Monthly Archives: October 2022

2022-10-23: News Headlines

W Herzberg, U Sander, B Trautvetter (2022-10-23). Negotiated solution – No alternative! Does anyone really believe that more and more state-of-the-art weapons, no matter how tough sanctions and huge financial injections could produce peace? …The survival of humanity depends in part on this business of death no longer having a future, and it begins at any moment. Prospects are rising as the forces for survival come together.

Staff (2022-10-22). Russia rejects claims of Tehran providing drones to Moscow. TEHRAN, Oct. 22 (MNA) — Allegations by Kyiv and Western countries that Iran is providing unmanned aerial vehicles to Russia are fake news, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said at a UN Security Council meeting.

Staff (2022-10-22). 'Martyr Bagheri' vessel to be equipped with drone, missile. TEHRAN, Oct. 22 (MNA) — The Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy said that about 60 drones can fly from the 'Martyr Bagheri' vessel's deck.

_____ (2022-10-22). India exhibits its state-of-the-art weapons. The 12th International Defense Exhibition DefExpo 2022 opened on October 18 in the western Indian state of Gujarat. Defense ministers from 25 countries are expected to attend the exhibition, with representatives from 75 countries participating. The theme of the exhibition is "The Path to Pride," reflecting Republic Prime Minister Narendra Modi's intention to make India …

Eric A. Gordon (2022-10-21). The Czech Communist Party continues its struggle against capitalism. CAPARICA, Portugal — Ondra Kazik, 37, member of the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party, officially called the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM), was interviewed by People's World at the Avante! Festival in Portugal in early September. Before the defeat of socialism, in the late 1980s, what is now the Czech Republic …

2022-10-23 01:46:32 | 01:46 EST | jz | 7 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 

2022-10-22: News Headlines

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-22). Friday 12/9: Film: Chinatown Rising Screening and Filmmaker Discussion. Chinatown / Him Mark Lai Branch Library | 1135 Powell Street | San Francisco, CA 94108…

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-10-22). Exmilitares aceptan responsabilidad por falsos positivos en Colombia. El general retirado Henry William Torres Escalante aceptó los cargos de autor mediato de crímenes de lesa humanidad, asesinato y desaparición forzada de personas.

Cine Mas SF (2022-10-22). Sunday 10/23: San Francisco Latino Film Festival -Closing Screening. Roxie Theater | 3117 16th Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

The Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation (2022-10-22). Tuesday 12/6: Film screening of Uprising (directed by filmmaker Jon Avnet). The Contemporary Jewish Museum | 736 Mission Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-22). Friday 12/30: Author: Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods moderated by Piper Kerman. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-22). Monday 12/12: Author: Zara Stone and Joe Loya in conversation, Killer Looks. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-10-22). Sunday 10/23: Kickoff for World Dashiki Week 2022. The African Outlet | 4942 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94124…

Friends of Cuba (2022-10-22). Thursday 11/3: The World Stand With Cuba! We Call On Nancy Pelosi: Let Cuba Live! San Francisco Federal Building (7th + Mission)…

Allan Fisher (2022-10-22). Saturday 10/22: All Out for Palestine. Corner of Ocean andWater Streets, Santa Cruz…

Martha Hubert (2022-10-22). Friday 10/21: Justice, Not Jenkins! San Francisco Police Officers Association | 800 Bryant (@ 6th) | San Francisco, CA…

WSWS (2022-10-22). New York City retirees protest attempts by Adams administration and unions to slash health benefits. The protest is only the latest part of a year-long struggle by retired city workers against a plan that would force them to switch from Medicare to for-profit Medicare Advantage.

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-22). Tuesday 12/13: Film: Belly of the Beast, Screening and Filmmaker Discussion. [ONLINE] San Francisco Main Library…

Haiti Action Committee (2022-10-22). Wednesday 10/26: Oppose Expanded US/UN Military Intervention in Haiti! San Francisco Federal Building at 90 – 7th Street between Market and Mission Streets, near Powell Street BART.

San Francisco Public Library (2022-10-22). Wednesday 12/14: Presentation: Damien Linnane, Illustrator of This is Ear Hustle. [ONLINE] San Francisco Main Library…

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-10-22). Inundaciones dejan más de 2,8 millones de afectados en Nigeria. Como consecuencia de las inundaciones en el país, estiman que 1,3 millones de personas han sido desplazadas.

Staff (2022-10-22). Para apuntar: øQué efectos tiene la crisis de Europa en la economía mundial? Miles de personas en el viejo continente han salido por estos días a las calles en rechazo a la crisis económica y energética provocada por las sanciones impuestas a Rusia por sus Gobiernos. La situación puede tornarse aún más compleja para los países europeos en el invierno. øQué efectos podría tener esta coyuntura en la economía mundial? øQué podría ocurrir en América Latina y el Caribe?

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-10-22). Suspenden compra, venta y transferencia de armas de fuego en Canadá. El primer ministro canadiense reiteró que las personas tampoco podrán ingresar al país armas de fuego recién adquiridas al país.

2022-10-22 05:33:00 | 05:33 EST | tr | 19 | 0 | 0 | 17 | 0