euros to Kyiv, EU says The European Union and its member states have provided weapons and military equipment worth at least eight billion euros ($8.27 billion) to Ukraine, the bloc's top diplomat said on Monday…. This sum amounts to about 45% …

TeleSUR (2022-11-15). Russia Refutes Reports on Alleged Missile Crash in Poland. Polish radio station ZET reported hours earlier that two Russian missiles allegedly hit a barn in the town of Przewodów on the Ukrainian border, killing two civilians. | RELATED: | "Statements by the Polish media and officials about the alleged Russian missile strike near the locality of Przewodów are a deliberate provocation aimed at escalating the situation," the Russian military department said. | It said the…

Ben Radford (2022-11-15). Gustavo Petro, Nicolás Maduro at COP27: 'Capitalism will not cure the climate crisis'. Latin American leaders have used COP27 in Egypt to highlight the global capitalist system as the cause of the climate crisis and demand that rich countries take meaningful action, reports Ben Radford.

Suitbert Cechura, Guido Speckmann (2022-11-15). Who can afford capitalism anymore? and Why are prices rising? When the state now debates the need to create relief packages for employees, pensioners, unemployment benefit recipients, trainees and families, this is official confirmation that the result of wage labor is also poverty. The majority of citizens, however, find themselves in a dual role in the market economy: as workers & as King Customer, they are supposed to buy, to return the money.

WSWS (2022-11-15). The escalating class struggle in Britain and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party. British and world capitalism faces an economic, social and political crisis that increasingly assumes revolutionary dimensions.

WSWS (2022-11-15). "A way to tell the story of how the United States operates in the world": An interview with Jonathan M. Katz, author of Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America's Empire. Through recounting Butler's life and military career, Katz offers a brief but indelible history of the emergence of American imperialism in the first decades of the 20th century.

WSWS (2022-11-15). FTX collapse: A damning exposure of the criminality of capitalism. The fraudulent operations of the FTX crypto exchange would not have even made it to first base had it not been for the promotion it received from top levels of the media, political, financial, and even sporting establishment.

Fight Back (2022-11-15). Red Theory: Socialism and bourgeois right. The task of socialism is to transition from capitalist society to communist society, from a society ruled by and for the rich, based on exploitation and oppression, to a society without classes and without exploitation and oppression. When the working class takes power and expropriates the wealth and power of the capitalist class, the dictatorship of the proletariat will have to eliminate the contradictions carried over from capitalist society in a planned, thoroughgoing, and step-by-step way. One of the most important tasks of the socialist state is the elimination of what Marx called "bourgeois right." We alrea…

Natalie Marsat (2022-11-15). How to remain profitable in the cannabis market during a recession? George Stantchev, PhD, the CEO of COMERG, provides a detailed and insightful analysis of the effects of a recession on the cannabis market, and how companies can become future-proof. The world is changing daily. The world economy is affected by the market, pandemics, customs, ethnicity, religion, politics, etc. Whatever worked years ago will not be …

Editor (2022-11-15). Collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX had ties to Ukrainian government, WEF, and top Biden adviser. FTX had some eye-opening connections to powerful entities and individuals around the world before it all came crashing down.

____ (2022-11-15). China's surveyed urban unemployment rate at 5.5 pct in October. China's surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5.5 percent in October, flat from the September level, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-15). China sees 5.6% urban unemployment rate over past 10 months: data. China's average urban unemployment rate over the past 10 months was 5.6 percent, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). "All You Need to Know About Iran's Missiles, Drones" (+Video). TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — National Iranian TV will air a documentary on the military achievements in the fields of drones and missiles dubbed "All You Need to Know About Iran'S Missile and Drone Industries," on Tuesday night.

WSWS (2022-11-15). UK and France sign new repressive anti-immigration deal. The deal finances a 40 percent increase in the number of officers patrolling French beaches (from 200 to 300) and further use of high-tech equipment such as drones and night-vision cameras.

____ (2022-11-14). State weapons contractors capitalize on growing global market for munitions. An exhibitor introduces a YS-101 series loitering munition to visitors at the 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, this month.

____ (2022-11-15). Xi urges opposition to politicizing food, energy issues. Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday that the world should resolutely oppose the attempt to politicize food and energy issues or use them as tools and weapons.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). Israel main obstacle to creating Middle East free of WMD. TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — Iran's envoy to the UN said that the Zionist regime is the main obstacle to creating a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction, calling on the international community to assist the region in overcoming these obstacles.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). Israel produces WMDs under West's protection: Syria. TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — Syrian envoy to the United Nations has said that Israel produces weapons of mass destruction under West's protection…

2022-11-17 04:55:28 | 04:55 EST | tr | 49 | 25 | 19 | 6 | 0 

2022-11-16: News Headlines

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2022-11-16). PSL Statement — Workers shouldn't be fooled: Trump is a tool of the ultra-rich. Trump is nothing more than a tool for the millionaires and billionaires to grow even more disgustingly rich while workers' rights are trampled on.

Fight Back (2022-11-16). Denver students bring the fight for demilitarization to campus CEO. Denver, CO – On November 10, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) continued their campaign against the Auraria Campus Police Department's (ACPD) ongoing participation in the Department of Defense's 1033 program, otherwise referred to as the LESO Program. The program provides police departments with military grade weapons and supplies. | Members of SDS Denver and their fellow students had a speakout at the center of campus, where they made their voices heard on the issue of campus militarization and the 1033 program. | A group of over a dozen students marched to Colleen Walker's office, who is the chief…

WSWS (2022-11-16). G20 meets amid mounting economic and geopolitical crisis. Global inflation is at its highest level in 40 years, recession is looming in a growing number of major economies, including the US, interest rates are rising as central banks tighten monetary policy, and a deepening food crisis is pushing millions of people into starvation.

Sara Flounders (2022-11-16). Which way for the antiwar movement?/ Demand 'Negotiations' or 'Stop the Wars'? As the war in Ukraine grows more protracted and dangerous, its consequences will arouse fear among many and opposition among those making the greatest sacrifices. The economic consequences of recession and growing inflation in the U.S. and the far greater disarray in the EU, caused by imposing sanctions on Russia, . . . |

Cynthia Papermaster (2022-11-16). Thursday 12/1: CODEPINK Co-Founder Medea Benjamin in conversation with Mickey Huff, Project Censored. Hillside Club, 2286 Cedar St., Berkeley…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-16). Military Situation In Iraq On November 15, 2022 (Map Update). The IRGC struck positions of PKK and PJAK terrorist groups in the Sidakan region with several missiles and suicide drones; | The IRGC struck positions of PKK and PJAK terrorist groups in the Koysanjaq area with several missiles and suicide drone; | The IRGC struck positions of PKK and PJAK terrorist groups in the south of Sulaymaniyah with several missiles and suicide drones; | At least two members of KDPI terrorist group were killed and 10 others were wounded by the I…

Jessica Buxbaum (2022-11-16). Israeli Drone Sales Are Fueling Military Occupations Around The World. In addition to selling armed drones to oppressive regimes, widespread reports indicate that Israel has long used the armed unmanned aircraft to carry out strikes in Gaza, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, and Sudan.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-16). Iran's IRGC Attacks Kurdish Militants In Northern Iraq With Missiles & Drones (Video). On November 14, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) carried out a series of strikes on positions of Iranian Kurdish militant opposition parties in the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq. | The semi-official Fars News Agency said that the IRGC had targeted "terrorist groups" in Kurdistan with missiles and drones. | A base of the Komala Party in Sulaymaniyah was struck with six drones and a base of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (DPIK) near Erbil with four missi…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-16). Russian Lancet Drones Take Out More Ukrainian Howitzers, Air-Defense Systems & Vehicles (Videos). ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS | The Russian military continues to use Lancet loitering munitions to take out high-value equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with great success. | On November 15 and 16, several videos documenting recent Lancet strikes against the AFU surfaced online. The pinpoint strikes targeted the following equipment: | A Soviet-made MT-T Eney heavy multipurpose transporter-tractor; | A Soviet-made T-72M1 battle tank; | A Soviet-made BM-21 multiple…

INDYRADIO (2022-11-16). Raytheon and Eli Lily Lose Billions on Twitter. Shortly after Elon Musk decided to capitalize on the blue checkmark Twitter has used for "active, notable and authentic" accounts, billions of dollars worth of reputation was lost on Wall Street. Abuse of the "blue checkmark" by imposters brought corporate giants to their knees. You can provide anonymous feedback to Twitter about this debacle, via their help center.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-16). G20 rejects use of nuke weapons as inadmissible: declaration. TEHRAN, Nov. 16 (MNA) — The leaders of the G20 rejected the use or the threat of using nuclear weapons as inadmissible in their declaration following the summit in Indonesia's Bali on Wednesday.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-16). U.S. Will Have Spent $100B on Ukraine This Year. | Written by On November 15th, U.S. President Joe Biden

Infobrics (2022-11-16). Stopping support to Kiev the best way to respond to recent attack in Poland. The most effective way to resolve the crisis generated by the bombing in Poland is to stop sending of money and weapons to Kiev.

WSWS (2022-11-15). The escalating class struggle in Britain and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party. British and world capitalism faces an economic, social and political crisis that increasingly assumes revolutionary dimensions.

Ben Radford (2022-11-15). Gustavo Petro, Nicolás Maduro at COP27: 'Capitalism will not cure the climate crisis'. Latin American leaders have used COP27 in Egypt to highlight the global capitalist system as the cause of the climate crisis and demand that rich countries take meaningful action, reports Ben Radford.

Suitbert Cechura, Guido Speckmann (2022-11-15). Who can afford capitalism anymore? and Why are prices rising? When the state now debates the need to create relief packages for employees, pensioners, unemployment benefit recipients, trainees and families, this is official confirmation that the result of wage labor is also poverty. The majority of citizens, however, find themselves in a dual role in the market economy: as workers & as King Customer, they are supposed to buy, to return the money.

WSWS (2022-11-15). "A way to tell the story of how the United States operates in the world": An interview with Jonathan M. Katz, author of Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America's Empire. Through recounting Butler's life and military career, Katz offers a brief but indelible history of the emergence of American imperialism in the first decades of the 20th century.

WSWS (2022-11-15). FTX collapse: A damning exposure of the criminality of capitalism. The fraudulent operations of the FTX crypto exchange would not have even made it to first base had it not been for the promotion it received from top levels of the media, political, financial, and even sporting establishment.

Fight Back (2022-11-15). Red Theory: Socialism and bourgeois right. The task of socialism is to transition from capitalist society to communist society, from a society ruled by and for the rich, based on exploitation and oppression, to a society without classes and without exploitation and oppression. When the working class takes power and expropriates the wealth and power of the capitalist class, the dictatorship of the proletariat will have to eliminate the contradictions carried over from capitalist society in a planned, thoroughgoing, and step-by-step way. One of the most important tasks of the socialist state is the elimination of what Marx called "bourgeois right." We alrea…

Natalie Marsat (2022-11-15). How to remain profitable in the cannabis market during a recession? George Stantchev, PhD, the CEO of COMERG, provides a detailed and insightful analysis of the effects of a recession on the cannabis market, and how companies can become future-proof. The world is changing daily. The world economy is affected by the market, pandemics, customs, ethnicity, religion, politics, etc. Whatever worked years ago will not be …

Editor (2022-11-15). Collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX had ties to Ukrainian government, WEF, and top Biden adviser. FTX had some eye-opening connections to powerful entities and individuals around the world before it all came crashing down.

TeleSUR (2022-11-15). Russia Refutes Reports on Alleged Missile Crash in Poland. Polish radio station ZET reported hours earlier that two Russian missiles allegedly hit a barn in the town of Przewodów on the Ukrainian border, killing two civilians. | RELATED: | "Statements by the Polish media and officials about the alleged Russian missile strike near the locality of Przewodów are a deliberate provocation aimed at escalating the situation," the Russian military department said. | It said the…

____ (2022-11-15). China's surveyed urban unemployment rate at 5.5 pct in October. China's surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5.5 percent in October, flat from the September level, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-15). China sees 5.6% urban unemployment rate over past 10 months: data. China's average urban unemployment rate over the past 10 months was 5.6 percent, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.

WSWS (2022-11-15). UK and France sign new repressive anti-immigration deal. The deal finances a 40 percent increase in the number of officers patrolling French beaches (from 200 to 300) and further use of high-tech equipment such as drones and night-vision cameras.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). "All You Need to Know About Iran's Missiles, Drones" (+Video). TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — National Iranian TV will air a documentary on the military achievements in the fields of drones and missiles dubbed "All You Need to Know About Iran'S Missile and Drone Industries," on Tuesday night.

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-15). US Looking to Send Weapons From Its Own Military Stockpiles to Taiwan. The Washington Post reported Sunday that Congress drafted a plan with input from the White House to authorize $1 billion in military aid for Taiwan annually under the presidential drawdown authority, which allows the US to ship weapons directly from Pentagon stockpiles. The US has employed this authority to arm Ukraine, and the bulk of …

____ (2022-11-14). State weapons contractors capitalize on growing global market for munitions. An exhibitor introduces a YS-101 series loitering munition to visitors at the 14th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, this month.

____ (2022-11-15). Xi urges opposition to politicizing food, energy issues. Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday that the world should resolutely oppose the attempt to politicize food and energy issues or use them as tools and weapons.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). Israel main obstacle to creating Middle East free of WMD. TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — Iran's envoy to the UN said that the Zionist regime is the main obstacle to creating a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction, calling on the international community to assist the region in overcoming these obstacles.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-15). Israel produces WMDs under West's protection: Syria. TEHRAN, Nov. 15 (MNA) — Syrian envoy to the United Nations has said that Israel produces weapons of mass destruction under West's protection…

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-15). Ukraine Plans to Create 'Israel-Like' Arms Industry to Produce NATO-Caliber Weapons.

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2022-11-15). "Congressional Amendment Opens Floodgates for War Profiteers and a Major Ground War on Russia" Senators Inhofe and Reed from the Senate Armed Services Committee Photo credit: AP If the powerful leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senators Jack Reed (D) and Jim Inhofe (R), have their way, Congress will soon invoke wartime emergency powers to build up even greater stockpiles of Pentagon weapons. The amendment is supposedly designed …

Staff (2022-11-15). EU has delivered $8 billion in arms for Ukraine war, 45% of U.S. total. Azeri Press AgencyNovember 14, 2022 Europeans have delivered weapons and equipment worth 8 bln euros to Kyiv, EU says The European Union and its member states have provided weapons and military equipment worth at least eight billion euros ($8.27 billion) to Ukraine, the bloc's top diplomat said on Monday…. This sum amounts to about 45% …

Alexander Rubinstein (2022-11-15). Blowback: Italian police bust Azov-tied Nazi cell planning terror attacks. The arrest of Italian neo-Nazis affiliated with the Ukrainian Azov Battalion highlights the terrifying potential for blowback from the Ukraine proxy war Italian police announced a series of raids against the neo-Nazi Order of Hagal organization. Accused of stockpiling weapons and planning terror attacks, the group has established operational ties to the Ukrainian Azov Battalion. Five members of an Italian neo-Nazi organization known as the "Order of Hagal" were arrested on November 15th while an additional member remains wanted by …

Ian Angus (2022-11-14). Ecosocialist Bookshelf, November 2022. Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six new books for reds and greens.

WSWS (2022-11-14). Socialist Equality Party (UK) holds Sixth National Congress. The party's sixth congress was held under conditions of an extraordinary political, economic and social crisis gripping British and world capitalism.

WSWS (2022-11-14). Tax rises and severe cuts expected in autumn budget as Britain enters longest ever recession. This is nothing short of a declaration of war against the working class. It is not a plan for a one-off slash and burn budget, but an annual program of spending cuts and tax rises set to last at least five years.

Cynthia Papermaster (2022-11-14). COP27: Militarism Fuels the Climate Crisis. CODEPINK will join hundreds of high school students from all over the Bay Area, led by the group Youth Vs. Apocalypse (YVA), for a COP27 Climate Strike march with the theme "Militarism and Climate".

Anonymous103 (2022-11-14). Top Zelensky Advisor Threatens War With Iran. Written by Alexander Rubinstein. Originally published by the Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has called for attacks inside Iran as the country's drones cause setbacks for the Ukrainian military.: | On November 5, Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has advocated for military strikes on dro…

____ (2022-11-14). Stop Funding Climate Disaster. 2 Nov 2022 – Big Bankers Are Part of the Problem, Not the Solution — Declaration: We cannot save the planet from disastrous climate change without tackling financial markets. As long as trillions of dollars go unhindered to fund yet more fossil fuels and deforestation, it will not be possible to halt climate change or enable communities to adapt.

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-14). US Announces New Russia Sanctions Targeting Alleged Military Network. The US on Monday announced new Russia-related sanctions that target a network of people and companies accused of helping Moscow procure weapons. The Treasury Department said that 14 individuals and 28 entities were targeted by the new sanctions that are allegedly helping Russia procure weapons or providing financial assistance to Moscow. Unlike previous sanctions, the …

Aram Aharonian (2022-11-14). El nuevo capitalismo de plataformas y vigilancia, øEl adiós a la esperanza? El contexto de la pandemia de la covid-19 creó las condiciones adecuadas para disponer de un marco institucional y normativo capaz de modificar las mentalidades, costumbres y valores de nuestras sociedades, impulsando nuevos deseos, hábitos y valores, pero, sobre todo,…

2022-11-16 16:11:35 | 16:11 EST | jz | 45 | 9 | 25 | 13 | 0