Daily Archives: September 25, 2022

2022-09-25: News Headlines

James Corbett (2022-09-25). VIDEO: The Privatization of Nuclear War, Towards a World War III Scenario. globalresearch.ca While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using "new technologies" and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality.

____ (2022-09-25). NASA's spacecraft to kick asteroid off course. ecns.cn A spacecraft built by NASA is set to intentionally crash into a small asteroid as part of a planetary protection test mission. The spacecraft, known as Double Asteroid Redirection Test (Dart), is expected to collide with an asteroid in the early hours of Thursday, September 27.

Staff (2022-09-25). Consejo funerario para aprendices de capitalismo. cubadebate.cu La propiedad privada no creó al Capitalismo. Este último la perpetúa y la hace "sacrosanta". Quien creó la propiedad privada fue el egoísmo humano. La corrupción, el burocratismo, la discriminación, la desigualdad, la injusticia social y la explotación humana y ambiental, no son creaciones comunistas. El pecado original del Socialismo fue reproducir esos vicios que lo matan.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-09-24). Video: The Dangers of Nuclear War are "REAL": Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using "new technologies" and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality.

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